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Guest NoCalMike

Sopranos Season 5 finale.....

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Guest NoCalMike

Well, with the last episode of the season 1 week away, what do you all predict....????

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Guest NoCalMike

I think possibly Furio did not go back to Italy yet and he gets whacked for trying to "get out" of the mafia. In the previews for the show, they show Carmela SHOCKED on the phone, and meadow is crying which would make it reasonable to think she is sad about the situation and Carmela just comes to grips by saying, "what's done is done" Possible!?!


Looks like Paulie is through with Johnny Sac and probobaly has shifted his allegience back to Tony. Still an interesting situation though as it could still be revealed that Paulie was the one who burnt down the horse stable.(maybe)


Not sure at all who is getting shot inside the Blazer in the preview shots. Could be some minor character that no one really cares about anyway, just to throw the viewers a swerve.



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Guest Crucifixio Jones

All season long I've been saying that they're setting us up for a huge WHODUNIT cliffhanger. Tony's gonna get seriously hurt and EVERYONE's a suspect because everyone hates the guy right now and has a motive.


I think the shocked faces we see from Carmela and Meadow are probably in response to something happening to Tony. And I bet we do learn that Furio didn't go back to Italy, but he won't get whacked...he'll be another suspect. Shit, he nearly killed Tony tonight until he thought better of it.

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Guest NoCalMike

When Furio almost killed Tony, I really thought it was just one of those, "thoughts crossing the mind" things where it would flash back to him just standing there looking at Tony, rather he REALLY did almost kill him, which adds intrigue to the whole situation. I just see why Furio would do that considering nothing has really transpired between him and carmela besides BARELY innocent flirting, yet he is willing to put his balls on the line......odd......same with Carmela's reaction of him "going back to Italy" Unless something is gonna get REVEALED that we don't know of yet.

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Guest converge241

my predicts:


tony and john kill carmine

tony kills silvio (who was the real rat, not paulie)

tony has a panic attack

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

So in your opinion, who's responsible for burning down the stables and Pie-O-My? Ralphie, Paulie or Silvio?

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
So in your opinion, who's responsible for burning down the stables and Pie-O-My? Ralphie, Paulie or Silvio?

My suspect list would be:


1) Paulie

2) Ralphie

3) Silvio


Paulie has the motive (Ralphie's prank call to his mom). Why would Silvio do it? He didn't have any beef w/ Paulie, and while he didn't particularly like Ralphie, I don't think he would have taken it so far as to burn down the stable, since he knew it would hurt Tony also.

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Guest Choken One

I'm betting it becomes a unspoken angle...as for Meadow crying...Finn is killed driving Meadow's car.

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Guest cartman

This is exactly what makes the show so great. Everyone has their own ideas about hat will happen in the season finale.


I myself cant even begin to speculate because there's just TOO many possibilities to list. Paulie is gonna get screwed somehow, Johnny Sac is trying to run his own operation behind Carmine's back and Tony just realized it...Not to mention Paulie being involved.


Sunday nights are gonna suck hard after this weekend...no more Curb Your Enthisiasm and now no more Sopranos...


...and WHY the hell is this OZ's last season?!?!

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Guest NoCalMike

Hey I was watching Goodfellas again the other night and saw Paulie Walnuts in it...hahaha, I never knew that before.


I wonder what Carmela's "what done is done" comment is about. If that is her response to Finn dying(if that happens) and it sends Meadow crying and running off, then Carmela will officially be the most UNLIKEABLE character on the show. She is already bordering on that award for me anyways.

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Guest NoCalMike

You also have to wonder. When Paulie approached Carmine asking if he knew who he was expecting Johnny Sac to tell Carmine all about him, and Carmine didn't have a clue, it makes you wonder, was there someone else that Johnny told Carmine about, and if so, is that the real rat?

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Guest Eagan469

My predictions for next week:


I'm thinking Christopher tried to escape rehab and got whacked by whoever was staying in the motel a block away (I forget who it was) - that would explain Carmela saying "What's done is done" without caring too much. Adriana then HAS to explain to the feds what's going on.


Meadow - yeah, her boyfriend probably dies or gets in an accident


Tony finds out about Furio/Carmela one way or another - probably gets shot in the process

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Guest El Satanico

Nooo not Silvio...he rules all. I'd rather see Paulie get offed over Silvio.


