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Guest oldschoolwrestling

UPN Considering adding second WWF Show

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

The UPN Network is apparently interested in adding a second WWF show. UPN will apparently be looking very closely at the "WWF Divas: Sex On The Beach" special that is set to air next Wednesday. If the rating for the show is high, it could be turned into a weekly series.


Interestingly enough, the original idea for Smackdown was for it to be an all-women show centered around Sable. That idea, however, was obviously dropped in favor of the Smackdown that currently airs.


Credit: WrestlingObserver.com

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Guest Tony149

How would they turn the WWF divas into a weekly series? I guess showing them on the beach and stuff. Unless they made them act. I never knew the original idea for Smackdown was an all-women show.

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Guest teke184

At least this will keep the Gravy Bowl, Jello, and Eggnog matches off of Raw and Smackdown...  I like T+A as much as the next straight guy, but if I watch a wrestling show I expect WRESTLERS to do the wrestling and for women like Stacy Kiebler to be bending over for the camera instead of clawing out Trish's eyes in a "wrestling match".

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
At least this will keep the Gravy Bowl, Jello, and Eggnog matches off of Raw and Smackdown...  I like T+A as much as the next straight guy, but if I watch a wrestling show I expect WRESTLERS to do the wrestling and for women like Stacy Kiebler to be bending over for the camera instead of clawing out Trish's eyes in a "wrestling match".

I enjoyed the Trish/Jazz match on Raw.  I'll take that over a Stephanie McMahon promo/skit any day.

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Guest Army Eye

Hm.. Would this be a half-hour show?  Hour show?  I don't know how they could fill the time every week..

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Guest Tony149

I would assume a weekly divas show would be an hour long. I also don't know how they would fill time for a weekly show with the divas.

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Guest Downhome

Ok, here are MY thoughts on this...


...first off, we know that there are some fans out there, many more than you would think, that can only see ONE of the WWF's two main shows a week. The reason for this, is simply that some people do not get both TNN & UPN. I have many friends who are in this same situation. Now, in knowing this, when the split happens it is really going to put some people in a bind. If their favorite wrestlers get put in the "group" that is only on TNN then they are basicly screwed, and vice versa. But, what I think they should do is this...


...I think they should have the group headed by Vince McMahon to get RAW, and then a "new" show to be added on UPN. That way, there is a show every week both on TNN (cable), and on UPN (network). Then, I feel that they should have the group headed by Ric Flair to get Smackdown, and then possibly the Heat show, or the Excess show. In doing this, the Flair group, just like the Vince group, will have both a show on Network AND Cable.


I'm sure there are many people who would appriciate this, as I know if I was in the situation if I couldn't get certain channels, that I'd appriciate it...


...wouldn't you?


Doing what I have said, would only be adding ONE new show a week, and as it looks it is quite possible they may be doing that anyhow.


Then there could be one of their other shows, either Heat or Excess (depending on which show that is "leftover"), that could be focused on doing a re-cap of both "groups".


I'm just thinking off of the top of my head, and I'm sure there is more to it than this, but, I'm sure you get the idea of what I'm saying. What do ya'll think about this?


By the way, there is no reason to have a "diva-only" show. I know I wouldn't go out of the way to watch it, but hey, that's just me. If it means that it would cut down on the "crap" on the WRESTLING shows, then I'm all for it. But, I just feel that such a show would fail...


...but when I really think about it, perhaps not...


...because after all, the "Trish Nip Slip" post got a hell of a lot of views in a small ammount of time, so maybe the diva's mean more to more fans that I belive...


...but I don't watch wrestling for the diva's, I watch it for, well, Pro. Wrestling. Not that I don't enjoy seeing eye candy, but, I wouldn't watch an entire WWF programming about it. That is just taking it way too f*cking far...


...if I want to watch the ladies, I'll either watch the WWF shows that are currently on, or better yet, turn it to just about any other channel to watch women, lol.




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Guest RetroRob215

Imagine how bad an all diva's show based on Sable would be.  Now imagine how fast it would die.  Thats better...

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Guest B-X

I was there at the gravy bowl match. there was a stupendous Stacy ass-shot not shown on TV. I will develop the pictures... one day.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

For the health of all the horny 14 year wrestling fans in the world, those pictures must not see the light of day.

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Guest Rabies

You do have a point, Downhome. If the split happens, each fed should have 2 "A" shows, 1 on network tv, and 1 on cable tv. And each fed could have 1 "B'' show.


Here's how it could work out:



- Smackdown! (UPN), 2hr

- Excess, which would be turned into an "A" show under a different, creative, better name. (TNN), 2hr

- Metal/Jakked, the "B" (Syndication), 1hr



- Raw (TNN), 2hr

- 2nd UPN "A" show. (UPN), 2hr

- Heat, the "B" show (MTV), 1hr


I HATE all 100% recRap shows like Excess. They can probably recap on the "B" shows instead.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I always wished they would turn excess into a show ehre they aired classic wwf/wcw matches, it would give the new fans a sense of the wwf's history and make the wcw stars look less like jobbers.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

to quote the comic book guy from the simpsons, having a divas show is the *worst idea ever!*  why waste tv time on something which really only works on specials, will run out of content *very* quickly, and will probably rate very badly after the novelty wears off.  its not as if the majority of the "divas" are that attractive anyway, there are plenty of better looking women around.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

Yeah, why would i want to watch a Diva show every week?  If I want what the show can provide, I'll watch porn.

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Guest goodhelmet

I think before the WWF throws another Jakked, Metal ,Heat, Excess or whatever they should concentrate on improving the quality of their flagship shows. Until they demonstrate the ability to write compelling tv for the shows they have then another show shouldn't even be thought about.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

well by that logic they cant fail on this project, because all it will be is the divas in bikinis posing on beaches for x amount of time each week.  and i dont think the aim of this show is to be terribly compelling, hell i imagine even steph would be able to write it (and this is one show i wouldnt mind seeing her on :)).  and it is impossible to write compelling tv for all the time they have, they should combine jakked and heat to have a single wrestling only show, and leave all the hype and recap to excess, thats why the how was created after all.

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Guest goodhelmet

"and this is one show i wouldnt mind seeing her on"


But she doesn't have to talk, right?


Personally, I don't mind watching the B-shows once in awhile but enough is enough. Improve the shows they have. Let the cruisers take over Jakked. have the European title Holder and his rivals fight on Metal. Make Heat important again. They have plenty of airtime already but aren't maximizing its potential.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

im just glad i dont get the b-shows here (except metal) so i dont have to even bother thinking about watching them.  and even if steph does talk, we have the mute button, and we have the added bonus of not missing out on any storyline developments while she is muted too! and the euro champ already seems to pretty much have metal/heat as his "corner" (to borrow a line from cubano), that is, when ddp actually wrestles.  also, its hard to make heat important when they are struggling to keep smackdown relevant, and lately it has started progressively degenerating into a clip show.

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Guest goodhelmet

"and lately it has started progressively degenerating into a clip show."


and that's some backward thinking considering it actually draws more viewers than RAW.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

totally, although i think it is good that they are keeping raw as the flagship show.  with the split coming up and all, who knows what will happen.  and on a tangent, when the split happens what will they do for commentators, as they cant have the king on both shows...

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Guest goodhelmet

"as they cant have the king on both shows..."


That's a good thing. Hopefully throw heyman back out there or if they are going to keep Micheal Cole around, make the little fucker a heel. Everyone hates him anyway.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget


that would be awful, how can you take cole seriously anyway.  he is a tweener due to total fan apathy.  nobody cared when he got beat up by austin, he isnt a heel becuase he is too weak, and he is too hated to be a face.  perhaps bring in an ex-wrestler as a new heel colour commentator, or even better, bring back Paul E.!!!

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Guest goodhelmet

Hey , I hate Micheal Cole but the guy isn't going anywhere soon. He shills the product and doesn't know shit about wrestling. WTF?!? but he would probably be better as a heel commentator.

the ideal situation is that the guy is locked in a basement forced to make Desire videos but I don't see it happening.


I had already advocated bringing Heyman back. It would make sense since he was "fired" by McMahon so he could work for Flair's group. Unfortunately, the WWF probably forgot that angle already.

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Guest BA_Baracus



All divas show?  Wooo...I'd watch that.


The girlies butts and boobs are about the only really entertaining thing about the WWF right now...

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

yeah, cole locked in the basement making videos would be a good thing, but he is too whiny (and not in the good, jericho whiney way) to be a heel commentator, and besides he is such a little bitch.  also, to be heel commentator he *should* really be on colour then, and i really cant see that happening.  also there are many wrestlers on the roster who could easily slot into the colour role, but they have *very* little in the way of talent to fill a play by play slot.

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Guest goodhelmet

"also there are many wrestlers on the roster who could easily slot into the colour role, but they have *very* little in the way of talent to fill a play by play slot. "


problem is we both agree that Cole is shitty in the play by play slot, so if they insist he stays on tv then slide him over to do color.

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Guest BA_Baracus

Problem is, he would be even worse at colour.


He has absolutely no personality.


...and when a bit shines through it's just cheesy and annoying.

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Guest supersalvadorian

The idea of Cole having a character is a terrible one. It was a while ago, but don't you remember a couple of years ago when the WWF last tried to do this? He was so crappy playing a face against Ross and Dr. Death, that it was Ross that the face pop. If he's that bad as a face, I can't imagine how much worse he'll be as a heel.


Why not try Kevin Kelly? People say he's not that good, but I like him. He doesn't irritate like Cole. Besides, I heard he was a really good heel manager/ recapper in the indies. At least, try him out.





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Guest supersalvadorian

Oh, and if the WWF is going to have another show, why not bring back Los Superastros? I miss Max Mini busting ass and macking out with the hot female host.





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Guest artDDP

Isn't there enough WWF programming on TV?


Why does the WWF think the answer to everything is to add more gas to a fire?


TV ratings eroding away?  Put on more shows.


Overcrowded roster with few workers getting any exposure?  Hire more wrestlers with inflated paychecks to do very little and within weeks turn out to be costing more than their worth.


Wrestlers routinely injured for extended amounts of time?  Book more daring and risky stunts on every show, then blame it all on WCW's "half-speed style."

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