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Guest tombstone

kill the nWo

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Guest tombstone

The nWo has to die.

And soon.


Put it this way, nobody cares, it isnt new and it isnt clever and NOBODY CARES.

The nWo is swallowing up a lot of TV that should be used to further Edge, RVD, Christian, Test and the rest of the undercard to the WWFs future benefit.  When Benoit returns the WWF will have ELEVEN main event wrestlers (Austin, HHH, Rock, Hogan, Nash, Hall, Undertaker, Kane, Angle, Jericho, Benoit) this means lots of fourway matches at PPV and lots of confusing top tier storylines with no room for the undercard on TV.

Equals bad buyrates.

The nWo must die giving a top tier of Austin, HHH, Rock, Angle to fight over the title.  A second teir of Benoit & Jericho in between with taker & Kane doing the big man thing while RVD EDge Test Christian Storm get time to develop, securing the WWFs future in a way that the nWo never could.


Vince is endangering the whole business by going for short term ratings and is damaging the long term future of his company.  The WWF was more attractive when there is ONE CLEAR MAIN EVENT for Wrestlemania which is known basically from the Royal Rumble and there is no question that that is the match to watch (HHH - Rock @ WM2000, Rock - Austin @ WM x-7, Michaels - Hart @ WM 12 etc.)

There should be four or five hot undercard matches (not hard with that roster WITHOUT the nWo) and that is Wrestlemania and the buyrate of the year.


The WWF dont need the nWo, they may do more harm than good, just like Vince said they would.

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Guest BA_Baracus



...I don't see why the WWF brought them in, in the first place.


Were they not aware that the staleness of the NWO angle and the backstage maneuvering of the 3 main players is what killed the WCW?


Oh right...of course they did.  They based the current storyline around it.  


So once again...why bring them in?!

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

The NWO was old stale in 1998.  Four years ago.  This is now version four.  Didn't Vince learn anything from pass mistakes?  


What am I saying?  Of course not.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Someone will inevitably reply to blame the booking...but I'll point out that their name value wasn't even enough to boost ratings for more than 1 week.

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Guest TheHulkster

What has the wwf done with the NWO since bringing them in? They tried to kill the rock, that was great. Then, the brilliant booking committee had Austin and the NWO play tom and jerry cartoon bullshit on the very next show. The NWO hasnt had credibility since, and its hogan, hall, and nash's fault? Besides, what does wrestlemania have to draw money and hype besides rock and hogan? The Triple H and Jericho feud is a joke and an excuse to get stephanie on tv and make stephanie look great. When was the last time stephanie laced up a pair of boots and busted her ass 20 days a month? But she is so crazy talented and draws so much money, she has to have more tv time that all the wrestlers. Sorry, im getting on a bit of a tangent, but why point the finger on the NWO?

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Guest buffybeast

Well, in terms of the main eventers, I think the WWF has so many of them in anticipation of the split.  Some of the ME'ers will be in Fed A, others in Fed B.


But to the point of this thread, I agree.  I wouldn't say the NWO has been a complete failure.  But they have yet to add a spark to the company or fire up fans (or at least me).  Their arrival has been a bit of a dissapointment.

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Guest converge241

Vince will give it at least as long as he gave the Alliance story

(im counting from June to November).

Then try to get a big blowoff buyrate by ending it on PPV if it does not pick up in interest.

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Guest Human Fly

I think the split will help with the problem of too many main eventers, and if the NWO angle isn't useful after Wrestlemania I think they'll kill it at KOTR or Summerslam.

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Guest mastermind

The nWo. The original attitude of the new era. I'm sorry the wwf are the ones screwing this up. Bischoff did the angle WAY better at this point of the storyline. However, I also think people have gotten spoiled with "creative direction". I mean, they almost KILLED Rock on the show(which was a bit overkill) and it spiked ratings for SmackDown. What else can they really do? I have to see how the wwf does this split. If it doesn't include the nWo then yeah this thing was a waste of time. Dividing the wwf into two divisions through the nWo is creative. People have just been spoiled in my opinion(I'm not even saying anyone here just generalizing as I am guilty of it too).


It also doesn't help when the wwf stars still politic behind the scenes. Hell, I wonder if Taker doesn't PURPOSELY blow off the main angle and try to put HIS angle over as more important? Of course he does he done this twice in the last year. How about Austin with the cinder block crap and then taping up the wrong leg? Could be simple, but could also be serious politicking to make the angle tank. Sure Austin gets his leg crushed, but he gets revenge by destorying the powerful poison with a net? Come on this thing is pretty lame. Austin also made Hall/Hogan/Nash look the fool on SmackDown the week before. Not necessarily the best way to captivate the audience if the comeuppance has already happened.


As for the interest in the nWo, Vince said they were coming in to POISON AND DESTROY the wwf. I haven't seen this yet and I'm sure viewers at home haven't either with the exception of trying to kill Rock. Even that isn't being sold good because they never talk about Rock having problems or is ill. They just simply say Hogan is evil for doing it. Then they just announce Rock is coming back tonight. No worries on the part of the wwf or the announcers about Rock's condition. Way to sell the angle guys!

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Guest converge241

Maybe around KOR or SSlam vince'll finally appear on camera with them. He was the one who was bringing them in right? I mean he only went on and on for 2-3 weeks and then has like zero involvement with them while they've been injecting less "poison" and "cancer" than the McMahon-Helmsley regime did.

Another thisn that strikes me as odd about the NWO that i dont think ive seen anyone mention is that Hogan seems like "just another wrestler" as opposed to that aura he would have in the past. It may just be me but i always think that when he's walking around with the other two. it doesnt bother me just an odd observation. I havent been a big fan of hogan for a while.

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Guest razazteca

blah blah blah blah blah nWo blah blah blah blah blah


The whole thing started great with Vince vs Flair then it went horribly wrong with the 1st appearance on No Way Out with Hall, Nash, Hogan claiming to be "marks for the business and that they just wanted to work"  After several weeks of this and the mysterious wheelbarrow full of stryofoam at Raw.


But at the recent Raw at Texas, they reverted to the sarcastic badass' from the Nitro days which is WHAT everybody was expecting at the begining.  But is it too late, I don't know, does anybody care about WMX8 now that the NWO are beating up everybody backstage, probably not.

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Guest mastermind

You know as you said that I have a friend who said the same thing. He says Hogan doesn't have that aura of being a superstar above these guys. He does seem like "just another wrestler". I wonder if the NWO not poisoning the wwf the way Vince thought he would will turn out to be the nWo turning on Vince? Nah, they aren't that smart are they?

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Vince is desperate for 'the next big thing' to try to bump up the ratings. But it has to happen naturally, and forcing an old, old story onto the wwf wrestlers and the public won't do it.


Having said that, the writing has been truly awful.

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Guest Army Eye

Do you guys think part of the reason the NWO was brought in was that the WWF really had nothing big to put on Wrestlemania, outside of the world title match?  There were two feuds with enough buildup to be a legit WM main event, Austin/HHH and Austin/Rock, but they screwed both of those up by turning Austin face after Survivor Series.  What could they have done to fill the top of the card without the NWO?  You can come up with some good matches I'm sure, but would they have DRAWN?


The WWF needs to re-learn the concept that they used for their first 15 Wrestlemanias.  The booking year ends at Wrestlemania, the next booking year begins the day after on Raw.  Everything builds up to Wrestlemania.  


They managed to pull out good buyrates for Wrestlemanias 16 and 17 even with poor buildup, but the product was much hotter at the time.  I think they had really booked themselves in a corner this year.

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