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Guest tombstone

12 steps for the WWF

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Guest tombstone

1 - Kill the nWo by Summerslam if they must live that long.


2 - Give RVD a long run with the IC title against quality opposition (Kurt Angle etc.)


3- Present the money matches (HHH / Austin and Rock / Austin) by the end of the year.


4 - Get Booker T & Test as tag champs, leading to a break up & feud later in the year.


5 - Turn the Hardys and the Dudleys.


6 - get Tazz as hardcore champ.


7 - Push Benoit when he returns, I want him to be title grade by WM x- 9


8 - Keep Edge's push going, feuds with Angle, and once he loses the title, Jericho would work.  Or turn him heel and have him fight Benoit.


9 - Make use of your cruiserweights.  Tajiri, X - Pac, Kidman, Knoble, Hurricane, Scotty, Crash can all put a match on and Rey Mysterio should be signed ASAP.


10 - Give Rhyno and Kanyon a good push when they return.


11- get McMahons off TV for AT LEAST SIX MONTHS and have DDP as commissioner.


12 - gag stephanie

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Guest Anglesault
2 - Give RVD a long run with the IC title against quality opposition (Kurt Angle etc.)


How about instead of Kurt, an IC title contender?


Get Booker T & Test as tag champs, leading to a break up & feud later in the year.


How about NOT having Test try to leech off Booker?


Keep Edge's push going, feuds with Angle, and once he loses the title, Jericho would work.  Or turn him heel and have him fight Benoit.


How about instead of dragging several main eventers down, bringing Edge up?

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Guest supersalvadorian

12 steps for the WWF?


Sounds like an alcohol rehab program for Vince. though considering some of the angles he drems up, it probably makes sense.


For the most parts, I agree with the steps, but...


2) If you're going to give RVD a long run at the IC title, you must have a big payoff, like the World title or becoming a main eventer. It can't be like it was in ECW, where he had the TV title for 2 years and then not get a shot at the World title until it was way too late.


5) I don't think turning either the Hardys or the Dudleys would had done much good. They been both faces and heels, and they still have no really big personality. If anything, they should learn to cut a promo. Those promos the Hardys gave during their 'breakup' were hard to watch.


9) Make use of the cruiserweights, but don't just make them job to X-Pac like they did last time. X-Pac's a ***-**** cruiserweight at best (and considering how lazy he is, he's almost never at his best) when there are several others who can go ***** when needed. There's no use for him to be the undefeatable champ.






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Guest Anglesault
. If anything, they should learn to cut a promo.

Have you ever heard a Buh Buh Ray Dudley promo?

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Guest supersalvadorian

My bad, I meant the Hardys. The Dudleys did have some great promos in ECW and when they were first in the WWF. They just don't seem to have much to say these days, but I blame Vince for not giving them anything big to do lately.





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Guest The Vanilla Midget

4 - Get Booker T & Test as tag champs, leading to a break up & feud later in the year.


dumb idea, they should put the titles on a legitimate tag team, not a team purely there to build to a breakup fued, it will have no chemistry, and the team wont have long enough to build heat and develop for the breakup.


9 - Make use of your cruiserweights.  Tajiri, X - Pac, Kidman, Knoble, Hurricane, Scotty, Crash can all put a match on and Rey Mysterio should be signed ASAP.


yeah in an ideal world this would happen, but we arent in an ideal world so it wont, and no matter how many times jr says it, it looks like there will never be a serious cruiser division, hell they cant even find time for the midcard now, and they need to prioritise, and the midcard is *much* more important than cruisers.


11- get McMahons off TV for AT LEAST SIX MONTHS and have DDP as commissioner.


never gonna happen and would probably be a bad thing if there were no mcmahons, as the storylines would probably fall in a whole, as all major recent storylines have revolved around them in some way.  they need to be gradually phased out, or better yet, used sparingly so they actually have impact when they are used.


12 - gag stephanie


another dream world thing, never gonna happen while she is head writer though.



other points were pretty good, even if it is the typical "smark checklist for a surefire way to improve the wwf."  also, rhyno and kanyon shouldnt be pushed too hard upon return, (as trips has shown it dont work too well) and rather should get a slow build through the midcard to get some genuine heat.  also, your goal of having benoit at WM main event level by early 2004 is good, and realistic, as it will take the guy time to get back into ring shape and into top form.

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