Guest ShooterJay Report post Posted December 9, 2002 I figured someone should read this, because while we can discuss CZW, ROH and Wildside in a civil manner, we can't do the same for XPW, because it always boils down to the stubborn haters of the company, (99% of the board- and admittedly, I'm one of them) vs. the slobbering fanboys (EMAXSAUN and the occasional random guy). So here's an unbiased review of their first Viking Hall show, "Hostile Takeover" from a very good writer at Lethal, screename "Sheep": Since I've started at Lethal, I've constantly had doubts about wether or not I was good enough for the site. I didn't even think that what I was writing about was what the audience wanted to read about. I may love indy wrestling, but it wouldn't be what it is if everyone know about it, so why would everyone care? Well, after a lot of doubting, and some confering with people, higher ups and just friends (I <3 Tommy) it turns out I'm actually In Demand (not InDemand, so don't blame me when the PPV bill comes in) to some degree. So I've decided to stop being a moaning, pansy english wrestling geek and do what I love to do. Talk wrestling. So that's what I'm going to do. It's very rarely an independent show will create as much drama as XPW's first show on the East Coast did. When it was announced that the West Coasts top promotion would be moving for a few months, everyone was against it, and a lot of people tried to stop it. When the show happened, the debates over how good it was and attendance were all over the place. And recently, as the video was released, a lot of people stopped and said.. "it wasn't so bad", and the XPW fans themselves even said their old stuff was bad in comparison. It's rare that anything ever lives up the hype.. so did Rob Blacks porn funded league live up to it all? XPW present Hostile Takeover - 31/08/2002 Viking Hall, Philly. In front of a WCW-esq placed crowd in the now infamous Viking Hall, Shane Douglas, XPW champion stands, belt and Lizzy Borden in tow, holding his microphone, and like everyone else (mainly retards) I'm wondering why this all looks familiar. The answer being I watched this tape yesterday. Just like I did yesterday, I fast forwarded again, as I have no desire to hear Douglas on the mic again, insulting Funk again, but I'm sure you get the basis of the interview : Douglas says he created wrestling in *Insert Town* and that *Insert Opponent* is nothing compared to him. Out comes his opponent, they tell Shane about respect, Shane hits a sneaky punch, and they go at it before security pull them apart. If that's not a good guess, then I don't know what is. "Insane Luchadore" Super Crazy Vs Psicosis - The two kick the show off with the style Tajir/Crazy made popular in this building. Flips, flops, wheel barrows, pins and stand offs. Unfortunately for Psicosis, his Wheel Barrow is turned into a nice release German Suplex, forming the former WCW Champion to roll to the outside. Lucky for Psicosis, he gains advantage of Crazy, by dodging his plancha. The two then bump like heathens for a nice locomotive drop kick spot on the cold concrete, before they go back inside. Crazy then uses Psi as a kick bag, dropping him with two nice dropkicks to his face and back. Back outside, the Insane Luchador hits 2 delicious moonsaults, but before he can capitalise inside, Psicosis hits him with a top rope sitting gourdbuster and a rather badly executed variation of his leg drop. 3 seconds later, and Psicosis is your victor. The match itself could of been better, but that doesn't mean it was bad, enjoyable, and got the crowd going. Sandman Vs Pogo The Clown. Just as the Hardcore Icon makes his umpteenth return to his former home, XPW's resident fat-kidnaper attacks from behind and drags the beer swilling one around clubbing and smashing him into the rings surroundings. Inside, Pogo hits a pretty good fat boy tornado elbow, following it up with a semi-stalling suplex. Sandman attempts to fight back after dodging a corner avalanche splash, but the JWG look alike, reverses a whip and crushes Sandman with his ample torso. As Sandy staggers out, Pogo then slaughters him with a big lariat. Showing shocking balance, Pogo then climbs up top and executes one of the most dangerous looking splashes/falls I've seen, near crushes Sandman with his elbow. Pouring a beer over his fallen opponent, Pogo then leaves. It wasn't really a match, but it wasn't that bad a segment. Pogo, while big, didn't seem that useless, but I only got to see him for a few minutes, not much to form an opinion on. With Pogo gone, the ever suffering Lori Fullington runs to her husbands aid, new hair do and all. Seemingly unconscious, it just takes a sip of his 'spinach' to wake the fallen icon, and we can all tell