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Guest Vern Gagne

Do you have an accent and not even know it!

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Guest welshjerichomark

hmmm i never thought i had an accent, but my aunt's husband said that when he first met me he thought i had a strong accent, and the strange thing is, he only grew up like 20 miles away from me.

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Guest Vern Gagne

We say Sure instead of Yes.


Governor Ventura always says "you know". I thought it sounded stupid, but than I realized that most people here say "you know".

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Guest Incandenza

I speak in a rather flat tone. Flyboy or Cannon can back me up on that. Actually, scratch Flyboy, as he appears to be under the impression that I have a high-pitched voice.

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Guest midnight_burn

I guess i might have an Australian accent of some form, though i'd have to talk to some non-Australains for them to point out if i do or not.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Did people here meet in person because I've noticed alot of people say they know how someone sounds.

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Guest Incandenza

Well, I work at my school's radio station, which has an online feed. Cannon, Flyboy and Goodhelmet have all heard me in action; if anyone else has, they didn't tell me.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I used to have a southern accent, though I honestly don't know why, seeing as I grew up in California, and neither of my parents were from the south. I started talking with an Irish accent to counter it... now the way I talk normally is distinctive, but not immediately placeable.

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Guest Flyboy
Actually, scratch Flyboy, as he appears to be under the impression that I have a high-pitched voice.

I just tell it how I hear it!

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Guest Ace309

For some reason, I have a bizarre Ontario-type accent despite the fact that I live in Buffalo and no one I know has that particular accent.


Must have picked it up watching Sesame Park.

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Guest spiny norman

I guess I have an Australian accent, but I was in the US and the like, and some people had a few theories of my origin, but most didn't notice.


My New York taxi driver thought I was from Miami.


A woman from North Carolina said I "sure do talk funny."


Some thought I was New Zealander.


But most didn't comment. Maybe I have little to no accent whatsoever, because people very rarely comment on it when I'm overseas.


Oh, and Kotzenjunge, I don't find the American accent hot. It just irritates me. Sorry.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

When I get into a bottle of something, the country twang comes out like a motherfucker. That, and I repeatedly say the phrase "Now listen" which at that point sounds like "Gnaw Lis-un," that, and I'm always trying to pick a fight when I get hillbilly drunk.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

Well being from Texas I do have somewhat of an accent. People from other states do tend to pick up on it when I say "Y'all" and "fixin to" and things of that nature. I know when my boss talked to my boyfriend she kept insisting he say "water" since he is from the east. I couldn't help but laugh.

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Guest MaxPower27

I'm from Massachusetts, and have a hint of the accent/terminology. I say "wicked", "watuh" (water), "cah" (car), but that's the extent of it. My mom has a pretty bad Rhode Islander accent, people down here can't understand her at all.


I've started with the southern accent, mostly as a joke, though. I say y'all, but I'll also use "aboot" and "eh" in the same conversation. Mostly, I enjoy fucking with people.

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Guest razazteca

I tend to yell for no reason at all or speak in low tone because of mommy is Asian and at times I do not pronounce the ing and insert nna


going = gonna

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Guest The Czech Republic

Being from Illinois, the Wisconsin accent and dialect drive me nuts. I can barely even write it out. You have to make your "o" sound between an O and a uh

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Guest Grenouille

Being from Maine and being French, I have a mix of both in my accent. I would tip the scale more toward Maine though, but I still have trouble wit dose damn letters h and t.


Maine words

Ayuh-yes, opposed to no, but not always

Yad-that area around a house not covered in cement

Wonduh-a state of bewilderment... i.e. "I wonduh where the dickens we are, Martha!"

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Guest Choken One

accents never is a problem for me...I have a New york accent dispite never being there nor having a realtive from New York...My wife has southern accent...

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Guest HBK16

I have a Spanish accent which I dont catch at all. But people say its there all the time. I really dont mind it.

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Guest NYCTA Bus No. PA1767

Everyone here (Houston) says I talk wierd, I guess I do. I talk really slow and proper. Not retarder slow, but relaxed slow. My voice can't show any emotion. If I'm excited I just talk in a luder, flat voice.


Although I can slip into a deep southern accent or a really proper accent whilst reading. And sometimes I pronouce daughter, "doirt-ah,"

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Guest ArchoanJB

I as well as most of the state talks in Hoosier (Who-Sher) tone. We always mess everything up with R's in it pretty much wihtout realzing it. (Warsh=wash)

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