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Guest Ace309

Gone. Download. No big whoop.

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Guest Ace309

Alright, I'm driving to South Carolina for my brother's Marine Corps graduation ceremony. As such, I'll be on the road for an excruciatingly long period of time.


Thus, my FTP is up.


Please download what little I have so that you can marvel at the talents that are American Dragon and Dick Togo.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

I've been going through your All Japan Heavyweights, some pretty good matches.


10/91 Kawada vs. Jumbo is probably my favorite. Anyone who is a wrestling fan, owes to themselves to see this match. While isn't as rich in story or emotion as some other All Japan classics, it's probably one of the most perfectly constructed matches ever.


6/98 Kawada vs. Kobashi another one of my favorites. Also not as rich in story as other classics, but still flawlessly worked. Interesting how Kawada uses the post93 tag match formula(50% build, 50% high spots) in a singles match, while others chose not to follow in his foot steps during the Head Dropping era is a mystery to me.


I also you have 6/90 Jumbo/Misawa but not the better 9/90 match, which plays an important part in the story of 6/3/94.


You also don't have any of the classic tag matches or 93 Stan Hansen classics with Kobashi and Kawada. Hell almost anything from 93 is pure gold. :(

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Guest Kibagami

The Hansen matches are rare on the 'net, if they're even there at all -- I've never seen them myself. I have a couple matches from '93, though -- the 6/13 first meeting of Misawa/Kobashi and Kawada/Taue, the 1/24 Misawa/Kobashi vs. Gordy/Williams, and a '93 singles match between Kobashi and Gordy, though I'm not sure of the date on that one. I'll try and upload them for you guys later tonight.



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Guest Ace309

Man, Danny, tell me about it. I really wish I could find some of that suff, but with all the Hotliners down, and stuff besides RVD impossible to find on Kazaa, it's really suckalicious.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

That's a damn shame. They have Kobashi/Gordy but not Kobashi/Hansen, that sucks. I would take Kobashi/Hansen over that Misawa/Kobashi 1/97 nonsense anyday, great match but flawed severly. It's also fun to watch the Kawada/Kobashi 93 matches, and see how fast and athletic they used to be.


Do do they have Kawada/Albright 10/25/95, at least? I believe it's from the same show as the Taue/Misawa. Great fucking match, that reminds me alot of the Benoit/Angle matches, except much better selling. Junior and submission wrestling fans would like it alot, which is odd considering it's two 250+ pound fat guys. Lots of crazy quick counters and what not.


If you can find it, you may also want to look into Misawa/Kawada 7/95(I think that's right, will have to check later). On the surface it's better than 6/3/94, just on the surface mind you. I wouldn't insult it by calling it a spot fest, but it is 23 straight minutes of high spots and near falls. Probably Kawada's fourth best performance, as far as selling goes it's second only to the 12/93 tag match match. Which I guess isn't available either, damn that pisses me off. You guys need to order from Jeff Lynch, Highspots, or something.

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Guest Tod deKindes

Hmm, puro. What, no porn? Waiiiiiit...


*goes off and scribbles 'naked chicks dropping each other on their heads'*


That's the ticket.

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Guest Kibagami

The Kawada/Albright match is getting uploaded as we speak. You all know you love me. Deep down, yes you do, bitches.



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