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Guest Paranoid

Who watched the new Star Trek movie?

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Guest SP-1

While it wouldn't have been a blockbuster or anything, Nemesis might have made a little more money opening a little later on.


And, really, Maid in Manhattan only made what . . . 250,000 dollars more? And it was on more screens. Now, not in defense of Nemesis only, in defense of movies as a whole, I just don't think people are going to see much of anything this time of this year unless it concerns Hobbits. My sister, my mother and I were talking about it last night and we all agreed that between that and Christmas sales apparently down, people just aren't spending money like they used to. Understandably.

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Guest DrTom





Brent Spiner has been saying for years that he's wanted to kill Data off. He (correctly) doesn't feel he can keep playing an android who doesn't age or physically change. Spiner is noticably older than when he began in the role, and he's also added a few pounds. When I heard that he had a writing credit, I knew Data wasn't going to survive the movie.


I haven't seen it yet. But I heard about Spiner's writing credit and asked someone who had seen it, and he confirmed that I was right. I hope his death was done well, because I've always liked Data. He's right behind Spock as my favorite character from any Trek.

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Guest SP-1

It was done . . . well, if you take the 15 years if history and pay attention to nuances leading to what you were talking about, Tom, yeah it's done well.


but to the general audience it may not have that kind of impact.







It's not as good as Spock's farewell, however. And there's a glimmer of hope, but not that he'll return. Spiner's said blatantly in interviews that what hope is there is for something else completely.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered



I loved the movie. Great Diaaloge, great action, great villian. Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner delievered big time.


The ending felt kinda cheesy but was perfectly acceptable in my mind.


Oh and the villans death scene fucking owned. I loved it.


Easily the best TNG movie and one of my favorite movies from that series ever.

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Guest SP-1







Yes, CWM, Shinzon's death owned. Much like the Uruk-hai in LOTR:FOTR, any villain that is impaled and pulls the instrument of death further in is hardcore. That Shinzon does it just to try and choke Picard put him over the top. He's my second favorite Trek villain ever now, right behind Khan.









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Guest Paranoid






Yes, CWM, Shinzon's death owned. Much like the Uruk-hai in LOTR:FOTR, any villain that is impaled and pulls the instrument of death further in is hardcore. That Shinzon does it just to try and choke Picard put him over the top. He's my second favorite Trek villain ever now, right behind Khan.









Indeed SP!

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