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Guest kingkamala

What were you like as a kid?

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Guest kingkamala

What were you like from the first time in your life you can remember to 8th grade(or whatever the hell the year before High School is in your local school district). I was always the class clown in elementary school and turned into the guy who'll do crazy stuff for money in Junior high. I was wayyyyyy tooo obsessed with Star Wars from 2nd-4th grade, although I did never go to a convention I did know some really obscure facts. Not as bad as my friend who's still obsessed and went to a convention last year. So anyway what were you like as a kid?

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Guest Snappy Nappy Dugout

Well, in elementry I was known as the class clown and did alot of crazy shit(like showing little dick). I was also voted for the cutest boy in my 5th grade class. I also had alot of girls flashing me thier tits(I told the 5th grade one in one of the old threds).


Middle school, I did alot of crazy shit and for my 8th grade class i was voted for the cutest boy again. And I use to talk alot and I was obessed with the Beastie Boys,Ebony Ayes(porn star), and Taco(Don't Ask). Well, that's all I remember.



*sigh* Memories......

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I was always "that kid." You know, the one who, during recess, would hang with his friends and play some fantasy game instead of baseball, soccer, or basketball. The one who, during indoor recess because it was raining, would sit in the corner of the room and draw or read. Yeah, I was "that kid."


Middle school is when I grew some balls, or finally realized I had them. I grew my hair out in 7th grade, got into metal and horror movies, and I fucking OWNED that school in 8th grade (Columbine happened, and I usually wore all black, listened to Metallica and Marilyn Manson a lot, loved to talk about the intricate death scenes in movies). In 6th grade I just started to get into wrestling like I'm into it now, and I was still "that kid."

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Guest papacita

I went through a bunch of phases as a kid. Up until about first grade I was happy, outgoing and what not...(you know, the exact opposite of how I am now). I used to act in plays, sing, and around 5 or 6 I somehow managed to convince my church to put me on the radio for a teen talk show on a weekly basis (I have no clue). Sometime around second grade, I started getting shy and quiet...in class anyway. 3rd grade I had a bad crush on this girl named Tierra...which got me in a little trouble in 4th grade because I started doing bad stuff trying to impress her. 5th grade I got really sick and thought I was gonna die, 6th grade I started playing on the basketball team, was starting point by 8th grade and then life pretty much died for me after that.


I was also king of the school bus from like 4th-6th grade. Yay me.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I was always pretty reclusive. I don't remember a whole lot of elementary school. Middle school was when I was an angst bucket before I was a necro bucket. I still had Sabbath in my head, but there was a Smashing Pumpkins phase, and a Nine inch nails phase. It wasn't pretty. I grew out of them rather quickly though, thankfully. Then I got into Slayer.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

Ages 5 or so though 8 and 9, I was outgoing and happy. At some point, in 4th grade, I began to absolutely hate everyone. At which point, I became reclusive, withdrawn and depressed (sometimes making half-hearted vows to kill myself). Once I got away from middle, things started clearing up, but interest in school continued to slide... (from here, the rest of the story continues in the High School thread).

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Guest Zack Malibu

I was always the clean cut, preppy, "boy next door" type (and still am). My nursery school pics are pretty funny looking back on them. For our class photo, there I am in the front row, stylin' in a new suit (yes, I wore a suit at 4 years old). There's also a great pic that my mom took of her friend's daughter (one of my best friends growing up and wound up being my first actual girlfriend) with me in the background giving her a lookover. Such a great pic...


Elementary school was great. Mom was president of the PTO, so I was adored by all the teachers and faculty. I never caused any trouble, nor did any get caused for me, cuz the staff was in my pocket :P


Middle school I got a little shy for a time, as I was in a whole new world with people from all across town. Not much later I came out of my shell and was back to be the outgoing kid in the class, always going out of my way to get people to laugh, and just being genuinely kind and likable. This was also when my hair was still bright blonde, and I was of course still preppy, I got the Zack nickname.


I was never a troublemaker or anything like that. My dad was a firefighter and mom was involved in the school system, so God forbid I ever did something wrong, it would get back to them. I don't think I've changed much from my childhood at all. Heck, I bought He-Man toys back then, and I still do now!

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Guest MaxPower27

I was a somewhat outgoing kid until about 4th grade, when everyone else started growing both taller and heavier than I. I got beat up a lot, and it quieted me. Usually, I'd mouth off to kids just to be a wise ass, but as I stopped growing, they got bigger than me, and I started getting my ass kicked on a more frequent basis.


In middle school, I was a completely different kid than elementary school. In elementary school, I was kind of loud, obnoxious, and rude. Once 6th grade hit, and kids started laughing at me, it got under my skin. I became a very reclusive introvert (still am), and I stopped going to dances, parties, and the mall.

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Guest ant_7000

I was shy mostly and made fun of often in Jr high usually because I was really short, sported a Fro (before it became a trend again),I was flooding and wore high socks but I was good in sports thou so I made some friends through that. I was so a goody two shoes back then I was afraid to get in trouble. The only thing I was obsessed with back then Sports, girls, and Power Rangers.

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Guest DJ Jeff

I was always the shy kid in class. I mean I'd talk some, but I was always quiet. I had quite a few friends who were the exact opposite. I never did get into trouble at all. There was this period, between 10th and 11th grade, that I came pretty damn close to dropping out of school. I went back eventually.

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i used to be extremely hyper. and go around hollering everywhere such as wal-mart i used to run all over that place hollering like a mad man. and the mall. some bitch ass security guard told me to stop "running" becouse i was rolling on the floor and acting like i was in a "action" movie and pointing my finger like i was shooting a gun and stuff.

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Guest Intimacy Goblin

Being at serious odds with any kind of sport in elementary school, I was also a member of the "that kid" clan. Pretty much minded my own business. I learned the joys of that very early on.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I was a stoner, who got in lots of fights and ran with the wrong crowd. Got put in a foster home which only fucked me up more before I eventually straightened out and got a job.


When I was in Elementry I fought alot and was a total clown, even though I always got decent to good grades.

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Guest Raven_Effect01
I was always the shy kid in class. I mean I'd talk some, but I was always quiet. I had quite a few friends who were the exact opposite. I never did get into trouble at all. There was this period, between 10th and 11th grade, that I came pretty damn close to dropping out of school. I went back eventually.

I'm in the same position as you were currently(I'm in the 11th grade now), except I haven't ever thought about dropping out, even though I don't like school very much.

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Guest spiny norman

I was always one of the youngest in my year, so for like my first year I hung around all the bigger kids for protectio. And I was a little turd, to say the least. Used to punch girls and be a right little prick.


Then I got into a better crowd, became better behaved. However I still had a fetish for older people and so I also was really friendly with teachers.


But yeah, rest of my life leading to the age of twelve I was the popular, intelligent, super-nice but absolutely insane guy. Then I started puberty early (like 10), and kind of become emotionally frail and depressed for about three years.

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