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Guest ShamRock

My Field Trip

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Guest ShamRock

I went on this field trip today,with my German I & II classes.Some ballet shit.I only went because I wanted to get out of class.So we got there,got our seats and the thing started.It was some "Nutcracker" ballet.The first 30 mins. were ok,but then it started to get boring.During the ballet,this girl,who sat in front of me,kept putting her head back.Her head landed about 4 times in my crotch. :headbang: I liked it a lot.The show was so boring that I fell asleep.I'd rate it **.After the show we went to Subway.This was my first time going there and the sandwiches were a bit expensive to me.I payed $3.50 for a turkey breast sandwich.Later I found out that I could've ordered the Kid's Pak which was only $2.99 and I would've gotten a drink and cookie.So I got ripped off.After we ate,we walked through a park.There was this Christian extremist.He had The Bible in his hand and said how all religions are stupid except Christianity.Then he mentions how all the gods were dead except Jesus.When he mentioned Islam,he said Muhammad,not Allah.He was trying to sound smart.


He talked about cows,how they were given to us by God.Then one of my classmates stepped in and asked him if the cow is scared why does he eat beef and have on leather shoes.He started yelling at her and she started yelling back and in the end she started crying.Other folks came in and started arguing with his ass.I was so pissed off.I started cussing his bitchass out.He kept on yelling and yelling.Our teacher wasn't around us at that time 'cause she was eating.He yelled some more and I asked this homeless dude how long that man does that and he answered," I don't know,but I knocked the shit out of him three times already.'' Everybody was arguing with him now.Our bus was coming and we had to leave,but the extremist kept on talking.He would never shut up.


That was my day.That totally made my day.I am still thinking what happend today.Fucking asshole.

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Guest kingkamala

I've never had a field trip like that. Although I do have some semi-decent field trips, nothing like that ^ mind you.

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