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Guest Nathan J

Bret Vs Owen fued

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Guest Nathan J

These two began feuding at Survivor series 1993, It really became serious at the Rumble of 1994 when Owen attacked Bret. The most famous match occured at Wrestlemania, with Owen getting the Pin.

The feud rolled onto Summerslam and Owen got his shot at the title, but lost the steel cage match to Bret, but the fued was kept alive by the beat down by the Anvil and Owen.

were now at Survivor series 1994, Bret is pretty much screwed out of the title by Owen and the feud is seemingly as intense as ever.

This is where I need help, at the Royal Rumble Owen prevents Bret from winning the title of Diesel, later that night Bret came out as Owen was entering the Rumble of 1995 doing a beat down, which pretty much eliminated him from the rumble.

Can someone please tell me the rest of the feud from this point and how it ended?

Thank you.

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Guest eNgIeS

I can't be that sure i wasnt even a fan then (dont worry i did my fair share of catching up). After that I believe they had on & off again feuds, maybe being involved in 6 man tags against each other, but both were really busy doing there own thing, as Owen was tag champs with Yokozuna & eventually Bulldog turned heel & joined there little group with Jim Cornette, whereas Bret was stuck fighting Hakushi (Jinsei Shinzaki), Isaac Yankhem D.D.S. (Kane) & one of the Quebeckers, the eventually beating Diesel for the WWF belt


I think Bret's first PPV defense during that run was at In Your House 5 against British Bulldog, & Bret then moved onto defenses against Undertaker & Diesel before dropping it to Shawn Michaels & taking a hiatus from the WWF.


During this time Owen was teaming with British Bulldog & had Vader join the "Cornette camp" while outing Yokozuna. Eventually Owen & Bulldog came at odds.


Bret came back in late 1996 & had a feud with Austin, then he turned heel & got Owen & Bulldog to reconciliate with each other which of course formed the Hart Foundation


They were there until Bret was "screwed" out of the WWF & later Owen as we know died :( :mellow:

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Guest bob_barron

The feud kinda ended when Bret beat a No Holds Barred match on RAW in 1995.


They still hated each other and all that Owen was busy with the tag titles and Bret was busy with Lawler.


Eventually of course in 1997 they ended up making up

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Guest Eagan469

The last leg of the feud was when Neidhart came in full time.


Bret and Owen had their last singles match on the debut episode of "Action Zone", and they said on TV that would be the final match ever between the two. So that was the blowoff.

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"The Action Zone" match was deemed Owen's last title shot, not their last match. The blowoff was the previously mentioned No Holds Barred match that main evented the last Raw before WrestleMania XI.

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Guest Choken One

I think It never really had a "Blowoff" but was merely settled when they Reunited...But Owen would occasionally make hate statements to Bret in subtle ways...and Bret expressed Disapointment in Owen a few times ...

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Guest Choken One

I think It never really had a "Blowoff" but was merely settled when they Reunited...But Owen would occasionally make hate statements to Bret in subtle ways...and Bret expressed Disapointment in Owen a few times ...

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Guest papacita

I'd say the eventual blowoff was the Hart Foundation reunion, but if I remember right, Bret and Stone Cold played a role in the whole British Bulldog/Owen break-up story in late 96/early 97. I sorta remember Bulldog keeping Austin from attacking Bret or something like that and Owen getting mad at him (Bulldog). I also seem to remember Austin attacking Bulldog, starting some heat between those two. I gotta watch my old tapes to be sure.

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Guest Nathan J

Thanks people. I was assuming that there wasn't a big blow-off match as such. Rather strange they didn't throw one more match on PPV as the last singles match between the two, considering the crap that they decided to put on PPV that whole year instead.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Didn't they have a match on the RAW after Bret returned to the WWF at Survivor Series 96?

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Guest MillenniumMan831
Yes- they also fought in the Euro title tournament with Owen winning

Was that televised? Plus, I believe Owen defeated Bret in The Kuwaiti Cup Tournament in 1996.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker
The feud kinda ended when Bret beat a No Holds Barred match on RAW in 1995.

*bows before a man who actually knows how to correctly spell 'feud'*


Illusion - English teacher in the making

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