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When HHH wins the belt this Sunday

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Given HHH has started to use his 20 Minute Interview spots to lash out at his critics and such, when he wins the belt Sunday and show up on Raw in what order will he attack is detractors in his victory promo?


1. The Internet

2. The Dirt Sheet Writers

3. The Wrestlers in the Back

4. Steve Austin, in a futile attempt to lay the groundwork for a HHH/Austin feud when he comes back


Heck, I wouldn't even put it past HHH to repeat Hogan's old "Pulling out a copy of the WON and burning it on TV" protest as a way for HHH to feel big about himself and for Vince to use HHH as a puppet to attack his critics who have begged him to kill HHH's God-Push before he kills the company...

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Guest Repo Man jr

He'll bring out a laptop showing whatever wrestling site bashes him the most (here? -Ed). Then smash it with his Tripple H Sledge Hammer.

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He'll bring out a laptop showing whatever wrestling site bashes him the most (here? -Ed). Then smash it with his Tripple H Sledge Hammer.

If he does that, can we get Gallagher to sue him?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

He'll say that there is no one left in the world that can challenge him.


At that point someone should come out to challenge him...


but in reality the booking shows he is correct.

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