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Guest godthedog

stress thread

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Guest godthedog

we need an all-purpose venting thread, cause i feel like venting about my day & don't want a thread that only centers on MY problems. so when you're stressed, relieve it here.


christmas break is killing me already, and i've only been home for 4 days. the weekend before my finals i got fired from my job, so i had no money coming in since the beginning of december. as of now, i have maybe $200 total to my name. and i'm trying to make a short film (which has this habit of requiring little costs that add up), and i still need to buy christmas presents. there's also a short film i already shot & edited, that's on my computer right now. i need a friend's digital video camera to get the film from the computer back to video. i called him about this & he was cool with it, so i started calling my friends telling them to come to my house this thursday night to see it.


so, i have 3 main concerns right now: christmas stuff (presents, decorating, etc), showing this first short film, & getting this second one shot (which involves writing, calling people to be places, setting up locations, testing stuff on camera to see what works & what doesn't, etc).


this friend, marty, was supposed to give me the camera today so that i could get it out of the way a couple days before the 'premiere'. i've never tried the computer-to-video hardware that i have either, so i wanted a couple extra days just in case something went wrong. so i call his house this afternoon, no answer. i call later, no answer. finally i call his cell phone (which i had to get from calling 2 other people) and find out that he's not even home from school yet, & i have to wait till tomorrow. and i don't know if he'll even be home by tomorrow. no camera, no first film.


later i'm fooling around with some other stuff on my computer, & i find out that, for reasons completely alien to me, the video-to-computer cord doesn't work: i can't capture anything on to my computer to edit. no editing, no second film.


then i decide to go out to do some writing & christmas shopping, and my car won't start. i get my neighbor to try to jump it, but all i get is a hard clicking sound. later i find that he tried to jump it wrong (putting the negative end on my battery instead of my engine block), but he says that the clicking sound indicates that the problem is with the starter, not the battery. if it is the starter, then i'm pretty much fucked. as said before, i only have about two hundred bucks to cover everything till january. no money, no film. i imagine i'd also lose a few days getting the starter fixed, and as it is i only have about 2 weeks to get all this shit done. so at least for tonight i'm stranded at my house, wondering how i'm going to even survive, much less get everything i want done. and i can't sleep.

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