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Guest Ace309

How Over Am I?

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Guest Ace309

How Over Is The Superior One?


If you were a high school senior, would YOU own a Boilermaker T-shirt? Would YOU own a Magnificent Seven polo shirt? When a teacher asked you for a course evaluation, would you write "I love this course as much as you love me, maybe more!"?


What heel of recent memory would you compare me to?


And, for the record:


Judge Mental = Early Brock Lesnar. Hyped like crazy coming out of the juniors, a great start, and now he's having to back himself up.

Bayawolf = Mankind, baby~!


And so on.

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

I wouldn't want a Flesher T-Shirt, because, well, I'd hate your fucking guts.


I'll give you a nine out of ten on overness.

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Guest Powerplay

I always root for cocky asshole heels, and you are the king of that category (Jericho who?). I'm Brock Lesnar? Where the hell are the Hardy boys for me to massacre? Hey, I got them:


Xero: Jeff Hardy. Not motivated enough to perform like he used to.


Michael Craven: Matt Hardy, if only he'd be more heelish. Honestly.


Others include:


Annie Eclectic: Molly Holly with a touch of Tommy Dreamer's personality thrown in.


Sigil: Old School Kane + Raven. Scariness and weird stuff abound.


Danny Williams: Chris Benoit, especially with the Wildbomb and the submissions-based mat style. (Note: I'm just doing WWE comparisons. I'm not familiar enough to do a Puro comparison, though Misawa would be proud of your elbows.)


Frost: Taker, if he was a workrate freak. He goes over like Taker, and jobs only to a select few.


Zed: Used to be more of a Mick Foley, occasionally like Goldust during skits (In funniness, not sexual ambiguity). I dunno what he is now, though.


That's all I can think of right now.

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Guest Ash Ketchum

Indeed, Judge. If only I were more heelishly...


*hides "SECRET HEEL TURN PLANS FOR CLUSTERFUCK" because they don't exist... but another batch of secret plans do... :D*

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Guest Coffin Surfer

ELM-About as over as a small man can get. Let's say HBK at his peak, who his writing style is often compared too. The marks love him, he draws, but he isn't really a cross over star like say The Rock, Hogan, Steve Austin.


Tom Flesher-Probably along the lines of HHH 2000(popularity! Not ring or personality at all), the fans love to hate him, however he isn't quite the companies top draw or a crossover star just yet, but it will come with time.


Thugg-Undertaker around his 95 return(can't recall exact year they did the whole where is the Undertaker angle with Leslie Neilson). He is a household name, and the marks think he's the greatest ever.


Frost-The next big Thing? Kevin Nash during his first monster run as Diesal.


TNT-Could be the next Hulk Hogan in terms of popularity! Theme song, cool name, catch phrase, not to mention he's a hoss, by gawd. However he's gone, so nobody cares.


Z-Foley at his peak. The fans love the comedic promos and character, but he also has shown he can be seroius as well. Potential to be a crossover star.


Ash Ketchum/Craven-Road Dawg. The fans love the comedic promos, but unlike Z he can't seem to find the right amount of seriousness to move to the next level.


Annie Eclectic-lesibans=ratings.


Orochi-He's managed to stay in the upper midcard a while now, so he's defiently got some heat. However easily lost with the hoss(Frost) and memphis heel(Flesher) absorbing all the heel heat. Can't think of a real life comparision at the moment, maybe Henning in early 90s. Can't seem to get past IC level.


Silent-Kane, a big push to start got him some heat, but no he's kind of lost. Still over, but not a Main Eventer.


Tod Dekindes-Edge now, The marks love him more than the the smark's picks. Gets a good pop, though a bit rough around the edges.


Marks don't understand/Smarks love category: Danny Williams, Ced Ordonez, Mak Francis. Cult followings like Benoit, Eddy, Jericho, during their WCW midcard runs.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
TNT-Could be the next Hulk Hogan in terms of popularity! Theme song, cool name, catch phrase, not to mention he's a hoss, by gawd. However he's gone, so nobody cares.

Watchu gonna do brother? When Explodamania runs all over you!!!

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Guest Tod deKindes
TNT-Could be the next Hulk Hogan in terms of popularity! Theme song, cool name, catch phrase, not to mention he's a hoss, by gawd. However he's gone, so nobody cares.

I beg to differ. Ed Leslie at best. :D

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Guest Thoth

Marks don't understand/Smarks love category: Danny Williams, Ced Ordonez, Mak Francis. Cult followings like Benoit, Eddy, Jericho, during their WCW midcard runs.


Totally, Danny.


Tom, you're seriously a world title reign away from being the best heel ever, IMO. You could be better than King, man.

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Guest Ace309

I'd just like to echo that the TheTheoreticalSmartMarks.com forums would indeed be littered with complaints about politics holding down Williams and Ordonez. "US Title? Bah! Meaningless since Thoth dropped it!" That sort of thing.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Even though I'm retired, I'd obviously be the HHH behind the scenes ensuring that Taker, er, Thugg's next title reign would be only days away...


...so does this mean that poor Xstasy got fired from NWATNA of all places? Told him to stop with that "rasta" madness and the pre-show bongfests...

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Guest AnnieEclectic

wow. I'm Molly Holly and Tommy Dreamer's love child. I don't know whether to be insulted or honored....


I'd say Taamo currently earned his ME card spot, so I'd say he's definitly over.


Williams is probably going to be yet another started-before-me-going-to-hit-ICTV-before-me writer. I'm not saying that to be bitter either, just that whatever little something he missed on his first WF run through he definitly found in his second. I'm worried about trying to be a 2-time US champ.....


Judge = Brock. I'm going to cry now and I think only Judge knows why.


Frost is right behind Taamo in the ME scene, and if he isn't in the World scene he should end up at some point firmly in ICTV and dominating it with Orochi, who should be moving up to World soon.


Uh, that's all I got for now...



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Guest HVilleThugg

If you have to ask how over you are...then you're not over...or wait...this is fantasy right...not real life?? Oh...then I guess you're as over as you think you are...or not nearly as over as you think you are...I don't even fucking know.


Oh, kind words from Danny...but I think HVT is more like UT now...past his prime...slow...not that great in the ring...not really making it as a face with a slightly new gimmick...over, but only because of past accomplishments...kind of like Hogan I guess. HVT sucks on the mic...in the ring...and basically everywhere...but he's over because of what he did before.


But, Danno was dead on about the cult like following...Danny and Ced would be getting causing mass hysteria among the smarks who would claim that the Kliq was holding them down...and that THugg's return was just so that the Kliq maintaion some semblance of politcal power backstage. It's a consensus among the smarks that Thugg was brought back because of politcal pushes from the other Kliq members, particularly Edwin, who didn't want to see the top spot taken over by someone who was not close to the kliq.


Danno for Prez!




Da "are you over...hahahaha...laughable!" H

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Guest Muzz
"US Title? Bah! Meaningless since Thoth dropped it!" That sort of thing.

I reject that comment.

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