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Guest cynicalprofit

A HHH idea/question

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Guest cynicalprofit

If 3h, in character, admitted he was using politics to hold people down and control the show, would that get him over as a mega heel?

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Guest godthedog
If 3h, in character, admitted he was using politics to hold people down and control the show, would that get him over as a mega heel?

doesn't seem like it would work. all his politicking is mostly (aside from hogging tv time) in the form of not letting anybody beat him in any meaningful way. he can't be like "ha ha, i used politics to make sure you didn't win your match against me!" when it's obvious that he just cheated.

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Guest notJames

Besides, all that backstage politicking would go over the heads of the majority of the fanbase who don't follow any of that. It's like what Russo did in wCw... only diehard wCw smarks understood why he did certain things (like the Goldberg "shoot" walkout at New Blood Rising), and even they hated that shit. What's the point of HHHeMan saying "I won because I have clout" when most of the fans still cling to the competitive aspect of the matches?


How I yearn for simpler times when wrestlers wrestled and bookers booked and that was that. When was that, you say? You know, I can't remember...

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Guest SP-1
It would fly right over a Marks head.

And stab the Smark behind him in the eye.


That kind of storyline could cause chaos, man. Seriously. We'd be pissed because they're turning it into storyline which


1. Strips our suspicions of it of credibility if we ever attempt to explain it to anyone.


and 2: could be interpereted as a "F you," towards us by some people.


I would hate to see the reactions on this board in the RAW thread if that ever came about.

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If 3h, in character, admitted he was using politics to hold people down and control the show, would that get him over as a mega heel?

Depends on how they have HHH say it. If they have him give an interview and say that he "married" Steph to gain power over the company and the ability to fuck over any of his fellow wrestlers and that he still has said power even though he's "divorced" from Steph, it would work.

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Guest cynicalprofit
Depends on how they have HHH say it. If they have him give an interview and say that he "married" Steph to gain power over the company and the ability to fuck over any of his fellow wrestlers and that he still has said power even though he's "divorced" from Steph, it would work.

People hate politicians right now, it could get HHH over as a mega heel. I mean who doesnt hate the guy that cheats his way to the top.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I say do it anyway.


I'm begging them to change his name from the GAme to the Office anyway.

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Cause those shoot angles worked SO well in WCW.


It's a stupid idea

1. One of the reasons why the shoot angles in WCW failed were that they had the announcers yelling "He's shooting! He's breaking script!" every other second.


2. They failed to base the angles on storylines and cannon in order to make them make sense or at the very least sense in the storylines.


Classic example: the "shoot" fight between Golberg and Nash. They failed to use the period of the fall of 1998 through early 1999 to establish why they hate each other. Plus they totally misused the term "shoot fight" in that they said that all of the other matches were scripted but this one was going to be "real". If they had Nash and Golberg saying "We're going to have a match and all bets are off, none of us are going to hold back, and we aren't going to use weapons or have outside interference, just the two of us fighting until the other one quits or surrenders" it would have been more bareable that the crap they ultimately used...


It's all about context and not hitting people over the head with the it...

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Guest jester

I don't think it would work. Even Smarks work with the illusion that wrestling is real to some extent, in the way we watch a movie and suspend disbelief. So to have HHH come out and say that RVD was booked to win but he changed it, and is going no-sell all his offense, etc., would completely spoil that illusion.


By the way, we can't have a thread without hatred, so HHH sucks.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

The last thing anyone wants is HHH actually getting over, b/c that would mean even more airtime for him. I think it would do huge ratings if the whole locker room pissed on him :cheers:

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Guest notJames
...we can't have a thread without hatred...

I don't know if this was intended, but "thread" is an anagram of "hatred".


So, a "HHH thread" inherently includes "HHH hatred"



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Guest razazteca

the angle might work but the matches will still be the same so as an overall product it will not be well received.

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