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Guest Mr Monday Night

WWE's "Sense of Humor"

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Guest Mr Monday Night

I was saying a lot last night about how disappointed with the "ass cream" segment. Let me clarify what I meant with that. I felt the whole idea that there was a bottle with "ASS CREAM" on it and Goldust giving it to Christian as a X-Mas gift was good, but I just felt they over play their humor. ex.30% more ass?!

I do find some things that the WWE brings for humor value as being funny, but I feel like a lot of their attempts at being funny fall short. It just seems like they go out of their way to drive the points behind the jokes made as if all its viewers are fucking retarded (I will give them a good half of them are...). I personally find myself laughing more at some of the things the fans should be taking serious. Ex. Triple H being bit by a rattlesnake and retiring from wrestling...

I guess my point is this, if the WWE insists on writing in storylines which use humor, they should give some serious thought to hiring some writers who have experience writing for humorous shows.

Some wrestlers can naturally make me laugh though... namely Christian (not last night though), Jericho, Booker T, Kurt Angle, and so on...

Something about John Cena as a Vanilla Ice spin-off just makes me sick...

If the WWE wants some humor in their show... bring back G-TV and get some shots of Bradshaw and Chris Harvard doing the deed... or Triple H banging Steph...


On a side note...

I heard from my friend that Chyna was on Howard Stern a while back and said her and Triple H had anal sex... does anyone know if this is true?

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Guest Insane Bump Machine
I heard from my friend that Chyna was on Howard Stern a while back and said her and Triple H had anal sex... does anyone know if this is true?

I stalked Chyna at the time and sadly...yes, it is true. I've seen it myself.

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Guest EternallyLazy

Most of WWE humor is targeted toward the "13 year old" demographic. The "ass cream" reference strikes me as something that would make a room full of junior high student double over with laughter. I personally found it lame, the only funny part being the fact that so many people over the age of 13 found it funny. I guess that says alot as far as the average wrestling fan is concerned

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Guest EternallyLazy
I found it funny

Yep... hillarious. Definitely on par with the comic genius of Rodney Carrington*






*note sarcasm

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Guest TheArchiteck

Ha, if Golddust wasn't doing it..it wouldn't have been funny at all. He saved it.


Personally, I find the little stuff funny.

Like when Steiner got up in HHH's face and HHH's nose basically took over Steiner's face.

Also when Steiner bitched out HHH by saying, "Hit me first and see what happens" had me laughing too.

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On a side note...

I heard from my friend that Chyna was on Howard Stern a while back and said her and Triple H had anal sex... does anyone know if this is true?

Yes it's true, Chyna did indeed reveal on the Howard Stern Show that Triple H likes to perform anal sex, launching a million anal sex jokes at Hunter and Steph's expense from the internet smark community....

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Guest bob_barron

I have no idea who that is.


I thought the whole thing was funny- just how Christian didnt mind Goldust was getting him a gift and all that

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Guest EternallyLazy
I have no idea who that is.


I thought the whole thing was funny- just how Christian didnt mind Goldust was getting him a gift and all that

Rodney Carrington = unfunny hick comedian that's only popular in southern Texas and from what I hear is a huge star in the backwoods parts of Arkansas. Made his career off of tired penis jokes cuz we'ze all know that shit's funny as hell gerhyuck, gerhyuck


Anyway, the interaction was amusing but the "ass cream" reference itself just isn't much of a knee slapper.

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Guest DJ Jeff

Some of the stuff the WWE dishes out that's intended to be funny, I do in fact find funny. Though, the whole Ass Cream thing is just flat out lame. The only good part about that segment was Goldust dressed up as Santa, and calling himself Goldy Claus.

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Guest the pinjockey

The problem with something like the ass cream reference is that they are doing half-assed sophmoric humor. With stuff like Freddy got Fingered and Jackass something like Ass Cream isnt exactly cutting edge low brow humor so it wont get the expected reaction from junior high types. But it is also stupid enough that it wont get a laugh from most of the older viewers either.


Also it is just half assed thought by the writing staff. They see an ass cream reference in Goldmember they think it must automatically transfer to anything, but in Austin Powers it was in a running gag taken in context I am sure if in the third one with no previous buildup just mentioned ass cream out of nowhere it would be just as moronic.

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

I wouldn't put it past the WWF to add laugh tracks for segments like that, even at live events though, kind of laughing at heel humiliation

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Guest papacita
I heard from my friend that Chyna was on Howard Stern a while back and said her and Triple H had anal sex... does anyone know if this is true?

I stalked Chyna at the time and sadly...yes, it is true. I've seen it myself.

Got any pictures...I mean that's nasty! Really...people don't need to...we don't...THAT'S DISGUSTING! :throwup:


I thought the Ass Cream bit was funny the first time they did it cuz it just came outta nowhere (plus the fact that they went out of their way to label the can had me dying). I agree that with a lot of stuff, WWE just goes over the top to try and force the point home...like that video Hurricane played of them pulling all that stuff out of HHH's ass...the visual of the guy in the HHH mask was funny at first, but they ran it too long and it got old quick. They'd be better off with more subtle humor...or stuff like this:


Chris Benoit: (to Angle) What are you doing?! That's Stephanie McMahon...:headbutts Steph:



That was funny.

