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Guest MrRant

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Guest MrRant



[bart, disguised as a Klansman, describes his qualifications as a villain.]

Bart: Stampeding cattle.

Hedley Lamarr: That's not much of a crime.

Bart: Through the Vatican?

Hedley Lamarr: [smiling] Kinky! Sign here.

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Guest Sassquatch

That was a good scene too.


The ending was a tad overboard though IMO but Lamar's final scene was great.

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Guest MrRant

Did you see Mel Brooks wrote like all the damn songs in that movie? He has too much talent.

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Guest Sassquatch

Mel was also the guy who baked all the food for the food fight scene.





"I work for Mel Brooks!"

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Guest Sassquatch

Mel is looked at as being an overrated director/producer more than anything else in Hollywood and Gene Wilder is really only remembered for "Charlie and the Chocolate Factor" along with being the late Gilda Radner's husband.

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Guest MrRant
Mel is looked at as being an overrated director/producer more than anything else in Hollywood and Gene Wilder is really only remembered for "Charlie and the Chocolate Factor" along with being the late Gilda Radner's husband.

OVERRATED? Bastards. Especially on Gene... what about See No Evil, Hear No Evil? or The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother? Or Young Frankenstein?


By the way... from High Anxiety:


[bursting into Thorndyke's room]

Victoria Brisbane: Get away from the door. Be quiet, they'll hear you! Don't move. Go inside. Go to your room. The drapes! Close the drapes! Good, now the other one. Get down! Lower. Good. Now come here. Get up. Sit down. Not there, here. There.



Victoria Brisbane: I'm sorry, please forgive me. I'm just SO close to my menstrual cycle I could SCREAM.

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Guest Sassquatch

Young Frankenstein is good but which movie do you see shown more on TV?


Charlie or the other Wilder movies you mentioned?


It's a shame too because Wilder has been in some very decent movies that I feel have been overlooked (which you just named off).

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Guest MrRant

See/Hear no evil and Holmes were on the Encore channels all the time. My Tivo recorded them automatically for me. :lol: But his a very talented actor... he also directed Sherlock Holmes.

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Guest Sassquatch

Do you have your Tivo set to tape "Wilder" movies?




See/Hear No Evil and Holmes might have been on a lot but I'm willing to bet if you ask a random person on the street what movies Gene Wilder starred in the first ones they will mention will be either Charlie or Frankensten Jr.


How is Tivo working out for you?

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Guest MrRant

Very well. It has learned my preferences greatly. It recorded those two based on the fact that I watched Blazing Saddles and have recorded a few other comedies. I have set to record any and all Mel Brooks movies and George Carlin standups as well as Married With Children.


It records Golden Girls all the time because the other half watches it lol.


I agree with your assesment though. Don't get me wrong... I LOVE Willy Wonka as I think Wilder was superb.

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Guest Sassquatch

Wilder did an excellent job as Wonka and I doubt anyone else could have fit the character of Wonka any better at the time.


The Golden Girls?


That's something new. My girlfriend likes Three's Company but the Golden Girls I can't understand why any female under the age of 30 would like.

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Guest MrRant

Well I used to watch it when I was a kid when my mom did so its actually fairly funny in some spots. YOU NEED A TIVO... EVERYONE DOES. Only $249 for a 40hr but if you order from Tivo.com you get a LOR DVD, Free shipping and a $50 rebate. I don't even watch live TV that much anymore.

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Guest Sassquatch

So you can have Tivo tape an entire day's worth of TV with all of the specific channels you want?

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Guest MrRant

Yeah and it will auto record stuff based on stuff you record/watch through its suggestions. You can even set it to say.... record only new episodes of Friends and it will just record the new ones and skip repeats for the whole season.

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Guest Sassquatch

I currently have Digital installed on my TV but I might think about switching over to Tivo after all of the things you just told me.

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Guest MrRant
I currently have Digital installed on my TV but I might think about switching over to Tivo after all of the things you just told me.

Well Tivo isn't a digital cable box so you would probably want to keep that. To get a good idea of what it does and what you can do with it check out www.tivocommunity.com . Lots of good info about hacking the box to upgrade to like 200+ hours of recording time etc.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

All this talk of Gene Wilder and no mention of The Producers? For shame.


It is springtime for hitler, after all.

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Guest Sassquatch

We're actually supposed to blame Hoff...


But I guess Flyboy is the Smarts designated whipping boy.



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Guest Sassquatch

Someone should start a "Blame Flyboy" thread where we blame everything that goes wrong on Flyboy...



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