JasonX 0 Report post Posted December 17, 2002 I don't get why certain people here are having major cows over the possibility of Kurt Angle playing the heel in the Kurt Angle/Brock Lesner feud. Here are some reasons as to why having Kurt go heel against Brock is a GOOD thing.... 1. Kurt is an established heel. Brock doesn't have that much of a character established yet. It's only LOGICAL that they go with Kurt being the conniving heel champ and Brock the plucky underdog challenger because doing so will give them a direction to take the feud in without having to stretch for any sort of motive for why they are feuding. 2. Kurt is better as a goofy heel with a mean streak than as a clean-cut babyface who apes Stone Cold Steve Austin. and Ken Shamrock. In a federation filled with people like HHH and Undertaker who refuse to let themselves be portrayed as anything less than Godlike, Angle is a welcome breathe of fresh air. His character doesn't take himself too seriously and is very relatable when compared to HHH's heritic routine or Undertaker's bland biker bully routine. 3. A transitional tenure as world champion won't fucking kill Kurt Angle. If anything, it creates a perfect excuse for continuing the feud as Kurt and Brock can feud after WM over how Brock cost Kurt his world title. 4. If having Kurt play the heavy forces the WWF to actually GIVE Brock an actual personality as opposed to having him be Golberg-lite in terms of character, it's worth it as it will make Brock a much more roundeed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ArchoanJB Report post Posted December 17, 2002 See, what I think this whole thing is, is a bunch of people who think Angle should be nothing but crushing everybody every week. Angle is one of the best performers in the WWE but I hate it when people start bitching when something good happens. Brock helping Angle win the title helps both people in a way and actually leads to a greater caused. See they are actually using long term story planning here, but n/m that, lets just make Angle crush the big show, and be given a god like push all of a sudden which he couldn't do because he's not built or ever been made to look like that! Sorry it's just annoying when I see people like Anglesaut that thinks the whole WWE's against Angle and bitches when Angle is treated as the non best political wrestler in the fed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EternallyLazy Report post Posted December 17, 2002 The problem with the "brock as underdog" reasoning is that Lesnar was being pushed as an unbeatable monster, with his only loss being contributed to his manager turning on him. Angle hasn't been pushed as unbeatable and has been pinned on many many occassions. I personally think they should both go in to WM as faces and model the buildup and the match after an actual legendary sports meeting with a legitimate style buildup. No stupid angles, no evil heel tactics... just an old fashioned meet for the title between two of the greatest amateur wrestlers of all time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted December 17, 2002 Essentially the Bret/Shawn buildup for WMXII. Two guys out to prove who is the better man. Simple yet elegant. Which means Vince and Co. won't be going that route. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EternallyLazy Report post Posted December 17, 2002 I would personally like to see both of them put each other over by having the match look like a stalemate... with both of them giving each other everything in the book. We're talking Angle kicking out of 2 F5's, Lesnar kicking out of an Angle Slam and and Anglesault with Cole and Tazz screaming about how they can't beat each other blah blah blah, finally having Brock pull out the shooting star press as sort of a desperation move (assuming that Brock MUST go over...) winning the match and the two shaking hands in the end... leading to a possible rematch at WrestleMania 20 But one can only dream... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted December 17, 2002 Lazy, if that happened I may not recover from such a match. Give them 45 mins and I'm there. And I agree with the face/face/sportsmanship take on it. I think it would make for some great drama, and would stand out against all the angles and overdramatic storylines we've been subjected to recently. Angle can still be cocky, Brock gets to develop more, and I don't see much of a problem at all with that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the pinjockey Report post Posted December 17, 2002 Well, Lazy the problem with that is...uh....hmm There has to be something to bitch about, let me think. Well assuming Brock is the one going over that is pretty damn perfect. Figure just do the same thing if Angle is the one going over just use a different move. The one reason I really think Angle should win though is the fact that if Brock wins what is left to do. He already took the KoR, monster build, champion reign, and then a big WM ME win in his first WM and that would be one year in. Would there really be any other big matches you could get out of him? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EternallyLazy Report post Posted December 17, 2002 Well, Lazy the problem with that is...uh....hmm There has to be something to bitch about, let me think. Well assuming Brock is the one going over that is pretty damn perfect. Figure just do the same thing if Angle is the one going over just use a different move. The one reason I really think Angle should win though is the fact that if Brock wins what is left to do. He already took the KoR, monster build, champion reign, and then a big WM ME win in his first WM and that would be one year in. Would there really be any other big matches you could get out of him? Yeah good point. I would much rather see Angle go over, but I'm an Angle mark so I'm biased. I like Brock... he's just not my God And yes, there wouldn't be much for Brock to do. I just have this crazy idea in my head that WWE is wanting to make him the next unbeatable Hulk Hogan like champion on the SD roster... you know, build up a monster adversary, have him beat up Brock a few times leading to a pay per view, Brock goes over... repeat cycle with new adversary And I really really really hope I'm wrong Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted December 17, 2002 I think a lot of fans don't realize that actual winning