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Guest Downhome

Royal Rumble '90: Was Tony Shavonie annoucing?

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Guest Downhome

I'm watching the Hogan DVD and watching the Rumble match back in '90, and I hear Jessie Ventura and whom I can only assume is Tony Shavonie. Is this correct, or am I crazy? I do not remember him EVER being in WWF, much less that long ago. I'm shocked, to put it simply.


What is the story on him in WWE, what more can you tell me about it?

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Guest MillenniumMan831

He was around from February-ish of 1989 to February-ish of 1990. I think he went back to WCW because he thought he can have management opportunuties. Too bad Uncle Eric got the job instead. 'That's ashame'.

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Guest Downhome

I'm shocked, I simply do not remember this. On a side note however...


...him and Jessie are doing a perfect job with one another, I'm loving this.

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Guest Daredevil21

Yes that's him all right. And like someone said, he wasn't too bad back then. He actually seemed to give something that somewhat resembled a damn, and worked pretty well with Jesse. He was pretty thin back then, which Ventura liked to poke fun at, since he had just lost the weight. Kinda odd to picture it, but yes, he was thin at one point.


In addition to Royal Rumble '90, he also got to announce with Ventura at Summerslam '89. The two mixed well, but no where near the level of Ventura/Gorilla. I'm assuming that they let Tony announce those two shows to give him a shot at it, but he ended up leaving in early 1990 for WCW where he was hoping to get a managing opportunity (as in executive job), but didn't get it. You can also catch him doing some backstage stuff at Wrestlemania V. Downhome, did you watch ANYTHING from that period? WM V is a pretty well seen show and pretty much anyone who's been watching wrestling for a while has seen SS '89 and RR '90 at one point or another, how is it that you didn't notice the Surge Pimp? He's pretty much on everything from that era, as he did a lot of commentating for dark matches for Coliseum Video during that period as well.

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Guest DeputyHawk

ventura-schiavone announcing during the warrior-rude match at summerslam 89 is a thing of beauty. jesse almost makes him cry. as well he should. tony must never be forgiven for saying the foley line, even if it was fed to him. damn you, plumpy ... damn you.

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Guest Downhome
Downhome, did you watch ANYTHING from that period? WM V is a pretty well seen show and pretty much anyone who's been watching wrestling for a while has seen SS '89 and RR '90 at one point or another, how is it that you didn't notice the Surge Pimp? He's pretty much on everything from that era, as he did a lot of commentating for dark matches for Coliseum Video during that period as well.

Yes, of course I've seen stuff from that era, I've seen EVERY major show from that era, and every era afterwords. I guess it's just been a while since I've seen these shows, and back when I did see them, I wasn't totally familier enough with Tony to realize who it was.

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Guest razazteca

so what did you think of that gay mustache, Tony had.....it was sooo '70s porno-ish

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Guest Jack Tunney
I actually hated his commentary in Rumble 90 because he completely no sold DiBiase's amazign run. Whenever Jesse would bring up how good diBiasde is doing, Tony would switch ot Hogan or warrior or whomever.

He was the face announcer though.

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

Tony used to be very good actually from mid-80's NWA (David Crockett was the one I hated to listen to) to early 90's WWF

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Guest Mattdotcom

I wonder if Tony's audition was anything like Eric's, as seen on Confidential?



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True he was the face but I still would've expected to bring up DiBiase's run sicne in 91 Piper brought up Martel's and in 92 Gorilla brought up Flairs.


Schiavone was actually pretty good before, all the way up to Stacrade 1995(his last good commentating show).

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Guest bob_barron

Tony was pretty good in mid-90s WCW. He was like Tenay as he like knew everything

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Guest nWoScorpion
I actually hated his commentary in Rumble 90 because he completely no sold DiBiase's amazign run. Whenever Jesse would bring up how good diBiasde is doing, Tony would switch ot Hogan or warrior or whomever.

Actually Hogan was never in the ring with Dibiase, and Tony would piss on Dibiases "longitivity" because if you look carefully Virgil would somehow push dibiase back in the ring while he was on the verge of elimanation. And since Warrior entered #21 or 22, how could Shiavone spend 40 or so minutes talknig about the above two mentioned?


<has the tape>

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Guest dreamer420
I actually hated his commentary in Rumble 90 because he completely no sold DiBiase's amazign run. Whenever Jesse would bring up how good diBiasde is doing, Tony would switch ot Hogan or warrior or whomever.

Actually Hogan was never in the ring with Dibiase, and Tony would piss on Dibiases "longitivity" because if you look carefully Virgil would somehow push dibiase back in the ring while he was on the verge of elimanation. And since Warrior entered #21 or 22, how could Shiavone spend 40 or so minutes talknig about the above two mentioned?


<has the tape>

I watched this show a few days ago and both announcers were talking about DiBiase. They kept mentioning him because Virgil was always helping him when he was close to elimination.

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