Guest Slapnuts00 Report post Posted December 5, 2002 Wow. I'm at a loss for words. It took 2 weeks, and he's killed it with his goddamned crash TV. I can't believe how bad a show that was, the worst I've ever seen from them. I mean, sure not all the shows they've put on have been knockouts but I've never felt they were terrible and regretted spending my money. Tonight I did. Throughout the show I continued to look down at my watch to see when the damn show would end, it was that bad. It felt like an episode of WCW Thunder from 2000. Where to begin... -Well, one positive was the suprise of Rowdy Roddy Piper. It was a pleasent suprise to see him there, and I'm a mark for the Hot Rod. The problem was (besides the tasteless remarks concerning Owen which you know who absolutely wrote for him), why didn't he appear the rest of the show? He was there to stop Russo, but never followed up. -SAT vs. Divine Storm was a good, high energy match. These guys just mesh well together. **1/2 -God, WAYYYY too much Russo. I mean I can barely take him on screen for one segment, let alone a whole series. NO we don't want obcenity or vulgarity no matter what that moron may think, the crowd just turned on him tonight. The Athena segment was stupid, tasteless and uneccesarry. -AMW vs. New Church matches were decent. I though the second one between Slash and Storm was ** and had some good false finishes. -The 4 way match was an underwhelming dissapointed and quite boring, or maybe it was just the whole tone of the night bleeding into it. Why the FUCK was Amazing Red removed from the match? Unless there was an injury that I didn't hear about it was completely a rotten move taking out the most exciting performer in favor of the less talented Joel of the SATs. Only about **, bad X match, although I continue to be impressed by EZ Money. -More Russo nonsene with the Harris Boys now as his personal bodyguards...again. Kill me now. -Bullrope match was complete nonsense. I like the New Blood/AMW feud but this was just a stupid payoff. -The main event was an atrocity. We're paying for The fuckiing Harrises vs. Jeff Jarret in a squash brawl as out main event? Featuring a bunch of injury angles to SWERVE us. I mean as soon as James ran out with the chair I knew he was gonna turn on Jarret given who's booking (oh, and you all can deny it and lie to yourselves but there is no doubt in my mind that Russo is booking. He might have the approve things with Jerry Jarret, but Russo is writing the show, no doubt. Just horrible. -*** for the whole spit in the face of your PAYING audience. -The only thing I can think of when I saw Paul Bearer come out at the end was "man, he's gained all that weight that he lost back" oh and "HUH?" It makes no sense, but I'm sure by next week it will in some Russorific way. WWE can put on mediocre to downright bad shows, but they're free. This is not what we're PAYING for. I'm seriously considering not ordering next week being the new "direction" if nothing else worthwhile supplements Styles/Red. Fuck you Russo. I hope Dames can rip in to this show, since Jarret seems to read him and listen to his opinion. Let him know how we feel man! Down with Russo! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted December 5, 2002 Well, one positive was the suprise of Rowdy Roddy Piper. It was a pleasent suprise to see him there, and I'm a mark for the Hot Rod. The problem was (besides the tasteless remarks concerning Owen which you know who absolutely wrote for him) I never knew Russo has been controlling Piper for years. Man, when I first read Piper said Russo (and Ed Ferrara) killed Owen a few years ago, I should of known Vinnie Ru was just setting up this angle for TNA before the company ever existed by having Piper say that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Slapnuts00 Report post Posted December 5, 2002 I didn't realize that he made the same comment in the past. If so, then shame on Piper, it was tasteless. I'm truly suprised that this show is getting positive reviews from most people. To each his own I guess. I thought it was terrible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted December 5, 2002 Why didn't they plug the living hell out of having Piper?? Who gives a flying fuck about Paul Bearer?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CoreyLazarus416 Report post Posted December 5, 2002 I marked the fuck out when I heard the snare drum and bagpipes. <--- Marks for The Hot Rod, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted December 5, 2002 I do as well but why not plug the hell out of him appearing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RedJed Report post Posted December 5, 2002 Probably all or any of the these..... 1) Element of surprise, which hardly EVER happens anymore. 2) Whats the point anyway when you have no national clearance to promote such an appearance? 3) Nobody is a draw in a situation like this where you have weekly ppvs. 4) It happened in a last minute move, thus no time for promotion -I'm glad it wasn't advertised since this FINALLY starts a situation where you could say that someone could show up in the company anytime, and it's more important to tune in regularly in that case. More of an unpredictability factor in that sense. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted December 5, 2002 Had I known Piper was going to be on and had access to TNA- I would def buy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RedJed Report post Posted December 5, 2002 Well, if they have made a deal to have him around more than just the one shot, I can understand even more why he wasn't announced ahead of time. Another thing about Piper and everything about the first segment. Did anyone think that maybe some of the things he said were actually his true feelings and he WAS shooting in the first place? Notice how Russo had nothing to say (actually looked someone uncomfortable in the ring there with him) AND Piper wouldn't even let him talk in the first place. I dunno, could be wrong but it's certainly possible. Piper certainly isn't a straight thinker in the first place and the connection to Owen and the Harts is something pretty solid in that I don't think he would make light of that and turn it into an angle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Astro101 0 Report post Posted December 5, 2002 I guess that's the thing TNA is trying to do. Blur the lines. Tenay was shooting last week, and maybe Piper this time. I know a lot of people hate it, but I enjoy it for some twisted reason. