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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Should I go see The Two Towers ?

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

I haven't seen Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Rings nor did I want to see it(Yeah, that's right,I DIDN'T WANT TO SEE LORD OF THE RINGS!) But i've seen the Trailer for The Two Towers and it looks excellent. Seems like it has a good amount of Action.


Should I go see this ?

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

No, not before you see Fellowship of the Ring first. This isn't a trilogy but one movie split over three parts. It would be like skipping the first third of a regular film.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

I planned on renting The Fellowship Of The Ring tomorrow, then see The Two Towers Friday.

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Guest razazteca

I have to agree here why go to the movie if you do not know what happen in the beginning, you will just be wondering WTF is this weird freak stalking the Hobbits.


I suggest to rent the 1st part of the series and the Hobbit animated movie, before you see 2 Towers

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Guest chirs3
I suggest to rent the 1st part of the series and the Hobbit animated movie, before you see 2 Towers.


Good God, NO. The animated version of "The Hobbit" is awful. There's nothing in The Hobbit that you NEED to know going into LotR, if you're just a casual viewer. If you see the movies and want to know how it all started, then READ "The Hobbit". The animated version is just... ugh...

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
I planned on renting The Fellowship Of The Ring tomorrow, then see The Two Towers Friday.

Ok. Then definitely see it.

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Guest areacode212

Just buy/rent FoTR, see T2T, then read The Hobbit during the year before the next movie. It's easy reading and it'll be nice to know some of the backstory.

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Guest El Satanico

Someone who has read the books told me Two Towers is alot better than Fellowship. Fellowship had to set everything up so it's slower, but Two Towers doesn't have to worry about that much set up so is more action oriented.


But yes like other's have said don't see Two Towers without seeing Fellowship.

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Guest razazteca

well out of the animated series the Hobbit was the best. And it gives a backstory on the evils of the Ring.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I WAS going to go at midnight, but lo and behold our wonderful theatre doesn't have it playing here at midnight. BOO! I also think they only have two times for it Wed and Thur : 7:00 and 10:15 as to sneakily evade their matinee policy for the first two days...

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Hmm..recheck seems that i have more options..


Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The PG-13 2 hrs. 59 min.

Buy Tickets: 11:00 AM, 12:00, 2:45, 3:45, 6:30, 7:30, 8:00, 10:15


I'll probably be in line for 11 am or noon...which also means I should go to bed. lol..

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Guest J*ingus

I saw the midnight show, my general thoughts, with a few mild spoilers:


-The movie was a LOT looser than FOTR in sticking faithfully to the book's plot, they made up at least two or three major happenings which didn't occur in the novel.


-Gollum is a wonder of computer design, but a complete failure as an actor. He got tons of unintended laughter from the audience with his goofy-ass split personality disorder, which made The Three Faces of Eve look like a paragon of psychologically sound realism in comparison.


-Helm's Deep is a fucking awesome battle scene. And the setup, showing old men and little kids being forced into armor and having weapons shoved into their hands, is fairly heartbreaking.


-What the hell is with turning Gimli into the all-purpose comedy relief? The dwarf-tossing and short jokes from the first movie are repeated ad nauseum here.


-Nobody plays a creep better than Brad Dourif, his Grima Wormtongue is possibly the best performance in the film.


-The switching between the different storylines gets all weird at times, especially near the end: we're watching Aragorn and co. fighting thousands of orcs in the final battle, when suddenly we cut to... Merry and Pippin walking peacefully through a forest? Yikes.


-Try not to laugh at their lame attempt to shoehorn some of the actors into this movie whose characters aren't actually in TTT (i.e., the various royal elves).


-Didya know that IMDB actually lists the movie's language as "English/Elvish"? That's hilarious beyond words.


-Overall, it's worth seeing, especially if you're a fan of the books, but it's nowhere near as good as the first one.

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Guest C.H.U.D.
-Gollum is a wonder of computer design, but a complete failure as an actor. He got tons of unintended laughter from the audience with his goofy-ass split personality disorder, which made The Three Faces of Eve look like a paragon of psychologically sound realism in comparison.

Unintentional laughter? I'm pretty sure that scene was played for creepy humour on purpose.

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Guest The Hamburglar

Saw it earlier today. In my mind, its a great film, but not on the same level as Fellowship. They try to cram too much in and two of the driving forces of Fellowship, Gandalf and Saruman, do not have nearly as much screentime as they should. I'll get the irritating bits out of the way first:



Aaaargh! Just remembered, Big fat Sweaty spoiler alert!


First and foremost, Faramir has been turned into an utter tosser. In the books he's a kind but conflicted man but here he's just a bit of a wanker. This is sort of a running theme, because I thought the changes to the book in Fellowship were excellent and improved the narrative, but in TTT the changes really fuck up various characters and themes at points.


Theoden actually being possessed by Saruman was annoying, as it absolves him from blame for his actions. In the books he's just an old arrogant man whose mind is weakened by Wormtongue's whisperings but is redeemed. The possession thing just weakens this part of the character.


I liked the Ents better than I thought I would, but dear God they did fuck all apart from the last twenty minutes. Ditto for Merry and Pippin. You may have noticed a recurring theme - simply too many important characters have their parts drastically cut down.


The whole Elf interlude was a bit pointless and just seemed an excuse to stick in Elrond, Arwen and Galadriel somewhere. The whole "Elves help at helm's Deep" was a little pointless also.


There is less focus on the Ring's power. In Fellowship it was a constant needling, disturbing presence.


Now, all this shit is fairly minor, but it means that the film is flawed to a degree I feel Fellowship was not. Now for the good stuff....


Gollum, Gollum, Gollum. Did I say Gollum? Absolutely the best fucking thing about the film and without doubt the best CGI character yet seen. Yeah, I had people laughing at his dual identity scene too. Bit ghey if you ask me, as I thought it was not only disturbing but deeply sad, especially as you just now that he cannot keep the evil in him down. I found Gollum to be movingly tragic, as well as funny. The best line in the film is when he calls Sam a fat hobbit. Classic stuff.


That one shot, that reveals the Orc army from the top of Orthanc. Bleugh...Aaargh....Eeeeeeeeuuuuuggghhh. Its just so fucking BIG, and just awesome looking.


Helm's Deep. Yeah, it is that good.


The Ents going CRAZY FUNKY SEXY GROOVY on Isengard, with special props going to the burning Ent who rushes into the water to put himself out.


The Dead Marshes. Scary.


The sheer acceptance of mano a mano love in this film. Its just so goddam gay. I lost count of the number of couples and love triangles going on at once. Sam gets jealous of Gollum due to his fears that Gollum can please Frodo more. Both Gimli and Legolas cheat on each other with Aragorn. Its fucking glorious stuff.


Fuck, I just wrote a hefty post on Lord of the Rings. It certainly rocks all that is great and good.

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Guest GeneMean

Helm's Deep absolutely rocked the house!


I thought Gollum was a triumph. However I do wish the film would have left off where the book ends. When I finished reading TTT I couldn't wait to pick up RotK and see what happens, specifically to Frodo and Sam. The way the ending played out didn't build that excitement for me, and not just because I already know what is going to happen.


Gimli as total comic relief was a bit tiresome to me, however 'You could've picked a better spot' was damn funny.

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