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Guest Sturgis
I heard from my friend that Chyna was on Howard Stern a while back and said her and Triple H had anal sex... does anyone know if this is true?

I stalked Chyna at the time and sadly...yes, it is true. I've seen it myself.

YOU SICKEN ME :throwup:


I thought the whole Booker/Dust?Christain defined "cute segment" esp. when Christain hugged the Ass Cream.

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Guest netslob

the only part of the whole "Ass Cream" situation was when they first did it, when the Dudley's pulled it out of C & C's bags, and Jericho goes "What are you doing with my...er, CHRISTIAN'S jar of Ass Cream!!" after that the joke died.

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Guest EternallyLazy

The whole thing died the moment Dudley pulled out a jar with the words "ASS CREAM" on it



I can see Gershwitz now


"Get it? It's funny cuz it's a jar... of cream... that goes on your ass! And we'll call it... we'll call it... ASS CREAM! Get it?! Get it?!"

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Guest Youth N Asia

The ASS CREAM jokes are worth little giggles at a time...nothing more.


They will never top Austin/Angle/McMahon comedy...NEVER! It was nice to tune into a show and know I was going to laugh every single night.


Austin: "Gimme the hat back:

Angle: "You're an Indian Giver."

Austin: "You're a jackass."

Angle: "Indian giver."

Austin: "Jackass."

Angle: "Indian giver."

Austin: "Jackass."

Angle: "Indian giver."

Vince: "Cut it out!"

Austin: "...jackass"

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Guest EternallyLazy

lol yeah that and the sight of Angle wearing that tiny kid's cowboy hat with the star on the front. THAT's comedy and I think the funniest exchange that I've ever seen on WWE/F television or in wrestling period

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Guest Redhawk

Wrestling humor is usually at it's best when it's unintentional. Aside from the Austin/Angle segments or some of The Rock's promos, the fiunniest stuff comes in the form of blown promos (Scott Steiner's "I'll tear you from limb to limb"), blown spots (Rico's "Dammit Jeff!"), and shoot comments that aren't supposed to be shoot comments (HHH's "In this arena, I am God! Ya hear me; I'm GOD! GOD I TELL YA!").


The Ass Cream stuff is good for a "heh" every now and then, but it brings up so many questions. Like, where did Goldust get the Ass Cream from? Would there really even be a product called Ass Cream? If there's 30% more ass, than that means there's actually an ass in the jar, right? Or does it cover 30% more of your ass? I think I think too much.


As a side note, the funniest thing I think I've seen was in WCW, when Kanyon was messing with Miss Jones in the hospital room. Ernest Miller busts in there (I think he was even wearing his wrestling attire), starts beating on Kanyon, and comes up with "I'M THE GREATEST!" during the beatdown.

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Guest Insane Bump Machine

Nah, the funniest thing in WCW was Kanyon diamond cutting a staff member in the distance, disappearing for a moment, then popping up right in front of the camera yelling "BANG!" on the top of his lungs.


Damn, I miss Kanyon.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The WWF worries too much with trying to funny rather than trying to be good. They are telling us to laugh and it doesn't work like that. They should just have a 'wah wuh' and have the screen fade to black with a lil circle around Goldusts head with a "what did I do" look on his face.

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Guest Army Eye
Nah, the funniest thing in WCW was Kanyon diamond cutting a staff member in the distance, disappearing for a moment, then popping up right in front of the camera yelling "BANG!" on the top of his lungs.

Yup. This wins.



And runner-up to when Sonny Onoo bought Glacier's entrance and gave it to Ernest Miller.

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Guest teke184

Want to hear something funny? They're putting the Torrie-Dawn footage on Smackdown again this week.


Wait a minute, that's not funny... that SUCKS! (and it's not a joke either)

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Guest Downhome

I think the funniest stuff that WWE puts out on TV is the stuff they don't MEAN to be funny, but hey...


...that's just me.

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Guest EricMM

the funniest part of RAW was when HHH's nose was all squashed up against Steiner. I was waiting for him to give a tremendous HHHonk and send steiner flying!

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Guest D'Lo White
I think the funniest stuff that WWE puts out on TV is the stuff they don't MEAN to be funny, but hey...


...that's just me.

Yes, I agree....like when Undertaker was dragging Hogan through the hallway on his bike. Hogan's helmet alone was comedic gold itself.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Just look at the absurdity of it and you'll find it funny. Just how ASS CREAM is written on the tub makes it hilarious, but "now with 30% MORE ASS!" put me on the floor, as I envisioned actual asses being shoved into the tub.

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Guest Downhome
I think the funniest stuff that WWE puts out on TV is the stuff they don't MEAN to be funny, but hey...


...that's just me.

Yes, I agree....like when Undertaker was dragging Hogan through the hallway on his bike. Hogan's helmet alone was comedic gold itself.

Oh my God was that funny, as well as when Hogan's cycle wouldn't start, heheheh. Then we have when HBK tripped over the top rope doing his first "big move" since his return, on that RAW building up for Summerslam. I could go on, and on, and on, but it's no use, it's just too damn easy.

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Guest BillyTheStud

The funniest segment was when Nash was talking on the stage to Austin and then suddenly screamed "HE'S GOT A GUN!!" and did he best peice of selling since 1996 when he was net-gunned.

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