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Guest EUX4life

funaki gets booed in japan

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Guest EUX4life

i'm sure that everyones read the results of the WWF shows in the asia tour, and that funaki wrestled hurricane.  i've only read on one site that funaki played a heel at those shows, and did in fact get booed.


so you see, the concept of a foreign wrestler competing in their home country getting booed is not that far off of a concept.  i'm worried that the wrestlemania main event, as it stands now, might be ruined by chris jericho being cheered in canada, even though he's a heel.  it's one thing when bret hart the heel gets cheered in canada during the anti US/pro canada angle, but a straight up heel jericho is almost sure to get cheered in canada.


to all the canadians on the board, why?  i'm worried that it might sort of ruin the psychology of the match.  it's still going to be a good match, and i'm still looking forward to it, but i do have my worries.


i'm not complaining that you cheer all canadians on the basis that they're canadian.  i can understand pride in a home country athlete.  i've just always been curious as to why a canadian wrestler will always be cheered even though he's a heel, and you know that he's supposed to be a heel.  wouldn't you be helping him out more as a performer to boo him during an event, and be proud inside, sort of take part in the show and play a role yourself?  the audience plays a strong part of a show, and if everyone watching wrestlemania outside of canada hears jericho being cheered, there's gonna be a  giant WTF thought going out.


again, i'm not complaining that you do this, i'm just trying to answer some unanswered questions.  also sorry if this has already been asked and gone over before.  i know how much it sucks to rehash a topic that's already been talked about

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Well US canadians are proud of our athletes when they make it big. We're very rabid and generally the more americans boo them the more we cheer them (case in point bret hart).

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

im not canadian, but jericho probably will be cheered, but all he needs to do is get on the mic or have steph come down to the ring with him and he would be a heel again in the eyes of the fans.  its sorta weird though that when trips comes to the ring after jericho (i assume) his pop will probably be quite meagre compared to jerichos.  thats sad really.

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Guest EUX4life

you're hurting him as a performer, and the match as well as the whole product, when you cheer him and you know he's a heel and supposed to be booed.  if i'm canadian and i'm at wrestlemania, i'm thinking, "hey, a lot of people think that jericho is still just a transitional champ just keeping the belt warm for triple h.  after triple h wins it, jerichos going back to the midcard to rest for a while.  i want jericho to stay in the top.  i'm gonna help his character and boo him.  if the guy can garner boos in canada as a canadian, not just by cheap heat with a pre match promo or by coming out with stephanie, but by his actual character, then the WWF has to realize that he is in fact a great heel, a top heel, and a heel worthy of staying in the main events and have no choice but to keep him there, and give him more title reigns in the near future."


think about it.  the WWF knows that canadian fans are rabid about canadian wrestlers.  if they see a character like jericho break that stereotype and get really booed, not cheap heat booed, they can't help but notice it.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

yeah but that wont happen, and if 40 people on the smarkboard boo him, 66,960 other canadians at the skydome are still gonna cheer him regardless of what is best for jericho.  the true test will not be whether jericho can draw heel heat when he walks through the curtain, but rather whether he can get the crowd to turn on him and treat him as heel through the match.  there is no way short of renouncing his canadian citizenship that he will be booed into the skydome.

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Guest BA_Baracus

Don't worry.


The WWF is doing a fine job ruining Wrestlemania already.


The fans cheering Y2J should hardly register on what is looking to be a crap show.


At least they'll be making some noise after the Rock/Hogan and Austin/Nash snooze-fests...

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Guest Tony149

I don't know if they'l boo Jericho, but it would be hilarious if they chant HGH to Triple H.

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Guest BA_Baracus

What the?


How'd you get 3000+ posts on these boards Tony?!


There's only 30 000 posts total!

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Guest InigoMontoya

What ever the crowd reaction to the match is, I'm sure its safe to say that most of the chants/cheers/boos will be directed towards Jericho, which has to be good for him.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

hehe, the admin has over 100,000 :)

it would be hilarious if they chant HGH to trips, and having this mania in canada could prove a big mistake with the over canadian heel and the less-than-over american face in hhh.