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Black Tiger Report post Posted December 5, 2002 This Russo vs. Jarrett angle is showing that TNA needs a TV deal soon. WWE can get way with doing the squash main events only to set up the sweve on RAW because its free. Fans have to PAY to see TNA so they want to see the angle blown off, not constantly played out, if they wait too long its gonna end with a wimper because they waited too long and fans got tired of paying 10.00 a week to see a 5 minute main event with a swerve. I'm going on record right now and predicting that Killings is going to join Russo, leaving Jeff Jarrett, the owners son, as the top babyface of the company. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JHawk Report post Posted December 5, 2002 The thing about Piper's promo is this. When Owen died, everybody and their dog was blamed for it except Vince Russo. But hasn't Russo taken credit for pretty much everything else that happened in the then WWF between 1997 and 1999? So why wouldn't it be feasible that someone who was close to the Hart family would feel Russo was responsible? What would have been tasteless to me is, if this is an angle, Russo started admitting it and gloating about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Astro101 0 Report post Posted December 5, 2002 I don't think Killings will join Russo, not soon anyway, seeing as how the Harrises put Killings through a table tonight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RedJed Report post Posted December 5, 2002 I guess that's the thing TNA is trying to do. Blur the lines. Tenay was shooting last week, and maybe Piper this time. I know a lot of people hate it, but I enjoy it for some twisted reason. Same here, I've always been a fan of the lines being this way in that you don't know if what was said or done was a shoot or not. I'm probably in the minority but I don't care, it interests me. Regarding Piper some more, I have yet to see any mention of Owens death or Russo in his book, but I'm only to Mania 3 anyway. If it's mentioned in the book, I would be one to think it ended up being a shoot after all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J*ingus Report post Posted December 5, 2002 It is mentioned in the book. Near the end, he talks about a backstage confrontation he had with Russo and Ferrera in which he threatened to basically say on Nitro what he said tonight. So I'm leaning towards shoot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted December 5, 2002 It is mentioned in the book. Near the end, he talks about a backstage confrontation he had with Russo and Ferrera in which he threatened to basically say on Nitro what he said tonight. So I'm leaning towards shoot. Yeah. I remember Ed said on WCW LIVE he was going to response to Piper's comments but decided against it because he felt Roddy went too far. That was back in late 2000. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob E Dangerously 0 Report post Posted December 5, 2002 Obvious note: sending a lunatic out and telling him to say whatever he wants to is STUPID. TNA made another idiotic move and it will be known on the tombstone of this promotion. Right next to the "We didn't check Don Harris' apparel so he came out in an SS t-shirt" and all the other Russo shit. TNA is an asylum ran by the inmates. I hope anybody who defends this shoot by Piper has a cup on, because they deserve a kick in the balls Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RedJed Report post Posted December 5, 2002 TNA is an asylum ran by the inmates. Huh? I think that using Don Harris' shirt and these comments by Piper tonight as antagonists for future demise of this promotion is borderline overreacting. As far as Russo's booking having an effect on the product, none of us know exactly what and what he hasn't written, so until particular things are made clear in that sense, thats not it either. If anything this company won't succeed solely because they have yet to find a national television clearance. Even if they would put out flawless shows week after week, it's hard to get momentum going in buyrates in an endevor like this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest eirejmcmahon Report post Posted December 5, 2002 If HHH came out on Raw and blamed Vince McMahon for Owen's death in order to further an angle, people would be rightfully furious over it. "Oh it was a shoot!" Bull.Fucking.Shit. Looking on the bright side, Bob Ryder now has no fucking ground on which to stand the next time he feels to urge to rant and rage against the "evil" of the WWE. NWATNA exploited the death of Owen Hart to further a wrestling angle. Now if you're cool with that, then fair enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RedJed Report post Posted December 5, 2002 If HHH came out on Raw and blamed Vince McMahon for Owen's death in order to further an angle, people would be rightfully furious over it. "Oh it was a shoot!" Bull.Fucking.Shit. Looking on the bright side, Bob Ryder now has no fucking ground on which to stand the next time he feels to urge to rant and rage against the "evil" of the WWE. NWATNA exploited the death of Owen Hart to further a wrestling angle. Now if you're cool with that, then fair enough. Whatever man, did you even see the show and see how it went down? Piper himself posted the situation, and if you know anything about him at all, you'd know he's infamous for pulling shit like this, and was going to do the same damm thing back in WCW in 99 when he had a fight with Russo and Ferrara backstage. Using Owens death as a catalyst for this storyline would make no fuckin sense whatsoever, which is why it wasn't planned in the first place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted December 5, 2002 I believe the interview was a shoot, and the Owen comment was just made out of the heat of the moment by Piper. I'm sure Roddy had a lot of time to think about what he was going to say but we all know what kind of speaker the man is. He'll speak what's on his mind without thinking of the consequences. He shouldn't have mentioned Owen's name like that but I'm not going to cry my fucking eyes out over it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest eirejmcmahon Report post Posted December 5, 2002 Whatever man, did you even see the show and see how it went down? I've only missed the one NWATNA show since they started, you ? Even if you strip away the angle in question - you're still left with one alright match and a load of shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites