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Guest Mr Monday Night

WWE's "Sense of Humor"

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I don't think this is the funniest by any means, but I remember watching Thunder once and DDP was trying to prevent a pinfall by running into the ring and he tripped over the bottom rope and just floundered around while the pin was made.



I thought it was kinda funny.

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Guest AndrewTS

Hogan brought so many great moments to WWE TV...




The destruction of Taker's bike.


The vehicular homocide of the Rock.


The old-man-crotch-chops after the above.


Edge and him teaming up to squash Billy and Chuck (I think ChrisMWaters was there for that live...).


He whacked Rock with a hammer.


Oh, and shame that Nash's best selling was against an inanimate object. Remember when he totally fucked up the selling of the Thesz Press?


Or tore his quad?

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Guest Army Eye
Oh, and shame that Nash's best selling was against an inanimate object. Remember when he totally fucked up the selling of the Thesz Press?

Oh god, that was UGLY. I didnt' know it was possible to mess up a Thesz press so badly.


There was also a time where he was supposed to get clotheslined over the top rope onto the floor by Austin, but he didn't quite make it over and just started floundering around on the ropes for like the next ten seconds, trying to give himself enough momentum to hop over the rope, while still looking he was 'reeling' from the clothesline. It was uhh.. awkward to say the least.


It was quite strange to see how bad Nash looked in that short time It was like he had totally forgotten how to wrestle.

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Guest BA_Baracus

True...sad, because the WWF used to be one of the funniest shows on TV.


In fact, I'm willing to bet that's one of the main reasons why the WWE is crapping out in the ratings. The used to be able to keep your attention with the funny stuff, and people are gererally willing to forgive poor writing, acting, filming or whatever in a TV show or movie if it keeps them laughing. Look at a comedy like say, Austin Powers...it's plot could have been put together by a chimp, but because it's funny everyone goes to watch it.


Say what you will about Russo, but at least he could write a funny skit...unlike Gewertz...

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Bill Murray once asked Johnny Carson if he knew the greatest element of comedy. Before Johnny could ask Bill what it was, he suddently shouted "TIMING!"


Part of timing is knowing when to stop. Unfortunately, this seems to go over Gewertz's head. :(

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Guest AndrewTS
It was quite strange to see how bad Nash looked in that short time It was like he had totally forgotten how to wrestle.


Hehehe...Nash also proved everything smarks said about him right. He was injury prone, he ended up sitting on his ass collecting a paycheck while doing nothing, he looked like a rookie when he was actually out there. Aside from burying people, which he hasn't stayed healthy long enough to do, Nash's been one of the worst investments Vince has ever made.


We told you so, Vince.

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Guest Mad Dog

The best ever was back in WCW.


It shows guys setting up the ring and out of nowhere Kanyon runs out and diamond cutters the guy. I laughed my ass off at that.

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Guest Nater

Golddust and Christian could have been talking about picking scabs and I would have been absolutely enthralled.


It worked for me, simply because you have to remember that GOLDDUST HAS THE (B)LATENT HOMOSEXUAL THING.. and ass-cream goes right along with that.

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