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Guest Chuck Woolery

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Guest Chuck Woolery

Pick Your Contract Tournament!


Alright, ladies and gentlemen, seeing as this is a very extreme subject, I'll start a pool.  Now, I have a title shot coming up on Metal next week.  And if I win the Television Title, I will give away one (1) shot at my title (again, if I manage to win it) to whoever gets the most points.  One!  So get points!


A key to help your picks...


Ash Ketchum (0-1, fighting Xero to stay in tournament)

K-Os (0-1, fighting Renegade to stay in tournament)

Xero (0-1, fighting Ash Ketchum to stay in tournament)

Renegade (0-1, fighting K-Os to stay in tournament)

Erek Taylor (1-0, fighting Flexxx for bye to finals)

Lady Red (1-0, fighting Low Brass for bye to finals)

Low Brass (1-0, fighting Lady Red for bye to finals)

Flexxx (1-0, fighting Erek Taylor for bye to finals)


Now, the scoring system ... if you pick all six eliminations, you'd get 10 points, for having the six eliminated + both contracts correct.  Five eliminations - seven points, because five eliminated, which would mean one of your contracts is wrong.  Now, as I said, all you have to do is pick the two winners... the person with the most points gets either a) a shot at the TV title if I win it or b) the right to use me in any and all promos as a straw dummy.  Whoo... so, yeah, post the picks, even if it's just for fun...

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Guest Chuck Woolery

And my picks, ladies and gentlemen...



Ash Ketchum



Low Brass

Lady Red




Erek Taylor



Fear me, yo...

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Guest AnnieEclectic

Well, obviously I have no stake in getting the TV title again (Unless I fetl like seriously elongating my own record for holding it) but I love pools and predicting games and such, so here we go...














Erek Taylor v. Lady Red (winner: Lady Red)


K-Os v. Low Brass (winner: in the rematch from round one... Low Brass wins again in a shocking upset to become the newest SWFer. No offense K-Os, but he's probably writing this match as we speak.)





Low Brass


Lady Red



Let's see....

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Guest midnight_burn

May as well do some fucking predicting shit.


Fucks that get eliminated:






Erek Taylor- makes finals but fucking loses

Low Brass- also makes finals but fucking loses


Fucks that get contracts:


K fucking Os

Lady fucking Red


There, fuckin done.

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Guest ErekT2k

Stryke's got issues. Horrible issues.....


Anyways, I'd like a shot at the TV title, cause I never won it before.






Erek Taylor (will lose in finals, probably)


Low Brass (No offense but the upsets can only go that much)

Ash Ketchum




K-Os (For dominating)

Lady Red (Of course)

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Guest The_Dark_Reaper

Hmm a shot at the TV title, could be a good kickstart to my career. I'll have a go.






Erek Taylor (will lose in finals, probably)

FlexXx (Comes close in his match with K-Os but will far at the last moment)

Low Brass

Ash Ketchum




Flexxx (Just cos he is that damn good...if he tries his best.)

Lady Red (THE queen of evil will win which means that I'll never have to face her, thank god)

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Guest The_Dark_Reaper

Sorry, just to amend some things.







Erek Taylor (will lose in finals, probably)

K-Os(Comes close in his match with K-Os but will far at the last moment)


Low Brass

Ash Ketchum




Erek Taylor(Just cos he is that damn good...if he tries his best.)

Lady Red (THE queen of evil will win which means that I'll never have to face her, thank god)

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Guest HVilleThugg

Are you trying to give me a reason to autojob you?  Giving away a title shot for a title you don't have...some might call that cocky.  Yes, yes...an autojob would be nice.  J/K :)


Da "thinking betting pools are fun for the whole family" H

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Guest Chuck Woolery

Taylor's on there twice...

That said, YOUR results after round one!


Mike Van Siclen - 2

Lady Red - 2

Erek Taylor - 2

Stryke - 2

The Dark Reaper - 2


You know... that's not cool, at all... and just in case Brody gets on mine, I specifically stated IF...

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Guest Shawn

Reaper, you know you can edit things, right? Also, Cutthroat, if you're reading this and I know you will...knock it off with the reposting your stats... edit, son, edit.


On to the predictions.




Ash Ketchum


Erek Taylor

Low Brass





Lady Red

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