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DrVenkman PhD

Pluggage To the EXTREME

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

You're the guy from 411, right?


We really appreciate it, thanks.

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Guest Powerplay

Hey man, thanks for the help. It's very much appreciated.


EDIT: And Grand Slam says that the large majority of the hits on our site are coming from your article. Just thought to mention that :D.

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Guest crusen86

That's awesome dude. What I said in the thread wasn't a shot at you at all though - it's just depressing that we get HUGE pluggage, and we still can't get any newbies.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Thanks man.


I love you long time! Hee hee!


Mothernature says..."

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