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Guest Paranoid

Who watched the new Star Trek movie?

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Guest Paranoid

I saw it today and it was awesome. If anyone else has saw it and would like to discuss it further feel free. I am the resident sci-fi-guy!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I saw it.


Liked the story.


Thought the ending was a cop-out that didn't fit the story.

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Guest Paranoid
I saw it.


Liked the story.


Thought the ending was a cop-out that didn't fit the story.

I agree. A brilliant storylin that I never saw coming, even from the previews. But it did leave you waniting, didn't it? ;)

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

yeah...it left me wanting a different ending.


Some of the stuff in the movie was awesome. The ship battle...the villain...the dialogue was real good. I was digging the whole package until the end.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

If anyone ever gets desperately bored, go to a Star Trek chat room and start talking about Star Wars. It's fuckin' hilarious watching people snap.

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Guest razazteca

so who were the main villians? if this is the FINAL VOYAGE for the current cast did they introduce any new characters from the other tv series?

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Guest starvenger
If anyone ever gets desperately bored, go to a Star Trek chat room and start talking about Star Wars. It's fuckin' hilarious watching people snap.

That's ALWAYS funny. You could also post about how Maid in Manhattan finished ahead of Nemisis in the Box Office. That oughtta be good for some comedy, even if it is somewhat disturbing...

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Guest Paranoid
so who were the main villians?  if this is the FINAL VOYAGE for the current cast did they introduce any new characters from the other tv series?

The new villian was great. I can't say too much about him, but damn he was bad! The really didn't introduce anymore characters, but Admiral Janeway made a short appearance.


Also Maid In Manhattan only beat it by $250,000 and it was in more theaters.


IMO, this was the best Star Trek movie since "Wrath of Khan".

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It was better than all the odd numbered ones...


so the streak continues.

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Actually go to trekbbs.com just about everyone there HATES the film, and hated it since the first rumors about the plot came out (a script was leaked about a year ago and they've been feasting on it ever since)


Alot of them are actually HAPPY that the J-Lo film beat it as they take it as hopefully the end of Rick Berman's and Brannon Braga's days at the helm of the franchise


They just about hate Enterprise over there and hated Voyager.


You know some days I can't even tell if I'm here or there with the negativity of the current product



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Guest starvenger
Actually go to trekbbs.com just about everyone there HATES the film, and hated it since the first rumors about the plot came out (a script was leaked about a year ago and they've been feasting on it ever since)


Alot of them are actually HAPPY that the J-Lo film beat it as they take it as hopefully the end of Rick Berman's and Brannon Braga's days at the helm of the franchise


They just about hate Enterprise over there and hated Voyager.


You know some days I can't even tell if I'm here or there with the negativity of the current product



Damn, those are some hardcore Trekkies.

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Guest Paranoid
Actually go to trekbbs.com just about everyone there HATES the film, and hated it since the first rumors about the plot came out (a script was leaked about a year ago and they've been feasting on it ever since)


Alot of them are actually HAPPY that the J-Lo film beat it as they take it as hopefully the end of Rick Berman's and Brannon Braga's days at the helm of the franchise


They just about hate Enterprise over there and hated Voyager.


You know some days I can't even tell if I'm here or there with the negativity of the current product



It seemed that everyone there enjoyed it, well in the Nemisis thread anyway.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

I thought it was decent, although some of the stuff that happens made absolutely NO SENSE (such as the ramming of the ships, and the ending), and it was more or less a direct copy of Wrath of Khan, instead of something new.

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Guest Paranoid
I thought it was decent, although some of the stuff that happens made absolutely NO SENSE (such as the ramming of the ships, and the ending), and it was more or less a direct copy of Wrath of Khan, instead of something new.

Actuallt the crashing th shipd together did make sence. If you are that interested in it pm me and I will explain it to you.


I do think that the only ST movie that was better then this one is Wrath of Khan. There were alot of simularities.

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Guest SP-1

Personally, I think that Paramount screwed up some things with the film. Now, it's certainly the best TNG movie yet, and in my opinion the second or third best Trek film overall. But, it would have done well to have kept some of the footage that was cut from it to shorten it's run time. It would have set up some of the more dramatic moments towards the end of the film, and added more texture to it.


But of course, Paramount aren't storytellers anymore. Just cash whores that want to shove anything out there as quickly as possible, despite it being one of their flagship franchises. In a way, they introduced one new character that may be important to the future, because he'll never equal who he was replacing. So that'll be interesting if this crew ever shows up again.


And also, note to paramount: Don't open up a sci-fi/action film in a romantic Holiday season against a Jennifer Lopez romanticomedy vehicle. That was a stupid decision, IMHO.


NEM was good. It could have been better had they remembered that Trek is centered around character development, TNG and DS9 in particular. If the DVD has the cut scenes and maybe has a branching version of the movie to include them, I'll probably be infinitely more pleased with it.



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I thought it was pretty good but was pretty slow (saw it last night and when I got out, it felt like it was already Thursday).








The ending was acceptable but I had my money on Picard being killed off instead of Data. And if you think about it, Data blowing up wasn't a big loss since they already have a second, less lively version onboard (think Data Season 1...actually, he looked like a retarded Tobey Maguire in some scenes).

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Guest SP-1







In a way, cawthon. But Spiner has made it clear in interviews and I think it was made kind of clear in the film that B4 will never become Data. He's a totally different character. I think that Picard dying might have been better dramatically, but it could have also bit them in the arse if they decide to go ahead and make another TNG movie.


Personally, I want to see a whole new cast (a la a New Frontier movie), or mix up the casts. Maybe do a movie about Riker's new ship, maybe some of the DS9 cast wound up there or something. What would be really great would be if they made a film that tackled a story that didn't focus on a single ship and crew. Do something that requires a larger cast, make it two and a half hours. A really big story that truly warrants a feature film to tell it.



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Guest Paranoid

I agree with you on most points there SP, but what deleted scenes? I haven't heard about this. Anyway I really didn't care for DS9, but I think it would be cool if Riker had a bunch of Voyager's crew on it. That would be a good movie in my opinion. That way they could bring back the Dominion, since all the bad guys are on our side now.(Or so it seems!)

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Guest SP-1

There were about 45 or so minutes of footage that had alot of character stuff in it. Picard and Data had a talk, there was more in the very beginning, etc. Stuff that would have fleshed it out and probably made the payoff more satisfying.


Alot of interviews at IGN and stuff and at www.trekweb.com talk about the cut footage. :)

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Guest starvenger
And also, note to paramount: Don't open up a sci-fi/action film in a romantic Holiday season against a Jennifer Lopez romanticomedy vehicle. That was a stupid decision, IMHO.

Yeah, I suppose that they could have opened against some 3 hour movie sequel that was based on a bestselling fantasy novel, because surely NOONE will watch that...

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Guest SP-1

No, that wasn't what I meant. I'm hoping Two Towers blows everything else out of the water.


LOTR is also a phenomenon that has transformed into something disgustingly over with the general public. That's a little different than a much older franchise trying to find it's creative and monetary legs again, you know?


I'd have held it until the end of March, between the romantic season and the summer blockbuster season.

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Guest starvenger
No, that wasn't what I meant. I'm hoping Two Towers blows everything else out of the water.


LOTR is also a phenomenon that has transformed into something disgustingly over with the general public. That's a little different than a much older franchise trying to find it's creative and monetary legs again, you know?


I'd have held it until the end of March, between the romantic season and the summer blockbuster season.

I see. Kinda like how Blade 2 was slotted, right?

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Guest C.H.U.D.
I thought it was decent, although some of the stuff that happens made absolutely NO SENSE (such as the ramming of the ships, and the ending), and it was more or less a direct copy of Wrath of Khan, instead of something new.

Actuallt the crashing th shipd together did make sence. If you are that interested in it pm me and I will explain it to you.


Actually it didn't, I'll explain why.




First, the Enterprise's shields were at about 10 percent, while the Scimitar's shields were at 70. When the Enterprise crashed into the Scimitar, it would have been destroyed on the shields.


Second, Picard made the decision to ram the ships, and executed the decision in about 2 minutes, which wouldn't be enough time for all the crew members in the front part of the ship to evacuate. Therefore, that collision resulted in a lot of dead crew members.


Third, when the Scimitar goes in "full reverse", the ships seperate. That would NEVER HAPPEN in space, because they were stuck together, and the Enterpise wasn't using it's engines. The only thing that would happen if the Scimitar went in reverse is, the Enterprise would go in reverse with it.


Oh, and as for the ending. Data shoots the radiation weapon and the Scimitar explodes. The Enterprise is right beside it when that happens. Wouldn't all the radiation emenating from that explosion kill pretty much everyone on the Enterprise?


That's a whole lot of lazy screenwriting.



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Guest SP-1

When did it come out, Starvenger? I never paid much attention to it, been waiting for it to come on TV at some point or for someone else to be watching it.

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Guest SP-1

CHUD, I agree on some of those points.






But, there was an explanation for why the forward sections were evacuated. It's just hard to catch and I didn't know it was there until my second time. At one point it shows where some of the forward sections of the ship are experiencing hull damage and Picard orders those sections evacuated and sealed off.


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Guest starvenger
When did it come out, Starvenger? I never paid much attention to it, been waiting for it to come on TV at some point or for someone else to be watching it.

It was about mid-March.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

It made $18 million on the opening weekend, and it'll probably drop 60% next week. The budget is $80 million.

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Guest Insane Bump Machine
How did it do at the box office?

Blade 2 made $ 82 million in the US, $ 32.5 million on the first weekend.

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