Guest Anglesault Report post Posted November 30, 2002 If Jeff really is this bad off, I hope that Vince checks him into rehab soon. Don't fire him, but I think if Vince worked with him, as he appears to be doing, and helps Jeff get into a situation where he can clean himself up, Jeff can still be useful. Jeff will never be useful at all. Vince best bet is to get him into rehab and when he gets out, back Jeff's musical career. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MixxMaster Report post Posted November 30, 2002 What follows in an opinion, and is un-substantiatedHmmm, MAYBE, just maybe the whole reason Vince seems to protect Jeff, and try to keep him going, is that he doesn't WANT to have to fire him. He could get in some trouble with groups like GLAAD, for firing a homosexual. Even though Jeff isn't "out" in the publics' eyes, doesn't mean that Vince doesn't know...It does make sense to me, Vince knows that Jeff is gay, so he doesn't want to get in that much trouble for firing him, the potential publicity could be horrendous for his company that is already hurting... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted November 30, 2002 If Jeff really is this bad off, I hope that Vince checks him into rehab soon. Don't fire him, but I think if Vince worked with him, as he appears to be doing, and helps Jeff get into a situation where he can clean himself up, Jeff can still be useful. Jeff will never be useful at all. Vince best bet is to get him into rehab and when he gets out, back Jeff's musical career. That, too, is a viable option. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted November 30, 2002 I have to say I like Jeff and feel sorry for him more than anything else. . I have no sympathy for drug addicts. This was said before, but no one knows that he is doing drugs. Yes, he is using pain killers, but I am sure EVERY wrestler uses them. Jeff actually has chronic fatigue syndrom, a real disease. Jeff has done nothing wrong for him to get fired. If anything, half of the roster should get fired for using drugs. I am sure those pimples on Test, Angles, Edges, Benoits, Bookers, Triple-Juice's back are from not washing their back properly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Hmmm, MAYBE, just maybe the whole reason Vince seems to protect Jeff, and try to keep him going, is that he doesn't WANT to have to fire him. He could get in some trouble with groups like GLAAD, for firing a homosexual. That will never happen. Vince would not be firing him because he is gay. It is not a fact that he is gay (Well, it is, but it isn't, ya know) and Vince keeps other gay workers on the roster. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest buffybeast Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Jeff actually has chronic fatigue syndrom, a real disease. Jeff has done nothing wrong for him to get fired. Are you sure? I mean seriously, do you know this to be true? I've read about this disease and though the symptoms vary from person to person, generally people who suffer from this can barely get out of bed every day, let alone exercise. I question the validity of Jeff having this disease. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Jeff actually has chronic fatigue syndrom, a real disease. Jeff has done nothing wrong for him to get fired. Are you sure? I mean seriously, do you know this to be true? I've read about this disease and though the symptoms vary from person to person, generally people who suffer from this can barely get out of bed every day, let alone exercise. I question the validity of Jeff having this disease. Well, no, I don't know for a fact. I read it at either 1wrestling, PWTorch or WO. But do we know anything that we read on the net is a fact or not? Like Triple-Juice's backstage power is only known because of what wrestling news we get from either of those three sites. However, it is has been reported somewhere, other then people just guessing that he does the h-bomb. Besides, people have a different degree of diseases. For example, some people's diabetes is more severe then others. So, it would make sense that people with chronic fatigue syndrome have it worse than others. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted November 30, 2002 I think the drug problem has been reported as well, several times. CFS got like one mention. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Respect The 'Taker Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Good god, FIRE THAT MAN! I don't think firing him is the answer. Jeff can be helped, first however Vince needs to acknowledge that the kid has been bumped, beaten and thrown around like CRAZY for the better part of 5 years and NEEDS TIME OFF TO HEAL. A good few months off for Jeff to slow himself down and let his body re-energise will help get rid of the painkillers he's obviously taking and return him to his previous state of mind. I like Jeff, who couldn't after he sported that Marilyn Manson-1998-esque face paint on RAW this week. Illusion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest teke184 Report post Posted November 30, 2002 No matter what the cause, there's NO way Jeff should be in the ring in this condition doing the style he does. If you do a kick-punch brawling style and you get sloppy, the someone may get a broken nose then beat the living shit out of you. If you do swantons and run the rails then screw it up, then you could break your neck, as well as that of your opponent or a fan. Simply put, Jeff either needs to have time off if he's "fatigued" or, more likely, needs to go to rehab. I think he's on either downers or heroin because I have NEVER seen a talent on the national level look that much in slow motion and blow so many spots for so long, with the possible exception of Sabu. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Good god, FIRE THAT MAN! I don't think firing him is the answer. Jeff can be helped, first however Vince needs to acknowledge that the kid has been bumped, beaten and thrown around like CRAZY for the better part of 5 years and NEEDS TIME OFF TO HEAL. A good few months off for Jeff to slow himself down You have to watch put there, though, because lord knows what his state of mind is, and he may take that the wrong way and try to off himself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Banky Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Vince, in with his NUMEROUS indiscretions, has always been compassionate to his wrestlers plights. He has payed for rehab for numerous people such as British Bulldog, Eddie Guerrero, Sean Waltman, and so forth. He understands his demanding schedule leads people to these kind of problems, and he deals with them accordingly. I credit him for being an understanding boss where he understands the potential harm of the business in one's personal and professional life. Look at Guerrero, this guy was in the shits from 1996-2001, and Vince took care of him. When Eddie came to the point that he wouldn't even help himself, let alone from the company, Vince fired him. It woke Eddie up, sent him to AA, and Vince hired him less than 6 months later. Thats cool of Vince. Now, just because many people don't like Jeff Hardy, it doesn't mean Vince shouldn't help him out. It is good Vince has become a father figure of sorts to him. I personally don't care for Jeff's whole style, but he doesn't need to suffer needlessly. Vince is right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted November 30, 2002 You said father figure. Jeff lost a parent...was it his dad? If so, Vince as a father figure could really help him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted November 30, 2002 i don't know why, but that last post made me laugh out loud. (I'm drunk, that might have helped.) As another question, i know i'm probably sounding retarded for asking, but does anyone actually have PROOF jeff is gay? Because i've never really seen any. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Banky Report post Posted November 30, 2002 i don't know why, but that last post made me laugh out loud. (I'm drunk, that might have helped.) As another question, i know i'm probably sounding retarded for asking, but does anyone actually have PROOF jeff is gay? Because i've never really seen any. Yea, that MUST be the reason why he is in his current condition. //ignorance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest buffybeast Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Jeff actually has chronic fatigue syndrom, a real disease. Jeff has done nothing wrong for him to get fired. Are you sure? I mean seriously, do you know this to be true? I've read about this disease and though the symptoms vary from person to person, generally people who suffer from this can barely get out of bed every day, let alone exercise. I question the validity of Jeff having this disease. Well, no, I don't know for a fact. I read it at either 1wrestling, PWTorch or WO. But do we know anything that we read on the net is a fact or not? Like Triple-Juice's backstage power is only known because of what wrestling news we get from either of those three sites. However, it is has been reported somewhere, other then people just guessing that he does the h-bomb. Besides, people have a different degree of diseases. For example, some people's diabetes is more severe then others. So, it would make sense that people with chronic fatigue syndrome have it worse than others. Fair enough. But I am still skeptical that chronic fatigue syndrome is his problem. I suspect Jeff's problem is a combination of things, mental fatigue, depression, drug and/or alcohol abuse, etc. And Jeff and Matt lost their mother when they were 3 and 5 years old, respectively. I think their father is still alive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Whatever his problem is there's no reason to keep him on a major TV show. Throw him on Velocity or Heat so can cover up his screwups and he can't screw up anything important. He'd be depushed but still on TV so his fragile little mind doesn't freak out from thinking "oh my god i'm off tv i'm a terribe person". Whatever the reason if he's a mental case take him off the major shows. Send his dumbass to the Smackdown roster if "being alone" is his problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Respect The 'Taker Report post Posted November 30, 2002 You have to watch put there, though, because lord knows what his state of mind is, and he may take that the wrong way and try to off himself. I'm starting to think your taking the same shit Hardy is, Mr.Anglesault... 'You have to watch put there' WHAT? 'off himself' ...Is this one of those terms im just NOT cool enough to understand? Please rephrase yourself, my humble Illusion-ite Illusion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted November 30, 2002 It's "out" not "put" sorry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Jeff needs a boot in the ass, not a pat on the back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted November 30, 2002 He could get in some trouble with groups like GLAAD, for firing a homosexual. Even though Jeff isn't "out" in the publics' eyes, doesn't mean that Vince doesn't know...It does make sense to me, Vince knows that Jeff is gay, so he doesn't want to get in that much trouble for firing him Sometimes, I have to wonder what you guys are on when you think of homosexuals.. And yes, I guess I just outed myself here, but if so oh well. Seriously, even if Jeff was some depressed flame, there's no way he'd file one of those kinds of suits without having to reveal that he'd be gay, and there would go all his heat wherever else he goes.. Only the wacky Gay Pride types immediately start thinking people are firing them because they're gay. Not the closet cases. People seem to froget the guy is, like, 25 years old. He doesn't need total babying, but he's obviously got problems (he's almost thin as a rail anymore.) If Vince wants to take him aside and put him into rehab, good for Vince. Jeff could probably benefit from that. As for Vince As A Second Dad, I have difficulty discussion that seriously, because I keep getting this mental image of Vince, Linda, Shane, Steph, HHH, and Jeff at a table for Thanksgiving. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SuperTonyJaymz Report post Posted November 30, 2002 That would be the single msot entertaining thing ever Triple H: Vince-uh can you pass-uh the sweet potatoes-uh? Jeff: So Dad, howd I do today? I tried really relally hard Vince: Ho Ho ho, Jeff you did great! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Respect The 'Taker Report post Posted November 30, 2002 That would be the single msot entertaining thing ever Triple H: Vince-uh can you pass-uh the sweet potatoes-uh? Jeff: So Dad, howd I do today? I tried really relally hard Vince: Ho Ho ho, Jeff you did great! Hahahahahahaha, oh my god...PUT THAT MAN ON THE BOOKING TEAM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Vince: Shane, Say Grace. Shane" Yo Yo Yo, Holmes, don't you get that grace is totally WHACK! Vince: Stephanie? Stephanie: Dear God... HHH: AHEM-uh! Stephanie: Sorry Baby. Dear Being that is totally inferior to hunter, thanks for all this food, and you should thank Hunter fo allowing you to take the credit! AMEN-UH! Linda: You know, back in my day, people didn't claim to be God... Jeff: There is no God. Vince: That's nice Jeff. But what happens when you die? Jeff: Death just shows the ultimate absurdity of life. ::Awkward silence:: Marissa Mazola: I knew I was making a mistake. Shane: YO YO YO YO YO! What was that, my phat hunny? Marissa: Never mind. Jeff Can you pass the turkey? Jeff: You think I'm a turkey? ::Shoot self:: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SuperTonyJaymz Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Watch out Osbournes, we'e got an even more dysfuncional family...The McMahons! See what happens when Shane and his friends wreck the house! I men, can you imagine Shane, Steve Blackman, Big Show and Test having a party? Five bucks say Show wrecks the toilet Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Don't forget Booker coming out from the kitchen. Vince: "Damnit Booker I told you i was only inviting you to cook the turkey" Booker: "Yeah I know, but i was wondering if i could eat with you all" Vince: "Damnit Booker i told you we have a table set up in the kitchen for you to eat at" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Quik Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Vince: Shane, Say Grace. Shane" Yo Yo Yo, Holmes, don't you get that grace is totally WHACK! Vince: Stephanie? Stephanie: Dear God... HHH: AHEM-uh! Stephanie: Sorry Baby. Dear Being that is totally inferior to hunter, thanks for all this food, and you should thank Hunter fo allowing you to take the credit! AMEN-UH! Linda: You know, back in my day, people didn't claim to be God... Jeff: There is no God. Vince: That's nice Jeff. But what happens when you die? Jeff: Death just shows the ultimate absurdity of life. ::Awkward silence:: Marissa Mazola: I knew I was making a mistake. Shane: YO YO YO YO YO! What was that, my phat hunny? Marissa: Never mind. Jeff Can you pass the turkey? Jeff: You think i'ma turkey? ::Shoot self:: My mother (from upstairs over "Lithium" playing on my stereo) just asked what the hell I'm laughing at. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Respect The 'Taker Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Screw this arguement, YOU PEOPLE KNOW NOTHING, it's time to ask the Hulkster... Hogan - "Brother, that punk Jeff Hardy is nothin' on the Hulkster, DUDE. I could break that kid in half just by lookin' at him, brother! I say fire Jeff Hardy and put the Hulkster back in the main event, dude, so i can ask The Big Show that question that he has been fearing his entire life - WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN HULKAMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU!" *Que 2 hours of posing* ...thanks Hulk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Actually I was visualizing Jeff sitting around all doped and painted up just jittering away when... HHH: Look what I can do! HHH gets up on the table, rips his shirt off, grabs the gravy bowl, pours a mouthfull into his mouth and spews it into the air. Cut to shots of Linda, Vince, etc all sitting absolutely still with spewed gravy all over them. Then, Stephanie does the Slow Clap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted November 30, 2002 See what happens when Shane and his friends wreck the house! I men, can you imagine Shane, Steve Blackman, Big Show and Test having a party? Five bucks say Show wrecks the toilet Actually, I keep picturing HHH and the Clique. Shawn enters with a boom box playing his own theme ala Matt a few weeks ago.. And then the roughhousing.... Hall: Hey, yo. Watch this. This is the cool thing now, man. *Hall makes his pointing gesture to Nash, while Nash sits and makes picture frames with his hands* Waltman: UH.... Yeah. Nash: Hey Hunter, watch this! *Nash shoves HHH into the wall does the leg lefting thing and puts his boot to HHH's throat* HHH: Aack-uh! Nash: Hah! This boot-to-throat move cannot be blocked! Nobody has thought of using their hands and moving it out of the way yet! Isn't it brilliant? HHH: Sure-uh. But could you please...? Nash: No! You gotta sell! Not until you sell, Hunter! HHH: But selling-uh.. That goes against everything I.... Hall (stumbling around) Oh.. Whoa... That's some damn good Cognac. *Hall trips on the carpet, slipping Nash and making him fall over.* Nash: MY QUAD~! HHH: Whew.. I almost had to sell there. Shawn: You alright? *Shawn smacks his hand against HHH's back. HHH oversells, falls to the ground, and stands up wobbling with a manly bladejob* Shawn: Hey, that's pretty good work there. HHH: Anything for a pal..... Vince (fuming): OUT!!! OUT! Look at all the violence! This isn't main event style at all. No more of this! If you guys want to play rough, you have to do it Jeff Jarett's house! Waltman: I think I will! Cmon, Scott! Hall: *hic* I'm-a comin'. Vince: And I hear Jerry's got that Vince Russo guy over at his place too. Waltman: .............. SHIT. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites