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TriggerStreet.com: Aspiring writers, producers...

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This is a site started up by the outstanding Mr. Kevin Spacey, which is his own personal door for all aspiring screenwriters, filmmakers, and the such. He has said that once you get to the top, you must at times take the elevator back down to help those who have yet to reach the top floor, and this is his personal attempt at doing so. Anyhow...


...some of the work on here is outstanding. You can go there and upload your film, or script and there are some short yet beautiful films that people have put together and put on there, and I am highly impressed. I am also into the entire writing thing so just as a side note...


...if anyone is looking for someone to work with, then hit me up, as I'm currently looking for some partners.


Go to this site, register, and watch the #1 ranked film All Good Things, I am impressed to say the least. I just wanted you all to know about this, in case anything like this is your thing, just as it is mine.




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