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Guest Youth N Asia

Should TNA keep using "name" guys

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Guest Youth N Asia

When Road Dogg debuted...after a couple shows and you got over the shock of "holy shit, it's Road Dogg"...after that does him being there really mean anything?


Unlike Jarrett, RD's not wrestling at a high level...sure it's nice to see an old face, but if they can't put on good to great macthes do they still make any kind of impact?


I'd rather they cut a lot of these "name" guys who really aren't good workers and focus more on lesser known heavyweights who can work good matches.


In the longrun I think it would suit TNA better...cause we all know the X matches are carrying the show as it is

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

A little of both. I think they should use name guys that can work and the rest should be brought it for one or two shows to get the quick pop then get out.


Guys who should be brought in permanently, as long as they can continue to work:

Perry Saturn

Mike Sanders


Guys who should be brought in for the quick pop then sent packing:

Anyone released by the WWE such as:



You want to definately continue to push the X guys with long matches etc, but some of the big names like XPac, Scott Hall, Shamrock,Road Dogg, etc are good to entice some of the normal marks to want to purchase the shows. Then when they do, they see the good wrestling put on by the X Division and hopefully stick around. You have to provide a good variety of wrestling and entertainment and these names can do that. Keep in mind I said that they shouldn't be kept around for the long run, just enough time to bring in a few viewers, have a match or two, do a possible shoot to get the reason they think they were let go by WWE, then put out to pasture when they are no longer useful.


You have to remember that the marks are who they have to market towards, so you are going to need some names and some crap that smarks might neccessarily going to like to do so. All the while, they should continue to push the X Divison to keep the smarks happy, and to hopefully show the marks what good wrestling is.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Hennig should definitely go if all he's gonna do is take potshots at Lesnar

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Guest Youth N Asia
Hennig should definitely go if all he's gonna do is take potshots at Lesnar

Russo loves that kinda shit though...he'd keep him on for that alone

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Guest The Notorious CRD

I think "name" talent has its place in TNA simply because someone might see a certain wrestler being hyped as part of TNA and say, "Hey, I like him. I'll give TNA a shot." We all know the X division is the biggest and best component of TNA, but it can't hurt to have easily-recognized talent around.

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Guest El Satanico

Yeah there's nothing wrong with them using name talent. They just need to use good judgement on who to bring in and who not to bring in. Not all name talent is worth bringing in.


Like someone else said even if it's only for a show or two just to get the pops a name talent has value.


Bringing in names isn't that big of a deal. The thing TNA needs to do is get more unknown guys that they have written contracts with. That way they can build some TNA signed guys up so they don't have to worry about guys like low ki having a prior commitment. It will be nice when TNA has enough money to actually sign guys like Low Ki.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

They should use guys just like they did yesterday.


over 40 minutes of match time for the "cruisers" to do their thing...


and then trot out the Road Warriors so people that don't like "cruisers" will be happy.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

As everybody's already said, and I'm just going to reiterate, only sign name talent that can still "go."

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