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Guest Youth N Asia

Weekend Boxoffice report

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Guest Youth N Asia

First number is where they ranked (duh), the 2nd number is where they were last week...the first dollar amount is what they made, the 2nd is how much they've taken in so far.



1 - Maid In Manhattan $19,000,000...TOTAL: $19,000,000


2 - Star Trek: Nemesis $18,750,000...TOTAL: $18,750,000


3 - Drumline FOX $13,050,000...TOTAL: $13,050,000


4 - The Hot Chick BV $7,500,000...TOTAL: $7,500,000


5 (1) Die Another Day $7,500,000...TOTAL: $131,566,000


6 (3) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets $6,150,000...TOTAL: $222,445,000


7 (2) Analyze That $5,315,000...TOTAL: $19,627,000


8 (6) The Santa Clause 2 $4,000,000...TOTAL: $125,400,000


9 (5) Treasure Planet $3,000,000...TOTAL: $27,800,000


10 (4) Empire UNIV $2,776,000...TOTAL: $10,697,000


11 (7) Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights $1,800,000...TOTAL: $22,600,000


12 (13) My Big Fat Greek Wedding $1,674,681...TOTAL: $215,610,715



4 new movies took over the top spots...and that damn wedding won't die. Not strong numbers overall...but Two Towers opens this Wed...so that'll change.



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Guest NoCalMike

Why do people flock to see a JLo movie that is about 99% the same plotline of about 3 movies she has ALREADY done. Pathetic.

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Guest NoCalMike

Why do people flock to see a JLo movie that is about 99% the same plotline of about 3 movies she has ALREADY done. Pathetic.

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Guest starvenger
Why do people flock to see a JLo movie that is about 99% the same plotline of about 3 movies she has ALREADY done. Pathetic.

I wonder about that myself. My guess is that about 25% love Cinderella stories, 25% are J-Lo marks, and 50% were dragged to this chick flick by their significant others...

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Guest Choken One

Exactly, If they put her in a Movie I ani't going unless george Clooney happens to star.


BTW...Why haven't they tried to hook these two up again? They had great chemistry.

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Guest starvenger
Exactly, If they put her in a Movie I ani't going unless george Clooney happens to star.


BTW...Why haven't they tried to hook these two up again? They had great chemistry.

Maybe we have to wait for Elmore Leonard to make a sequel to Out of Sight...

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Guest C.H.U.D.

The American public continues to amaze me with it's brainlessness by making stuff like Jackass and Maid in Manhattan #1 at the box office.

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Guest ArchoanJB

Nevermind that, The Hot Girl did decently! Just end it already, when South Park makes a spoof of 99% of the movies you've done in the past 3 years, your in trouble and especially when they are DEAD on.


Blah, just a couple more days till LOTR. Too bad I won't be able to see it till Friday.

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Guest El Satanico

Why are people still shocked when something like Maid In Manhatted is #1 at the box office?


How many times will it take before y'all understand that romantic comedies starring the newest "it girl" will ALWAYS do good at the US Box Office?


Speaking of Maid In Manhatten Ebert gave it a thumbs up so maybe it's not a bad movie either.

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Guest Ravenbomb

The Ring isn't even on the top 12 now? *looks at the movies that ARE on the top 12, mostly the top 10* damn...Ravenbomb's very sad...

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Guest Youth N Asia

Why is anyone suprised over this...after all "Sweet Home Alabama" complety killed at the boxoffice.

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Guest starvenger
Why is anyone suprised over this...after all "Sweet Home Alabama" complety killed at the boxoffice.

I doubt that anyone is surprised that a romantic comedy drew in viewers - it's the fact that a romantic comedy with Lopez in it drew in so many. We (that is, the board in general) have been assuming that the entertainment market is J-Lo-versaturated, and apparently this isn't the case.

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Guest El Satanico
Why is anyone suprised over this...after all "Sweet Home Alabama" complety killed at the boxoffice.

I doubt that anyone is surprised that a romantic comedy drew in viewers - it's the fact that a romantic comedy with Lopez in it drew in so many. We (that is, the board in general) have been assuming that the entertainment market is J-Lo-versaturated, and apparently this isn't the case.

Well the movie industry has been oversaturated by Julia Roberts for years and her movies don't have a problem with tickets sales.

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Guest SP-1

It's Christmas. The general public like romantic, comedic things around Christmas. J. Lo is crazy over. It was destined to do well.


I'm just happy that Nemesis didn't do horribly. And considering that Maid was in more theaters, IIRC, Nemesis didn't do too bad at all.

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