this one's far from over. XPW Tag Team Title Match Mexicos Most Wanted (Halloween & Damien 666) Vs New Panthers (Smokey Charmichael & Malcolm Xl) After some bad, bad-ass mic work from Smokey and the nWo B-Team giving each other Hispanic introductions, this one is underway. Malcolm (also known as Brian Xl, the S.A.T's buddy) and Damien 666 start with a few pins, before Xl rolls Damian out with a lucha-arm drag, and with reckless abandon, he launches him self over the top with a twisting moonsault press. Halloween plays about with the seemingly weightless Smokey, before he surprises him with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors sending him under the rope and hits a nice over the top topé. The MMW then decide they're not gonna be upstaged by two punks and head to the back, inspiring the Panthers to charge and bring them back to the ring. The MMW however, take advantage of this and deliver some nice basic double team work to Smokes, before bringing Malcolm in for his go. Upping the Ante, the pair pull off some more team work, including a nice double team facebuster, and a set of cranium crunching dropkicks. Once again using their speed to take advantage, the Panthers launch MMW to the outside, and hit stereo somersault topé's, both finding the mark and both executed perfectly. Back inside, Malcolm hits the Muta-esq Damien with a springboard 'rana, and a pinning rana, but seems to only infuriate Muta 666 as he near decapitates him with a devilish lariat. He then upstages himself by making Malcom eat his own toes with a kneeling cradle breaker. Xl sells like death, and from where I'm sitting, it looked like death. The young upstart seems to have a lot more fight in him, as he not only blocks a Damien rana from upstairs, but a Halloween superplex. However, Halloweens meets him on his way down with a drop kick, forcing Smokey in to break up the count and put the motion in their favour. Their attempt to capitalise fails as their Poetry in Hurricanrana attempt is turned into a Halloween Powerbomb, dropping Smokey on his partners bridged back. With his groin still sore, our man with the bald spot, Damien 666 hits a stiff spinebuster, and follows through with a big swing. With Smokey in a daze, and still swinging air-borne, Halloween hits a stiff drop kick, sending the crowd bonkers, as the tag champs retain and seemingly end Smokeys life. While basic, they utilised the big man vs little man stuff very well as the two opening exchanges showed. MMW came off as really polished workers and controlled it well, with some stiff offence and nice catching. The Panthers, Xl more than Smokey, sold some of the Mexicans offence perfectly, especially that cradle breaker. A lot of XPW fans are calling this an amazing spot fest and tag match of the year. While it was good, and I'd definitely recommend watching it, it was no S.A.T Vs Devine Storm/Xl, Take 1 kind of spot match, but one of the best big Vs small spot matches I've seen. Probably the stand out match of the show. XPW King Of The Deathmatch Title Match "Human Horror Movie" Supreme Vs "Hardcore Homo" Angel - Starting with the typical gimmick teasing, both men try to utilise a barbedwire board in the corner, avoiding it only at the last minute. While this works with barbedwire ropes, they seem to utilise the "dodge the danger" routine for far too long in the opening however, things quickly pick up as Angel attempts to springboard off a chair and 'rana Supreme from the apron onto a barbedwire board, Supreme however, doesn't seem to catch him right, and lands face first outside. Nasty looking bump. Angel then goes and outdoes that by seemingly screwing up a tope, smacking the apron, and falling hard onto the board and some light tubes. Supreme then kicks it into over drive, throwing the hardcore homo onto anything in the area, tubes, tables and barbedwire. Back inside, he attempts a powerbomb into a bed of light tubes, but Angel takes a page out of Billy Kidmans book and slams Supremes face into a gang of tubes, busting him up hard. After a few evil tube shots, and Angels face being flushed in the ladies toilets, the two find themselves on top of a stage, which is nothing but bad news for Angel as Supreme sees fit to powerbomb the pink one from high up, through two tables, barbedwire in tubes. After slobbing down, the Human Horror Story makes the cover and leaves, bloody and bruised. Another half decent contest, and quite a fun deathmatch. Seemed to be more of a hardcore prop shot and table frenzy, although at times, was a lot more enjoyable than some of the deathmatches CZW has ran in the building this year. While it wasn't Deathmatch Psychology 101 like Zandig Vs Lobo, it was fun, hard hitting, brutal and bloody. Supreme seems like a good thrower, and is willing put his body through anything to get over, but not as much as the little fag who seriously has no regard for anything he does. All in all, just like the fans, I liked it. The Juice (Juventude Guerrera) Vs Chris Chetti - Before the match gets underway, we're given one of the few original ideas has put forward on this tape. The Juice Bar.. WITH SUBTITLES. That's right, the Rock-mimicking Juvi is back with his own interview slot.. but as you know, he's not only Mexican, but a drug crazed fool who talks gibberish.. so we're given subtitles to help us. Some funny stuff with him telling each side of the audience "Fuck You" over and over, professing his love to a woman in the front row. But, Chetti or "Chatty", gets in his face and starts the match off. After a rope running feeling out process, Juvi takes control from a roman-greco knuckle lock, but Chetti tries to out do him with a slow and loose rolling armbar, which Juvi evades by leaving the ring. They throw a clip-job in the middle of an exchange, which makes me think it went wrong. Juvi gets control and hits a nice run of moves, slowing it down with a well executed Sharp Shooter and follows up with a nice leg scissor. Once again, they throw a clip-job in, and both men are outside with Juvi still on the attack, but quickly takes it back inside, signalling for the end. Nails another nice series of moves including a powerbomb and brainbuster which surprised me, considering Chatty ain't exactly Slim J. The juice attempts the Juicy Elbow but Chetti gets up in time to attempt the Amtyville Horror, but Juvi, the seasoned vet he is, slips out and plants a compact Juvi Driver, planting Chettis shoulders down for the 1, 2, 3. Afterwards, Juvi continues his assault, however, former ECW undercarder, Julio Dinero runs out to ABSOLUTELY NO HEAT and tries to do his best tough guy impression, before him and Chetti run the cruiserweight star out of the ring. While this should of been before both the tag match and the deathmatch, it was a watchable affair, with Juvi impressing me, as this was the first time I'd seen him since his Filthy Animal days. Since then, he's been called Lazy, but came off as a good and comical worker. The match did it's job as it set a match for the next card with Dinero (Ha!) and putting the Juice over with the crowd. You don't like the Juice? You suck his dick! "Vicious" Vic Grimes Vs "Little Guido" Maritato Vs Altar Boy Luke All three start this one with brawling before Luke turns the tempo up with a weird somersault fameasser to Guido and a smooth topé onto Grimes on the outside. Guido tries to copy the holy kid, but eats nothing but concrete.. Luke then goes mental with a springboard corkscrew senton which he gets awesome height on. Back inside, they mix it up pretty nicely with some moves, with Grimes and Luke showing a lot of chemistry. Luke nails Guido with a nice belly to back release, before a run-the-turnbuckle tornado DDT, which he follows up with an outside on the 2nd rope to inside moonsault. Obscure, but nice. Grimes gets back his senses after Guido takes on Luke for a while, and hits a running Iconoclasm to the Altar Boy. He then takes both out with a top rope clothesline. Still on a roll, he gives a Canadian backbreaker into.. kneeling backbreaker, which is nasty, and then does something I'd never expect a man of his size to do. Grabbing Lukes hands, he walks the top rope, before nailing a leg drop to Lukes arm. Grimes, dominating like a mother fugger, then hits an innovative press slam, into swinging chokeslam. As Guido gets to his feet, Grimes locks the youngster Luke, and locks in a camel clutch/cloverleaf lock on his arms, Guido grabs the legs in a cross-legged crab, and the rookie has no choice but to tap out. Old ECW-Style elimination leaves us with Grimes Vs Guido. The two veterans in this match get off to a rocky start as Guidos springboard corkscrew sunset flip gets botched and ends up as a big crash landing for both. Vic takes control afterwards until missing a corkscrew senton, giving Guido the offence, which he seems to waste as Vic attempts his Victimiser (Dominator) but the Sicilian Shooter rolls off in mid move and drops into a Fujiwara. Nicely done. He follows up with what I can only describe a sloth hanging from a tree leg lock to the Notorious V.I.C's elevated leg. The two then go balls out with a few pinning attempts and rope running reversals before Guido attempts a hurricanrana. Big mistake. The Mammoth Grimes just hangs him down, steps over and BAM Victimiser 3.0, Styles Clash style. Rolling the flattened Sicilian over, he gets the easy 3, and an easy win. Another good match, with Vic Grimes impressing me a hell of a lot, and proving that just because you're fat, doesn't mean you suck. The 3-way moments where good, and Luke (a Vic Grimes trainee I believe) has a great career as a spot monkey ahead of him. The only thing I found to drag was the Guido/Grimes clash at the latter half of the match. Guidos submissions seem out of place and made it drag on longer than it should. Other than that, a good outing by all three, and an enjoyable match. XPW Television Title Ladder Match "Rock Superstar" Kaos w/ 'GQ Money & Veronica Caine Vs Chris Hamrick - Fast pace starts with a lot of rope running and flip-out of counters, but Kaos ends it when he catches Hamricks springboard with a nice Anderson style spinebuster. He goes outside for a ladder, but Hamrick hits an Arabian press to the outside, on top of both Kaos and the ladder. Kaos gets brought back in "the hard way", and locked in a Boston Crab/Pendulum combo, before GQ Money runs in, for Hamrick to utilise them both in a great Indian Death Lock, Dragon Sleep/Chin Lock that would take months to explain. The two exchange basics for a while, until Kaos gets a ladder and heads up top. Hamrick, the thinking mans wrestler, crotches him, and swings the ladder atop the ring post, see-sawing it at Kaos head. Falling into a tree of woe, Kaos then gets the ladder/drop kick treatment with assist from a chair. With her man down, Veronica runs in, and distracts Chris with a faux blowjob/bite routine, giving Kaos time to get the advantage again. GQ assist with a double team leg drop, before Kaos drags in a HUGE ladder and sets it up, and hits a beautiful moonsault, to nothing. Still, a nice moonsault. As he rolls outside to recover, Hamrick sets up a smaller ladder and attempts a plancha, however, the Ultraviolent GQ does his duty and allows Kaos time to climb the top and Blockbuster/Guillotine him off the ladder, and down the hard way. Kaos tries for the belt only to get dropkicked off it. GQ climbs the top in attempt to attack Hamrick, only to get crotched. What followed was the undoubted move of the night as Hamrick hits a Superplex-Stunner. Hoisting him for a suplex, and twisting him, dropping off the top with a stunner. Pure WOW moment right there. Kaos is back up though, and then goes even more ballistic hitting an over-the-shoulder powebomb INTO piledriver. After playing with ladders, he misses a 450 giving Hamrick the control. This is when they get smart. Getting his whip reversed, Hamrick lands on a propped up ladder. Whilst there, Kaos charges at him with another ladder, which Hamrick avoids by pulling himself up, and forcing the ladder, into the rungs of the ladder below him, leaving it sticking out. That'll probably come in handy later. The two then find themselves on top of the big ladder, where Hamrick pushes the Rock Superstar off, and leap frogs off it, a lá Jeffery Nero Hardy! Kaos moved... but still. Back in control, Kaos tries to stab Hamrick with a ladder, but moves and if by magic, the ladder gets stuck in the ladder that was jammed in before. Shock! With Hamrick scared and standing on the second rope, back to a ladder, one running under his legs, and facing one.. Kaos attempts to Hurricanrana him onto the ladders.. but Hamrick goes nuts and powerbombs Kaos onto the ladder across from him, forcing it to bend and hit the floor in one of the most Innovative ladder spots I've seen in a long time. With Kaos near crippled, Hamrick climbs the ladder, safe in the knowledge Kaos can't move.. but GQ Money, the little leprechaun bastard, pushes the Confederate warrior from the top.. and sends him crashing through a table outside. That was the plan, the table didn't break and Hamrick bounced it aside and hit the solid concrete. Back in the ring, with a "foot up" from his midget manager, Kaos climbs the ladder, and retains his Television Title. As he slams the ladders about in celebration, out runs Danny Doring who takes out all three Enterprise members. Wow. Some great stunts and some great moves in this one, and had it flowed a little better, it would of been a sterling ladder match. A contender with the MMW Vs Panthers match from MOTN, however, my one main jive about this, is the run ins. GQ Money seemed to be the third man in this match as all he did was make his presence known. Now I understand it's his gimmick, but Hamrick can definitely go, and Kaos seemed to have it in them.. leave them alone and go find your pot of gold next time. XPW Heavyweight Title Match "The Franchise" Shane Douglas w/ Lizzy Borden Vs "Living Legend" Terry Funk Ugh! Douglas is back on the microphone, again. He’s telling us how he made history in this building, again. He says he has a big announcement, but puts it off bad mouthing local promoters.. there's more heat in a blizzard than this promo. An outbreak of "CZW" starts in the crowd. Probably louder than any XPW chant that night. Douglas claims to have ownership of the Viking Hall from that night on.. but suddenly stops dead in his tracks as Funk comes marching to the ring, Keeping that crazy old man reputation alive as he launched chair after chair into the ring, towards the cowering champ. Douglas rolls out and stalls, only to have funk pull his arse out of his trunks and throw him into the crowd. They do the standard brawl around the crowd and slam your head into anything near it. Funk slams Douglas' head into the same poll M-Dogg 20 crawled up a few weeks after. I'd pay to see Funk do that. The two brawl outside, where the real drama starts. Funk, still a crazy old man, grabs a glass bottle, and struggles to smash it against a wall. When it finally does smash, the legend is clearly heard saying "Fuck", before grabbing his arm in pain. They go back in with Funks arm starting to gush with blood. Douglas throws him back inside where we hear a referee say "I'm going to get the doctor'. Douglas nails El Tel with a piledriver, and grabs a chair and goes straight after the bloody arm of Funk. The referee rings the bell and ends it for us. Funk goes ballistic and chases Douglas out, before grabbing Lizzy and piledriving her. That's not a new thing for her though. Nor is it strange when he pulls her thong off her, some how forcing her neddies to pop out of her top. Douglas, being the nice guy he is, comes back in only to get Stiffed the fuck out by a crazier than usual Funk. Punching and stamping him like he was a dog on fire, Funk chases the champ out of the ring. I don't really like brawls, nor Funk, so I was pretty much turned off by the moment the match graphics came on screen. However, it wasn't as boring as some brawls that spring to mind, however I'm sure it would have been had Funk not slashes himself up. It's a shame that the way wrestling goes, these matches are always the main event.. it's a scam! The Overall Tape While the tape had a consistency at times, it wasn't exactly a solid show. Douglas' interviews were stale and repetitive, as was the whole idea of the main event. The undercard was solid, with only the main draw bringing the show down. A lot of people are hating on this because Black wants his company to be like ECW, however, after watching this, I couldn't care. The talent seems to be used well, and he does have some good talent, home grown and imported. I'd say watch this show, but I wouldn't run out and get it. XPW have definitely made progress since the last time I watch them (Damage Inc) which I couldn't stomach watching once, let alone twice. Despite what the die-hards are saying, XPW is NOT better than CZW or ROH, but with the right direction and evolution of angles, I seriously wouldn't put it past them becoming one of the undoubted top companies on the East Coast and the US in general. Sheep Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EMAXSAUN Report post Posted December 16, 2002 yeah, i basically agree with that review. here is what i thought: "Insane Luchadore" Super Crazy Vs Psicosis This match was a solid match to start up the show. could have been better but a nice little match to get things going. *** Sandman Vs Pogo The Clown NO MATCH, but a good segment. XPW Tag Team Title Match Mexicos Most Wanted (Halloween & Damien 666) Vs New Panthers (Smokey Charmichael & Malcolm Xl) This was, without a doubt, the match of the night. It was a great match, with some great spots, and a great finish. Probably the XPW match of the year. ***3/4 XPW King Of The Deathmatch Title Match "Human Horror Movie" Supreme Vs "Hardcore Homo" Angel This started out too slow. That's my only complaint with it, and there was also no point of going into the bathroom to fight. Other than that this was a good deathmatch. **1/2 The Juice (Juventude Guerrera) Vs Chris Chetti Weakest match of the night. Juvy was actually pretty good, but Chetti seemed to blow a few spots and wass't really into it. ** "Vicious" Vic Grimes Vs "Little Guido" Maritato Vs Altar Boy Luke 2nd best match of the night. Guido was good as usal, luke was innovative with his spots, and grimes showed that he can wrestle. ***1/2 XPW Television Title Ladder Match "Rock Superstar" Kaos w/ 'GQ Money & Veronica Caine Vs Chris Hamrick This was a very innovative ladder match, and if it flowed better, it would have been better. **3/4 XPW Heavyweight Title Match "The Franchise" Shane Douglas w/ Lizzy Borden Vs "Living Legend" Terry Funk I like ECW style brawls, and this one was ok, but Funk smashed a beer bottle and gashed his arm open, which was disgusting, so it had to be cut short. * i guess. Not really a match. Overall, pick this up, it has a pretty solid card, with a few stand out matches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites