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Guest Midnight Express83

Looking for a Flair comp.

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Guest Midnight Express83

I want his series with Steamboat from 1989. Matches with Dusty from the mid 80s, promos on it. Wargames 87 and 91 on it. The complete 92 rumble on it, his matches with Bret Hart and Randy Savage on it.

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Guest blachuuh_monkey

I can make you one if you want with the following.


Flair vs Steamboat - all 3 89 matches and the 1994 Spring Stampede match.


Flair vs Dusty Rhodes - both Starrcade Matches


Both Wargames


Flair vs Savage - WM VIII


Flair vs Bret - Late 92 where Bret beats flair for the title and their Ironman match from January 1993.


The VQ is good for the most part. It might be a little shoddy for the Dusty matches and maybe 87 Wargames but otherwise good. I do have some of the promos from then but most of those are in bad shape. If you want them I could throw them on there anyways. That is the best I can do for you. Email me at [email protected] if your interested.

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Guest Corey291

I have a 6hr History of Ric Flair v. Ricky Steamboat that has virtually ALL of their matches from TV, PPV and several rare house show matches, dating back as far as 1977. It also covers their entire 1989 feud, and the few matches they had in the early 1990s as well.


I personally put together a HISTORY OF WARGAMES tape that contains EVERY WCW Wargames match ever done, as well as several Wargames matches from the indy circuit and Japan. The tape is nearly 8hrs long.


As far as Ric Flair goes, I have a History of Ric Flair in the WWF that contains EVERY SINGLE TV & PPV appearance of the Nature Boy in the WWF including his matches with Savage, hart and the 1992 Royal Rumble.


If you'rre interested, let me know.



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Guest blachuuh_monkey

I could add the Royal Rumble match if your still interested although Corey 291 seems to have a lot more for you then I would.

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