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Guest Ace309

It's the SmartMarks Career Counseling Service!

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Guest Ace309

Ladies and Gentlemen of theSmartMarks, allow me to once again ask for your advice, just on the off-chance that around half of you back up the decision I've more or less already made. I realize this is no Oat Toast or Newsradio thread, so thank you for condescending to read and, hopefully, post in it.


You see, I'm coming to a point in my life where I'm going to have to make a decision very soon that will follow me for the rest of my life. Just this morning, when I woke up, I was faced with the first difficult choices of the day: Omelet or cereal? Coffee with cream or 2% milk? Sugar: Brown or otherwise?


Yes, I realize that in the face of these momentous choices, the idea of what to do with the rest of my life must seem insignificant at best. However, it's something that I'm going to have to do in the very near future, and so, SmartMarks, I put it to you.


Law school, or graduate Philosophy with the aim of teaching?


I've just finished the first semester of my junior year in university. I came in as a Political Science major with the idea that I was headed to law school, no doubt, 100%. Political Science turned out to suck, despite the fact that politics per se are objectively the most interesting thing in the world and if you disagree you're a retard. Having already assumed a Philosophy of Law minor and completed the PoliSci minor requirements, I flip-flopped the major and minor, making me a Philosophy major with a complete PoliSci minor.


Philosophy DOES NOT SUCK. I repeat, it DOES NOT SUCK. I enjoy it greatly, despite the fact that for a discipline that teaches you nothing but how to be lazy, there's a hell of a workload. It is, however, teaching me how to think in ways such that through the power of my mind alone I've already impregnated sixteen freshman girls. It's also keeping me interested.


I've been doing well on practice LSATs, and I find the law material very interesting as well. No, really. I'm not another child of Perry Mason/Matlock/Ally McBeal/Legally Blonde who thinks that he's going to walk into a courtroom and change the world while simultaneously making millions of dollars and getting laid repeatedly in the middle of a deposition. I just find the material interesting.


So, with that in mind, do I go to grad school to become a Philosophy professor (further expenses: Two (2) wrinkly courduroy jackets, one (1) bad body stench) or do I go to law school (further expenses: one (1) soul, to be sold to Satan)?


Please be clear and use all appropriate care and detail. I expect your answers on my desk in the morning.

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Guest Angle-plex

I think you should do whatever you want to do. I know that isn't the answer you were looking for, but I don't think someone else should be making this decision for you.

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Guest razazteca

Would the courdoy jackets have fake leather elbow pads on them? Considering your choices I say that you will have a receeding hairline if your not partially bald yet.


If you go the Philosophy route I beg you please do not buy property in Montana and or goto California for doctorate studies.....oh wait its the Math majors who are insane, I'm sorry.

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Guest Kibagami

You don't really need to ask me this, but philosophy ownz0rs the law. Go for it.



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Guest LooseCannon

I'm a law student at the University of Pennsylvania, and I couldn't recommend the law school route more highly. Seriously. It's more challenging and intellectually stimulating than just about any other post-graduate option you can take.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Wow. Drop both those subjects and take up chemistry. That curriculum would drive me to eternal dreamless sleep.

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