Guest Your Olympic Hero Report post Posted December 2, 2002 On Heat tonight, the Coach spoke of the problems between HHH and HBK, and then entered RVD into the scenario, saying he wanted revenge on HHH for costing him the belt and injuring his idol. Does this mean a 3 way at Armageddon, or just HHH beating RVD in a #1 contenders match on Raw? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 2, 2002 I'll guess the latter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DJ Jeff Report post Posted December 2, 2002 The smart thing to do would be for the WWE to go with the Triple Threat match. Since that would be the smart thing to do, expect HHH to beat RVD in a #1 Contender's match on RAW. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kamui Report post Posted December 2, 2002 Well, this one is a duh: -Triple Threat at Armageddon in which HHH pins RVD to get his title back. Which leads to: -HHH pinning HBK in a re-match ("You didn't pin me for that title, you pinned the job boy that's more over than the both of us combined!") at Royal Rumble to finally end his career once and for all. There. -Duo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonX 0 Report post Posted December 2, 2002 The smart thing to do would be for the WWE to go with the Triple Threat match. Since that would be the smart thing to do, expect HHH to beat RVD in a #1 Contender's match on RAW. Actually the logical thing would be to have RVD pin HHH in a number one contenders match and do a rematch between HBK and RVD with the added stipulation being HHH is barred from ringside. The match ends with RVD winning the belt and HHH attacking him after the match, resulting in Bischoff firing HHH and Steph hiring HHH to SD so he can scorch earth SD and make SD the sucky show while Raw rebuilds... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 2, 2002 Here's what they should do: Not push HHH right away again. It's just crazy enough to work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AlwaysPissedOff Report post Posted December 2, 2002 Actually the logical thing would be to have RVD pin HHH in a number one contenders match and do a rematch between HBK and RVD with the added stipulation being HHH is barred from ringside. As if being barred from ringside has ever stopped screwjob finishes before... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Heel In Peril Report post Posted December 2, 2002 Well, this one is a duh: -Triple Threat at Armageddon in which HHH pins RVD to get his title back. Which leads to: -HHH pinning HBK in a re-match ("You didn't pin me for that title, you pinned the job boy that's more over than the both of us combined!") at Royal Rumble to finally end his career once and for all. There. -Duo I don't like it one bit, but this is probably what's gonna end up happening in order to tease the RVD victory, send off HBK, and give HHH another title reign. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted December 2, 2002 I think Armageddon should be HBK vs RVD in a ladder match. If they want, make it HBK vs RVD vs HHH with RVD and Shawn spending most of their time on the ladders and HHH pulverizing whoever falls off. However, RVD needs to win. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MillenniumMan831 Report post Posted December 2, 2002 I heard somewhere that there would be a 6-Man Tag Match for The World Title: HHHHHHHHHHHH / Flair / Batista vs. RVD / HBK / Kane And I also heard from this same source that after 10 minutes of campin' out on the apron, HHH will be given the hot tag and will effectively pin RVD to win The World Title, BUT WAIT . . . Sean Morley will come down and make this match a Survivor Series elimination match, so HHH pedigrees S&M. HBK trying to catch HHH offguard will also be pedigreed and pinned. So Kane comes in and wants a piece of Batista, so HHH pedigrees and pins Batista (his own tag partner). Kane gets more of the same, and everyone's favorite wrestler HHH wins the match. During the celebration with Ric Flair, HHH pedigrees and pins him too because Flair as a message to him because no one would ever buy him as a main eventer anyway. So HHH grabs the mic and decrees there is some unfinished business and says the following: HHH: You know uhhh . . . some of you may have noticed that I have been walking around here with a chip on my shoulder. You wanna know why uhhh? Do you?!? Do you really wanna know why I've been walking around with a God Damn chip on my shoulder?!? (Dramatic Pause . . .) Well, it's because I DO HAVE A GODDAMN CHIP ON MY SHOULDER!!! JR: Whoa King, The Game means business. HHH: I'm tired of being screwed around by the office, being held back uhhh . . ., and not being able to run things around here. Well you know what? Those days are OVER . . . . Okay, I can't really transcribe this whole shpiel, but the meat and potatoes of it is that he demands a rematch with The Ultimate Warrior and gets it THAT night and I'll leave it as a mental exercise to the reader to guess the outcome of this volatile confrontation. There, now everyone can save their $30 and go buy about 40 packs of Starburst. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 2, 2002 They need to stop pushing HHH if they want RAW to work. Look at what RAW is...HHH and a bunch of guys who can't beat him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted December 2, 2002 That's what I'm saying. If they want HHH as a main eventer, fine. But he's got to Not Win a bit. At least a 3man ladder match means he wouldn't have to directly job. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Heel In Peril Report post Posted December 2, 2002 Hahaha. Good shit, MillenniumMan831. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NYCTA Bus No. PA1767 Report post Posted December 2, 2002 Now MilleniumMan knows HHH and the fundamentals of HHHian grammar! No one should make HHH skits and promos except him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted December 2, 2002 I wish daily that HHH and Steph break up. But never happens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted December 2, 2002 They need to stop pushing HHH if they want RAW to work. Look at what RAW is...HHH and a bunch of guys who can't beat him. And a cripple that can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 2, 2002 *smacks head* Vince is a genius. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jester Report post Posted December 2, 2002 Here's what should happen: RVD should beat HHH clean for the #1 contender's spot. RVD should beat HBK clean for the belt despite HHH interfence on RVD. HHH should beat HBK later for a shot at RVD's belt. Then RVD beats HHH clean despite Flair interference, and he no-sells three pedigrees and the sledgehammer. RVD beats HHH in a clean squash at a Hell in a Cell rematch. Then HHH feuds with Goldust and loses. Then HHH feuds with Jeff Hardy and loses. HHH feuds with Stacy Keibler and loses. Then Spike Dudley should use HHH to mop up some dog shit. Then HHH should open a Raw with a 20 minute promo in which he declares this new batch of steroids makes him feel great, that he is the greatest wrestler since Giant Gonzales, that he is sexually attracted to horses, that he has a strange growth in his anus, and that he is hung like a timid mouse, which makes masturbating six times a day as he would like to very difficult If HHH objects to this booking, he joins the washed up clique crew in TNA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted December 2, 2002 I will bet my left nut that Triple-Juice will win tonight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nikowwf Report post Posted December 2, 2002 What kills me the most is the constant HHH push is actually HURTING him rather than helping him as no one wants to see his feuds cause its obvious that he's going drama at all. His best bet would be to go down the card and find a compelling feud...then move up later (not in one month, more like 6 months) with renewed fan interest. niko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest eirejmcmahon Report post Posted December 2, 2002 I fully expect RVD to appear in some crappy ECW themed tag match tonight while HHH/HBK get on with the business of moving the belt back to The Game at the next PPV. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonX 0 Report post Posted December 2, 2002 What kills me the most is the constant HHH push is actually HURTING him rather than helping him as no one wants to see his feuds cause its obvious that he's going drama at all. His best bet would be to go down the card and find a compelling feud...then move up later (not in one month, more like 6 months) with renewed fan interest. niko Actually the best thing for HHH to do is to just do a clean job to Shawn and go away for an entire year with no involvement in the company whatsoever and let them build up new stars for him to squash when he comes back. But it won't happen since HHH seems to be consumed with the notion that the only way for him to remain "God" is to maintain his God-Push at the expense of his reputation and his ability to draw (as his drawing power has been wiped out) and at the expense of the company itself. Hell, I wouldn't be suprised that HHH's relationship with Steph has de-evolved to the point where HHH no longer has any real love for Steph and considers his relationship to her to be one of pure political survival for him, since fucking the boss's daughter/head writer gives HHH the authority to castrate any wrestler that he sees as a threat to him and would effectively destroy his career if it were to ever end... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted December 2, 2002 The best thing for Triple H to do is put over Van Dam clean at the pay per view and have Michaels drop the title to either Booker or Jericho and start building to Triple H/Michaels at Mania in a blow-off match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Notorious CRD Report post Posted December 2, 2002 Well, this one is a duh: -Triple Threat at Armageddon in which HHH pins RVD to get his title back. I was thinking the same thing and I'm sure if it is a three-way match that's exactly how it will go down. Lord knows we wouldn't want that pesky RVD fella looking good on the HHH/HBK Happy Fun Time Show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MillenniumMan831 Report post Posted December 3, 2002 Now MilleniumMan knows HHH and the fundamentals of HHHian grammar! No one should make HHH skits and promos except him. Thanks to you and Heel in Peril; just trying to spread the virtues of the everlasting squasHHHing of Raw talent at the hands of . . . ummmmmm . . . Damn, I forgot his name. Ah well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Notorious CRD Report post Posted December 3, 2002 Well, the Raw preview on makes it official. <sarcasm>Poor RVD. All he did was wow the crowd. That bastard. No wonder he jobs to HHH every so often.</sarcasm> Here's hoping the quad tears... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted December 3, 2002 I'd like to see a triple threat match with HHH/HBK/RVD. I think those three could pull of a pretty wicked match and I am hoping for RVD to finally win that world title he hasn't held yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HHHater Report post Posted December 3, 2002 I don't think Shawn deserves any of the blame for this bullshit. Just my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites