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Guest converge241

3 Stages of Hell II

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The bottom line is they need to gimmick all of HBK's matches because he shouldn't be wrestling at all.


Funny how he was catapulted as the only person who can beat the Office

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Wouldn't be great if HBK forfeited the title because his back hurt too much?




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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Why not? It's not like he hasn't done that before.

It'd be OLD-SKOOL~! all over again!

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Guest BionicRedneck

I'll give HHH credit...he is a clever young man.


I see this happening:


Stage 1: He beats HBK via pinfall therefore getting his win back over Michaels in a streetfight.


Stage 2: HBK wins, but as it is a cage match "The Game" might not even get pinned


Stage 3: HHH gets to beat Shawn in "his" match, and get back he fake World Title (Off topic: I find it funny that HHH's biatch Ric Flair carried the same belt around calling himself "The Real World's Champion")


I don't expect too much from a match between two overrated cripples, particularly as the first 3 stages of hell match (between an in-form HHH, and the WWF wrestler of the year) wasn't too impressive.

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