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Guest EUX4life

i'm worried that this main event, in the years to come, will be looked on in one of the worst, and this main event will be put in the same category as the undertaker/sid one.  i can see the scott kieth retro rant already saying how it was stupid for them to book a canadian against a kinda over face, and expect them to get booed and cheered respectively, and that it was one of the worst booked main events ever.  the heel getting the biggest pop of the night and the stephanie involved finish that we all know is coming can completely ruin this, both now and for years to come.


also, cheering a guy just because he's canadian doesn't make much sense to me, whether you're canadian or not.  just because he's canadian is no basis for the judgement of his character as a person.  also, it's the character of chris jericho that's fighting, not the actual person.  he doesn't even talk about being canadian.  the last time i remember him even insinuating it is when he said that george bush wasn't his leader a few months back.  that just means that he wasn't american.  patriotism aside, but liking someone just because they're canadian makes about as much sense to me as hating someone just because they're black.  it's all a blind faith and emotion on an ethnicity.  that's not even counting the fact that you're supposed to boo jericho

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Guest Brian

If Jericho retains, SK will throw match quality out the window when he rates. His normal star exchange system will be trading higher.

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Guest saturnmark4life

William Regal played heel in the UK and dropped the Euro belt to crash frickin holly. He looked pretty uncomfortable there. I want HHH to get booed at WM, but then i don't like the guy. They made an angle out of Hart's fanbase in Canada in 97, and they haven't mentioned it on tv with Jericho yet. They might just push Edge as the hometown boy a lot because they want HHH as a face.

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Guest JHawk

The easy way around it if Jericho gets cheered at Mania...have him wrestle as a face and have Triple H wrestle as a heel.  It'll confuse the hell out of us Americans, but hell, I'm rooting for Jericho too.


But let's be honest here.  If Stephanie opens her mouth before that match, people will be booing Jericho for being associated with her.  God, I wish they'd get her off my TV...you know, like they PROMISED after Survivor Series.

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Guest Jericholic82

I just want Jericho to win at any cost.  HHH is not the man to lead the WWF right now. Hell I don't even know who that man is, but Jericho could fit the bill.  Now if it only weren't for Hogan and the gWo (Geriatric World Order), Jericho/HHH would be the true main event.  But of course we'll get Dwayne vs Terry (cuz using real names is totally smarkish and cool )  as the main.  But you know what, I think we are too obssesed with being smarks, the net has really ruined it for me.  Too much negativitiy.  Just watch and enjoy a show for once.  


As for Jericho getting a pop, he probably will (duh), even though he was born in the US (which makes him a dual citizen in my eyes-and in NY no less, my hometown).  Actually, now that I think about it, he may get booed.  Remember that Nitro in Canada where he insulted everybody and they booed him out of the building.  Hell, Regal gets booed on every UK ppv.  Just give Chris 5 minutes for an awesome promo and he'll change the tide. If not, steph will have to draw the boos.  Unfortuantely, that may lead to more of her on tv.  Scott Keith is right, they might as well change the match to Steph/HHH as that seesm to be getting pushed more.


And one more thing that bugs me.  When a Canadian wrestles in Canada, he gets cheeere.  Ok  understand the pride thing.  But here in the US, most wrestlers are american and many get booed.  How in the heel does Canada have wrestling promotions.  Is everyone a face since they are all Canadian?


And why do most Canadians hate us Americans.  Was it something we did?  I don't remember there being a war between us. In fact, we are supposed to be allies.   Keep the peace guys and girls.


I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I'm just in a confused state today.  


Much love to my Canadian friends.


Peace Out



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Guest What?!

I'm Canadian, but I don't cheer wrestlers because they're Canadian. So it's not all of us. If I were to do that, I'd have to pop for Test!!!!

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Guest mastermind

I'm from Toronto. I remember Test who is closer related to the city got booed in a house show and the tv shows. It's simple. He stinks and Jericho doesn't. I bet wcw also thought Goldberg would get cheered when he came here and he got "Goldberg Sucks" chants. Being from here and knowing how the crowd is I know Jericho, Trish(who has improved), Christian, and Edge will get pops. Please don't give the wwf more reason to make Jericho look like a punk. They will justify Stephanie punking him like she currently is for heat on Jericho not being a man for himself.


Toronto may boo Triple H. I also expect to hear some Rocky Sucks chants as well. I said why in the other forum. Austin is the only surefire bet of getting a full face pop. I also expect Hogan to get face pops.

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Guest Army Eye
you're hurting him as a performer, and the match as well as the whole product, when you cheer him and you know he's a heel and supposed to be booed.  if i'm canadian and i'm at wrestlemania, i'm thinking, "hey, a lot of people think that jericho is still just a transitional champ just keeping the belt warm for triple h.  after triple h wins it, jerichos going back to the midcard to rest for a while.  i want jericho to stay in the top.  i'm gonna help his character and boo him.

All this stuff is ridiculous.  You are thinking that every fan is a smark for some reason.  


Screw all that. This is Wrestlemania.  If they want Jericho to win, then they should cheer him.  Simple as that.

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Guest The Electrifyer

Judging by the WWF style, they will probably anticipate Jericho getting cheered too. But what's probably going to happen is Jericho will appear on Heat and probably lay a dissing to Canada to get some boos in the main event. And judging by Jericho's mic ability, I'm sure he'll be able to get boos out of the crowd.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I don't remember there being a war between us.-Jerichoholic82


America tried to invade Canada in the 1800's The britsh (and canadian conscripts) through them out, and we also burnt the white house.


not really important to the thread just wanted to point that out.


we have wrestkling promotions and guys get booed, it's diifferent though with canadians in the wwf because were proud that our boys got into the best organization in the world and we let everyone know it.


HHH will get booed no matter what because canadians have long memorys and will remember all the Canada dissing he and HBK did in the origanal DX.

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Guest Annoyed Grunt
And why do most Canadians hate us Americans.  Was it something we did?  I don't remember there being a war between us. In fact, we are supposed to be allies.   Keep the peace guys and girls.

From my own personal experiences I'd say many of us Canadians are annoyed by the fact that the U.S. knows so little about us while we know so much about them.  


And it doesn't help that our Canadian national identity is so poor that all we know for sure is that we aren't Americans.  Hell, our beer commercials are some of the most patriotic things we have and most of them just mention the differences between us and the States.

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Guest Army Eye
HHH will get booed no matter what because canadians have long memorys and will remember all the Canada dissing he and HBK did in the origanal DX.

Ah ha.. I hadn't thought about that!


I guess if they do decide to turn HHH heel at Wrestlemania, it would probably go over pretty well :)

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Guest artDDP

The crowd will boo when Stephanie screws up and costs Jericho his championship.  Not because they wanted to see Jericho win, but at exactly that moment the fact that they paied $600 for this garbage will sink in.


Though if Steph is wearing something thin and a debris-throwing incident breaks out (hearkening back to the heyday of the NWO), don't hesistate to toss a few cold drinks her way, if you get my drift ;)

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Guest mayhem25

For some strange reason, and I know I should not say it b/c than it might happen.  Anyways I have a feeling HHH and Stephanie are going to re-align. HHH becomes champ.  Then the next night he either stays a heel champ with Steph or croses to the nWo.  While all this is going down Jerhico will be pushed down to a feud with some crappy wrestler like Kane or someone like that.  I can just feel Jerhico being pushed back down after he loses the title.

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Guest Human Fly

If Jericho gets pushed down, then that's when the NWO will swoop on on the main events. I'm hoping for Jericho to win not just because I'm a Jericho fan, because if he wins there's more opponents for him, it will keep the NWO away from the title, and he's still fresh in the main event seen. When Benoit comes back that's a built in feud with Jericho. Hopefully if HHH does win he'll get some decent matches with someone. But, other then Kurt Angle I don't know who that is going to be.

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Guest the BURNHAM

For HHH to join the NWO he's gotta be top dog, one must think or else why would he play second fiddle to anyone.  So therefore Hogan must lose and get kicked out of sorts to do his hulkamania thing like he probably wants to in this last year and HHH will not lead the NWO but the Kliq with a returning Michaels and Xpac.  That was pretty much what the orig. NWO was.

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Guest Risk

The thing you have to realise is this, Triple-H plays a face but is a "heel" in real life.  Vice versa with Jericho.  Jericho SHOULD get cheered, because he is BETTER than Triple-H.  That's how fans used to act, the best man gets cheered.  Now it's all based on who the WWF DECIDES WHO YOU SHOULD CHEER.  Don't any of the marks want free will?


Why can't the WWF let the fans decide who to cheer for?  WHY!?  I want to cheer for Chris Jericho and that is who I'm going to cheer for!  THE FANS MAKE THE HEELS AND FACES, NOT THE WWF!  What makes a heel, cheating?  Everyone cheats, the Hardys cheat.  


What really makes a heel and face?  The fans.  The problem is the WWF thinks THEY choose who we like and hate.  WELL, THEY DON'T!

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Guest Army Eye

Well, HHH (as a heel) was getting face pops for a long time, so I'd say they ultimately listened to the fans in that instance.  The best time to turn him face was after Wrestlemania XVII though.


Yeah, they decided that Jericho would a heel.  I'm sure not complaining about that.  As a face he was really stale and not moving up the card.

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Guest Vyce

Hmmm....I still think that the reason Funaki was booed so heavily was because he allowed himself, you know, to be turned into a total stereotypical joke.  And thus is no longer worthy of the average Japanese fan's loyalty.


I personally think that the Jericho / HHH match will be fairly evenly split.  I do think being in Canada will help Jericho's "popularity", in that he'll get more cheers than maybe he would usually.  But I believe HHH will get a loud pop as well.

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