Paulie is getting too sloppy and sneaky to make it out of this season in one piece.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
My predictions for next week:


I'm thinking Christopher tried to escape rehab and got whacked by whoever was staying in the motel a block away (I forget who it was) - that would explain Carmela saying "What's done is done" without caring too much. Adriana then HAS to explain to the feds what's going on.

Except we saw Christopher driving w/ Tony in one of the preview clips.

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Guest Anglesault

Did the car look familiar to anyone else? I know it's someone (We;ve seen it several times) But I can't place it.


And what happens with Junior?

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Guest El Satanico

Junior will turn States Evidence, be killed before going to trial, or die while in custody. They will "get to" some of the jurors, but i don't believe it will result in Junior coming out clean.


Whatever happens with Uncle Junior we won't find out until next season.

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Guest RedJed

First off, isnt that SUV the same one that got stolen from Christopher? I think it was a black range rover. Maybe all that ends up being is that Chris comes back (which seems to be the case in the previews) and they find the junkies who jumped him and stole his phone and vehicle.


There was some line in the previews about Tony saying to Chris about not being able to leave the "family" or something. That makes me think that there will be a confrontation with Tony and Furio, in the least about why he bolted so suddenly like that. And then the shit will probably hit the fan at that point.


I think Paulie will off Johnny, since he is pissed that he never got a word in from him to Carmine, which was essentially his escape route when/if he finally got sick of Tony. Of course what he doesn't know is that Sac is close to offing Carmine himself, so he essentially will be Carmines left hand man in the aftermath.


Honestly I don't see anything happening to Tony.

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Guest NoCalMike

I think right now at this point. Either Carmine or Johnny Sac will be dead next week. Either Tony joins Johnny Sac's attempt to off Carmine, or Tony(or someone else) tips of Carmine and Johnny Sac gets killed. And, whoever said the SUV looked like Christophers is correct. I totally forgot about that. Maybe it is just those junkies that stole his car and the producers are hoping the fans are making more out of that scene......hehehe good marketing if so.

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Guest El Satanico

Well I just saw the previews again. The SUV that is involved n the shooting is an Early 90's Blazer. That's much too old and cheap to be any of the big guys or their families.


I'm not sure what kind of SUV that is involved in the accident, but it's a nicer one so is likely involving a guy with money. It could be Chris's since both are black. However Tony and company have bigger problems than tracking down a car jacker so i doubt it's Chris's. I agree that the SUV accident and shooting won't involve any of the major guys in order to throw us off. It's probably one of the business guys involved with the HUD.


What does Meadow and Furio drive?

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Guest Choken One

Meadow drove a SUV JUST like Tony's...Furio drove a Black Sedan.


A firend called this..." The SUV means nothing and is merely one of the union guys". Remember that.

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Guest El Satanico

Yeah, I fully believe that the SUV involved in the shooting will end up being meaningless just based on it being an old model.


However I think the suv that appeared to be involved in an accident which was a much more expensive vehicle will probably be important. Even If it doesn't directly involve any major character it will be important to the storyline

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Guest El Satanico

Well it's unlikely that a big mob guy or his family are going to be in a piece of shit car. And the expensive car is most likely someone important. Of course none of that proves anything, but it can be used as a hint.


I won't be surprised when it turns out that both SUV scenes weren't important, but I'd say it's more likely the "accident" will be the important one if one of them is.

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Guest converge241

paulie burnt down the stables, he didn know T bought the horse from Ralph or aquired it



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Guest RedJed

But he has a fuckin picture of him WITH the horse, regardless he would have known Tony loved the animal.

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Guest El Satanico

But when the picture was taken didn't Tony only consider the horse to be a business venture.


Paulie knows that Tony cared for the horse now after seeing the Painting. However that doesn't mean he knew that Tony owned or loved the horse at the time of the fire.

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Guest Incandenza

Paulie's coming unglued; his desperation to get back on Tony's good side is pathetic. However, as sloppy as he's becoming, if anything does happen to him, I'm guessing it won't be until next season.


As for those who thought Finn would die, I doubt it. I think having Meadow's boyfriends die in two consecutive seasons is overkill, so to speak.

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