and losing means nothing. As long as a guy goes out there and busts his ass, pops the crowd, and brings a good match, a lot of people won't let the fact that he lost kill his heat. Look at Wrestlemania 10: Bret Hart lost the opener to Owen Hart, but that match was so good it in no way killed his heat as a World Title contender. And Shawn Michaels LOST the famous ladder match, which a lot of people don't even remember. Look at The Rock: He loses a lot, but has he lost any heat? Angle can lose to Brock at the Rumble, at WM, and a Backlash and STILL maintain his heat given the right booking. It's just a TV show after all, and it's not like Kurt won't win multiple titles in the future anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kingpk Report post Posted December 17, 2002 Angle can lose to Brock at the Rumble, at WM, and a Backlash and STILL maintain his heat given the right booking. It's just a TV show after all, and it's not like Kurt won't win multiple titles in the future anyway. Remember, this is WWE we're talking about here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EternallyLazy Report post Posted December 17, 2002 I think a lot of fans don't realize that actual winning and losing means nothing. As long as a guy goes out there and busts his ass, pops the crowd, and brings a good match, a lot of people won't let the fact that he lost kill his heat. Look at Wrestlemania 10: Bret Hart lost the opener to Owen Hart, but that match was so good it in no way killed his heat as a World Title contender. And Shawn Michaels LOST the famous ladder match, which a lot of people don't even remember. Look at The Rock: He loses a lot, but has he lost any heat? Angle can lose to Brock at the Rumble, at WM, and a Backlash and STILL maintain his heat given the right booking. It's just a TV show after all, and it's not like Kurt won't win multiple titles in the future anyway. Good point, but it's just that I LOVE seeing Angle as the main event star because as I said, I'm a biased Angle mark. My biggest fear as I've said before, is that if Angle loses, he'll be pushed down to the mid card to help "push" younger stars to the next level as he did with Edge... which isn't a truly bad thing, it's infact a very good thing... it's just that I would rather him be associated with the main event scene all year around Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted December 17, 2002 I think Angle with the title post-Mania, winning there worked out better on so many different levels with Brock being fully established and open to face a Heyman goon (Rhyno) and Angle's win elevating all these guys like Benoit, Guerrero, and Edge mainly; with the cruiserweights getting some waves too. And Angle gets fully-established too with the Mania win. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest deadbeater Report post Posted December 18, 2002 I don't give a f about face/heel here. This match should transcend face/heel. Just set it as two of the best in the ultimate wrestling match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest humongous2002 Report post Posted December 18, 2002 I don't get why certain people here are having major cows over the possibility of Kurt Angle playing the heel in the Kurt Angle/Brock Lesner feud. Here are some reasons as to why having Kurt go heel against Brock is a GOOD thing.... 1. Kurt is an established heel. Brock doesn't have that much of a character established yet. It's only LOGICAL that they go with Kurt being the conniving heel champ and Brock the plucky underdog challenger because doing so will give them a direction to take the feud in without having to stretch for any sort of motive for why they are feuding. 2. Kurt is better as a goofy heel with a mean streak than as a clean-cut babyface who apes Stone Cold Steve Austin. and Ken Shamrock. In a federation filled with people like HHH and Undertaker who refuse to let themselves be portrayed as anything less than Godlike, Angle is a welcome breathe of fresh air. His character doesn't take himself too seriously and is very relatable when compared to HHH's heritic routine or Undertaker's bland biker bully routine. 3. A transitional tenure as world champion won't fucking kill Kurt Angle. If anything, it creates a perfect excuse for continuing the feud as Kurt and Brock can feud after WM over how Brock cost Kurt his world title. 4. If having Kurt play the heavy forces the WWF to actually GIVE Brock an actual personality as opposed to having him be Golberg-lite in terms of character, it's worth it as it will make Brock a much more roundeed The fact of the matter is that Vince will always push the bigger guy more than the smaller most athletic wrestler simple as that, so all this excuses truly don't mean anything,k he is the boss and his dumb vision is that people would pay to see big roided up wrestlers, and this is not an attack on Brock but i think is too soon to start building a company around a green wrestler. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheFranchise 0 Report post Posted December 18, 2002 Essentially the Bret/Shawn buildup for WMXII. Two guys out to prove who is the better man. Simple yet elegant. Which means Vince and Co. won't be going that route. Yes, but they were both faces then, we KNOW Brock is the better man because he is playing the good guy (even though Kurt is better ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted December 18, 2002 3. A transitional tenure as world champion won't fucking kill Kurt Angle THAT'S ALL THEY FUCKING GIVE HIM. They give him a transitioal reign, then send him to the midcard for 6 months, transitioal reign, then send him to the midcard for 6 months, transitioal reign, then send him to the midcard for 6 months, etc. Is this how you would use him? He is SO much better than Brock and his "Ugh, I Brock. I have *** matches." routine, but Brock gets the God push and Angle gets shit upon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Goodear Report post Posted December 18, 2002 Let's not go crazy here. A three month reign (if Angle goes all the way to Wrestlemania), is not transitional in WWE land where the title(s) change hands on just about every PPV. It's actually above average (sad isn't it?). People like Triple H, Brock, Shawn, and Rocky haven't gotten reigns that long. So a pitty party for Kurt is a little premature. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites