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Guest Loss4Words

Looking long-term

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Guest Loss4Words

I'd say Steve Austin has another two years in him at most. Austin has proven doubters wrong before, so I hate to count him out, but his health is deteriorating. He may adapt his style yet again though. We'll see.


The Rock will probably be in Hollywood within three years. I think he'll start working a lighter schedule whenever his contract renews (I have no idea when that is) and be gone more than he's actually there, but I could be wrong. There are still a lot of possibilities for the Rock within the WWF though, so I'm hoping he can tough it out for a while.


I'd like to think HHH will be around for a while, but he's incredibly injury prone and seems to go down with a major knee injury every two years or so. I think the drugs and knee problems will shorten his career and he'll be out in five years. Of course it won't matter since he'll be married to Steph and set up to join her running the company after Vince leaves, but I can't see him holding up much longer than that. Of course, drugs and knee problems never stopped Kevin Nash, so it may be fine for HHH.


Kurt Angle is probably the best long-term bet the WWF has. They really should pace themselves with his push. I see him in the WWF for at least another ten years. I still think that deep down there's a babyface waiting to explode in Angle, but the time isn't right just yet. Yeah, his last face run was a bomb, but that was because of his portrayal. In five years, he'll be huge.


I don't know about you guys, but I really think Chris Jericho has five years MAX left in wrestling. He's healthy and all and I can't see him getting a huge ego and blacklisting himself, but the way he talks in his interviews, he sounds like he'd like to get out while he's still young so he can do other things. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see him try to become a crossover star or something. Whether it succeeds or fails will be determined by exactly how much of a draw he is proven this year I think. While he's the champ now, I have to admit I see this year being kind of grim for him when it's all said and done.


The Undertaker is probably done in 18 months I'd say. He's been done for 18 months too, of course, but I really think that he'll be gone by then, probably going out strong and squashing everyone on the way out just like he has so far.


Chris Benoit probably has five years left in him, but like HHH, he tends to get the injury bug every little while. Who knows what could happen, but I don't see him being the top guy any of that time. I think he will be *a* top guy though.


The Big Show probably has another 10-15 years in him. He can draw as a sideshow freak even after he passes his prime and he's still very young, so I think he's in it for the long haul. I bet his next contract is a lot different than this one though.


Edge will probably move up in the rankings and I'd say he has ten years in him. How successful he'll be is going to be determined by a wide variety of things.


Ditto for Test.


Ditto for Christian.


Rob Van Dam will probably be headlining within two years and I can see him going 10 years after that. He's a pretty good long-term bet as long as people don't get tired of him before he fully peaks. I think it's smart that his push is being paced. If I had to take a total guess, RVD v Jericho headlines Jericho's last year as an active wrestler and Jericho passes the torch. Of course, it's hard to predict that far in advance, but I could see that happening.


Kane is a total wildcard.


Ditto Booker T.


Either way, my crystal ball may be fibbing, but I see a WWF without Austin, Rock, HHH and Jericho in five years, so hopefully, they'll start building to the future soon.



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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Good points and a good post. I think Austin probably has more than two years left, but who knows.


For the future, I'd look to Angle, RVD, Storm, Edge, Christian, Helms etc.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Now that I made that FUNNY FUNNY joke...


I have been this boards biggest elavation advocate.


The easiest way to sun up my feelings is to pimp my column...again




In it I point out some of the pluses of elavation...including the biggest one that no one is talking about.


Elavation does in fact equal ratings...

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Guest Loss4Words

Ugh. Nothing against anyone personally, including you bps21, but the WWF folder is starting to become too much for me. No one ever wants to actually go in-depth save a handful of people, instead posting countless one-line posts. I think I'm leaving this board for good and moving on. I'll stay around a little while longer and probably go to the Foreign folder and some others that aren't so bad, but no one ever wants to discuss anything in here anymore -- they just want to agree in short fashion, disagree in short fashion, blame smarks, blame anti-smarks, blame the NWO, blame Steph, plug their websites or do bad Jim Ross impersonations that are only funny the first time around. It's getting tiresome and it's been a problem since the EZBoard days, but it wasn't quite as apparent then as it is now. So, I guess this is it. The door won't hit me on the way out, don't worry.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

You just come in at bad times.


It's 10 in the morning and I'm in between classes right now.  Plus it's early and I'm still tired...and sick.


The best time is just after midnight when most of the people are gone and the good posters stay and have some great long conversations about everything.


In the morning I just come in to see what people said well I was asleep.

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Guest TheHulkster

The Booker man is up there in years, around the same age as Austin, so i don't see him being around. I just wish the wwf would do something with a set of balls instead of trying to have everything fit in this small cliche wwf sports entertainment mold. The WCW angle wouldve worked if they had a set of balls and ran with it, the NWO will probably tank, again because they don't have a big enough set of balls to run with something without totally neutering it. I dont know if it has to do with the PTC or the advertisers breathing down their necks, but if that were the case, they could still run with angles if they do it in a creative way. Same goes for elevation. Jericho should get HHH tv time for being the undisputed champ, but something is holding them from pulling the trigger, and its a shame.

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Guest converge241

I'd say the two best giys to build around are Kurt Angle and RVD.

RVD and or management must work on making him a more well-rounded character though and adapt his style so he's not cutting off years from his career.

Angle is the best all around performer they have , IMODO, and will only get better.

All of the other names being branded about are great cases for elevation.

If youre talking the top top guys that should be the Flair-Hogan, Austin-Rock type those are the two best bets.

Does anybody have accurate breakdowns on the ages of the main core of the guys who we are talking about?

i.e. christain,edge, strom, booker, rvd, test et all?

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
The easiest way to sun up my feelings is to pimp my column...again



No Jason Jett in there?  I could easily see taking out X-Pac (injury-prone lately) and putting in Jett.  I would also seriously look into convincing Kaz Hayashi to come back, especially if they don't bring TAKA back.  Maybe sneak in Elix Skipper while I'm at it.

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Guest Loss4Words

Sorry, got a little carried away in that last post. Some of you are still cool, so I didn't mean to generalize. :)


Anyway, does anyone disagree that Jericho will probably be gone trying to be a rock star or hockey consultant or something after another five years? I think his personality and interests outside of wrestling should lend him a lot of mainstream attention if his cards are played right.

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Guest Brian

"I'd say Steve Austin has another two years in him at most. Austin has proven doubters wrong before, so I hate to count him out, but his health is deteriorating. He may adapt his style yet again though. We'll see."


I'd say so too. Maybe even less considering he's a face now and has to take more offense. Of course, it's hard to judge because I would have never thought he would have had a year like 2001.


"The Rock will probably be in Hollywood within three years. I think he'll start working a lighter schedule whenever his contract renews (I have no idea when that is) and be gone more than he's actually there, but I could be wrong. There are still a lot of possibilities for the Rock within the WWF though, so I'm hoping he can tough it out for a while."


I think Rock is going to work until he's in his mid-thirties, then start really looking to Hollywood to make his income. He's got some good years ahead of him, and I think he's going to see how the business pan out and such. I think he has mopre respect for tradition, because his family, and that he won't over-do his movie schedule.


"I'd like to think HHH will be around for a while, but he's incredibly injury prone and seems to go down with a major knee injury every two years or so. I think the drugs and knee problems will shorten his career and he'll be out in five years. Of course it won't matter since he'll be married to Steph and set up to join her running the company after Vince leaves, but I can't see him holding up much longer than that. Of course, drugs and knee problems never stopped Kevin Nash, so it may be fine for HHH."


I don't seem to see the same thing. Chronic knee problems are always there, but I think Triple H has the smarts to know when to lighten the load rather than force it now that he's broken through the top. Of course, if he does get back to being top heel, it's going to be pretty demanding especially if he has the title.


"Kurt Angle is probably the best long-term bet the WWF has. They really should pace themselves with his push. I see him in the WWF for at least another ten years."


Angle's a mixed bag for me. He could leave as soon as he has enough money. He doesn't have anything to prove and doesn't need a whole lot.


I don't know about you guys, but I really think Chris Jericho has five years MAX left in wrestling. He's healthy and all and I can't see him getting a huge ego and blacklisting himself, but the way he talks in his interviews, he sounds like he'd like to get out while he's still young so he can do other things."


I doubt it. I think Jericho may be the next big thing when he turns.


"I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see him try to become a crossover star or something. Whether it succeeds or fails will be determined by exactly how much of a draw he is proven this year I think. While he's the champ now, I have to admit I see this year being kind of grim for him when it's all said and done."


I think it'll be more dependant on a face run.


"The Undertaker is probably done in 18 months I'd say. He's been done for 18 months too, of course, but I really think that he'll be gone by then, probably going out strong and squashing everyone on the way out just like he has so far."


I think he'll be gone in twelve or eight months, Survivor Series or WrestleMania. It makes a lot of sense if he beats Flair.


"Chris Benoit probably has five years left in him, but like HHH, he tends to get the injury bug every little while. Who knows what could happen, but I don't see him being the top guy any of that time. I think he will be *a* top guy though."


I think if he gets past the neck injury fine and gets into a top position, he should be fine a little longer than that. He has to be careful though, we all know what happened to Dynamite.


"The Big Show probably has another 10-15 years in him. He can draw as a sideshow freak even after he passes his prime and he's still very young, so I think he's in it for the long haul. I bet his next contract is a lot different than this one though."


They could dump him and no one would notice. My two cents.


"Edge will probably move up in the rankings and I'd say he has ten years in him. How successful he'll be is going to be determined by a wide variety of things. Ditto for Test. Ditto for Christian."


Edge hasn't proven to be a strong face or heel, but I still don't seem them not pushing him. I don't know why they're going the slow route with Christian. Test, I think they're starting to give up and just trying to push him for the heck of it.


"Rob Van Dam will probably be headlining within two years and I can see him going 10 years after that."


I think putting him in the IC division will hurt him more than it did for Jericho. I don't think he has fifteen, isn't he in his thirties?


"He's a pretty good long-term bet as long as people don't get tired of him before he fully peaks."


Just because the IC division is in such shambles, unless he makes a total revival, it's going to take longer than it did Jericho.


"I think it's smart that his push is being paced. If I had to take a total guess, RVD v Jericho headlines Jericho's last year as an active wrestler and Jericho passes the torch. Of course, it's hard to predict that far in advance, but I could see that happening."


If RVD lasts as long as Jericho, because RVD style is much more killer on the knees.


"Kane is a total wildcard.

Ditto Booker T."


Booker's old, but I still see them trying to move him in a year or two. I think they'll shoot him up alongside Benoit, if Benoit doesn't get pushed earlier. That spinaroonie is going to be big.


"Either way, my crystal ball may be fibbing, but I see a WWF without Austin, Rock, HHH and Jericho in five years, so hopefully, they'll start building to the future soon."


Austin's the only sure bet there. I still think Rock will be there; and probably in his prime. I think Triple H will be there, in a lesser but still important role. I'm sure Jericho will be there. Angle will. Benoit will, but pushing the end.

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Guest converge241

L4W, i agree with the theory of Jericho branching out.

He's been around for a long time in many different companies and has gotten to the pinnacle. he seems like the type of guy who would want to take "that next step" into other areas as opposed to hanging around past his time in wrestling. I'd say between 3-5 years is a good estimate on when we wouldnt see him full time. just specualtion of course.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't know about Jericho...but I read that HHH wanted to start trying to find more multi media roles.  (Since he's seen the Rock and Austin cash in...and for some reason thinks he's just as big as they are).


Personally, I'd love to see HHH get movie roles and disappear for months at a time...eventually leading to an early retirement.


But he has no personality or charisma (see:  the failed face push that is ongonig) so that won't happen.


I think that Austin would have left NOW if he wasn't planning on hanging around for as long as possible.  With all he's done for the WWF...I could see him being like Flair and wrestling occassionaly for as long as he is physically able to.  And who knows how long that could be?


I think the Rock will be GONE when his contract is up.  Am I the only one who doesn't think he enjoys wrestling?   I mean...he enjoys his promos...but in ring?


Benoit is pretty far up in years too.  I don't see him leaving until he reaches the top of the WWF.  Consider it a lifetime acheivent title win , like Foley...and then consider him retired.


Taker is already retired as far as I'm concerned.


Big Show will NEVER win another world title.  I see him getting into tag wrestling before too long.


Kurt Angle is the best prospect for the future.  But he could always pull a Shamrock and just walk away one day.  Plus he doesn't draw.


IMO...RVD COULD be the next "Big Thing".  Can he draw?  Who knows.  It is certainly to the WWF's benefit to find out.


The WWF wants Edge to be the next "Big Thing" so he will be.   That means that Christian is SOL.  It's Bret/Owen all over again...except this time Owen is FAR more talented in every way.


Kane could be a huge star if Taker and Show were gone.  What the WWF needs is 1 dominant big man...not 3.


Booker T should be a big star NOW.  I don't see him leaving unti lhe gets a run up top where he deserves.


Rhyno, Kanyon, Awesome and Storm are guys who SHOULD be at the top in 5 years...but they won't.


I think that Jericho's future in the business depends more on how long guys like Hogan, Nash, Hall, HHH, Rock and Austin stick around...then his own out of wrestling aspirations.



6-7 years from now the top guys are:


HHH, RVD, Edge, Jericho, Kane, Angle, maybe Booker.

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Guest red_file

Though I love seeing Austin work, I really hope that he gets out within another year or two.  He's proven that he's got personality enough to make it in the entertainment world (or, at least, his brief stint on the Nash Bridges show seemed to point that his mainstream entertainment future looked bright) and I'd hate to seem him go the way of Dynamite.  If he continues on the way he's been going, I don't see how he could possibly last longer than a few more years before he's either crippled or his knees will no longer support him.


I question whether or not keeping the Rock in a tangent like role is a good idea.  It seems obvious that he's going to slowly work his way away from wrestling to persue more mainstream success; I wonder if it wouldn't be better to just have him make a clean break.  If he's not completely comitted to the company, i.e. can't be counted on to work the entire year, it might be difficult to build programs around him.  Not to mention it might make for a difficult locker room atmosphere with a movie star only wrestling part time.


I don't think that Angle's got the face in him.  He does the goofy heel so seems unlikely that there's a goofy face somewhere in his character.  His serious heel work leaves something to be desired (though, in truth, "going Olympic" always brings a smile to my face) as did his serious face work.  If he were to change his persona a bit, it's possible that there's a good face run for him in the future.  I'm not betting on it, though.  In my mind, he'll be around for quite a while (unless he gets the Olympic bug again) and will play the goofy heel as the four or fifth man in the company.  He seems the type of wrestler that is the steady worker that's never quite the leader.


Besides the knee, how injury prone is HHH?  I don't recall any spinal column problems yet, though the continued use of performance enhancing drugs may result in that (the Steiner effect).  Five years does seem to be a good estimate on how much longer he'll be around.  His power based style seems like it might bring about more injuries, especially if he doesn't shift some of his offense away from his easily damaged knees.  Again, the powerplay of screwing the boss's daughter will keep him in some sort of position presumably until the company folds or he's too old to do anything with it.  I can't seem him being an active wrestler in the next decade.


RVD is an interesting case because from looking at his style it appears that he'd be a candidate for injuring himself pretty steadily.  Looking back at his ECW days, however, shows that injuries really haven't been that much of a problem for him.  His major injury was caused by a move that doesn't make up a part of his strange, high risk offense.  So, he's either highly durable (probably) or he knows what he's doing.  Either way, it seems like he's someone that's going to stay healthy.  His problems with promos pretty much guarantee that he won't be lured away by Hollywood, regardless of how popular he gets.  Unless politics get in his way, I think he'll be around for a long time.  Of course, sudden major injuries could always end his run.


Jericho...I echo the previously stated sentiments.  He seems to want out.  Great promos, better than average wrestler, doesn't seem to get injured easily; he seems like the type of wrestler that, were he a little bigger, would be the one to build the future around.  I'm glad that he's gotten a run at the top, but I feel that sooner or later he'll get replaced by someone larger, get buried, and then probably move away from wrestling.  That could happen in the next year or in several years.  It all depends on whenever Vince decides to step in and stop the Jericho experiment.  I'd really like to see him still around in some capacity in the next decade.  I'm not counting on it.


Benoit could stick around for quite a while if he stopped doing the diving headbutt.  Perhaps the recent neck surgery will convince him that that aspect of his offense doesn't really add anything to his matches and will only shorten his career.  Were he to eliminate that move and focus more on the mat based and stiff shot offense that he's better known for, I can see him sticking around for a while.  The neck injury, however, has to have shortened his career.  Maybe by five years, maybe by ten.  Sans headbutt, I'd say he could maybe make it ten more (the last three or four of those ten being in tag matches); with headbutt, maybe three.


Anyone else get the feeling that Big Show's going to have a heart attack soon?  He's big, overweight, and in a business that forces him to work that heart pretty hard.  I'm hoping that he just manages to live through the next ten years, regardless of whether or not he's wrestling.


I'd say that in the next three to five years they'll lose Austin, Rock, (probably) Benoit, (possibly) Jericho, (maybe) HHH, and maybe even Booker T.  I really hope that doesn't mean Albert and Test with be main eventing.

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Guest areacode212

What has Jericho said that suggests he wants to get out? It's hard to say if he'll be a successful crossover star...there isn't much precedent for it, as far as wrestlers to really "make it" outside of wrestling. Hogan is a bit of a joke, Rock is still early in his mainstream career. Jesse Ventura is really the only one I can think of. If Jericho does go for the rock star/hockey route, I hope he makes it, though.


Booker T himself has said that he doesn't see himself being in the business after a few years.


It might be a little early to play Nostradamus--the roster split could shake things up in a pretty major way, if they start giving exposure to some new faces on TV.

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Guest converge241

I dont think jericho has ever come out and said anything along those lines. it's just specualtion based on no facts.

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Guest Tony149

If Jericho does get out in 5 years. I agree. He'll try to crossover into music and become a rock star with his band. Don't know if he would make it, since he has the 1980s rock star look ie. long hair, etc. Booker T said on Howard Stern (I think), that he probably will go on for 2 more years. I agree with everything else you said L4W. Most of the time you gave some of the current WWF guys seems about right. Angle is gone in 2003. He goes to train for the 2004 Olympics and goes back to the WWF.


Just as a bonus pick. Hogan is gone forever after his contract ends in 3 years. He might pop up once and a while after that (WWF Commissioner?), but his in ring days are over by then.

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Guest Loss4Words

They recently did a bio of Chris Jericho on Canadian TV and he said he didn't want to be doing this another ten years. He said he would know when the right time would be to step away and that he already has his life completely planned out after wrestling.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
I'd say Steve Austin has another two years in him at most. Austin has proven doubters wrong before, so I hate to count him out, but his health is deteriorating. He may adapt his style yet again though. We'll see.


The Rock will probably be in Hollywood within three years. I think he'll start working a lighter schedule whenever his contract renews (I have no idea when that is) and be gone more than he's actually there, but I could be wrong. There are still a lot of possibilities for the Rock within the WWF though, so I'm hoping he can tough it out for a while.


I'd like to think HHH will be around for a while, but he's incredibly injury prone and seems to go down with a major knee injury every two years or so. I think the drugs and knee problems will shorten his career and he'll be out in five years. Of course it won't matter since he'll be married to Steph and set up to join her running the company after Vince leaves, but I can't see him holding up much longer than that. Of course, drugs and knee problems never stopped Kevin Nash, so it may be fine for HHH.


Kurt Angle is probably the best long-term bet the WWF has. They really should pace themselves with his push. I see him in the WWF for at least another ten years. I still think that deep down there's a babyface waiting to explode in Angle, but the time isn't right just yet. Yeah, his last face run was a bomb, but that was because of his portrayal. In five years, he'll be huge.


I don't know about you guys, but I really think Chris Jericho has five years MAX left in wrestling. He's healthy and all and I can't see him getting a huge ego and blacklisting himself, but the way he talks in his interviews, he sounds like he'd like to get out while he's still young so he can do other things. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see him try to become a crossover star or something. Whether it succeeds or fails will be determined by exactly how much of a draw he is proven this year I think. While he's the champ now, I have to admit I see this year being kind of grim for him when it's all said and done.


The Undertaker is probably done in 18 months I'd say. He's been done for 18 months too, of course, but I really think that he'll be gone by then, probably going out strong and squashing everyone on the way out just like he has so far.


Chris Benoit probably has five years left in him, but like HHH, he tends to get the injury bug every little while. Who knows what could happen, but I don't see him being the top guy any of that time. I think he will be *a* top guy though.


The Big Show probably has another 10-15 years in him. He can draw as a sideshow freak even after he passes his prime and he's still very young, so I think he's in it for the long haul. I bet his next contract is a lot different than this one though.


Edge will probably move up in the rankings and I'd say he has ten years in him. How successful he'll be is going to be determined by a wide variety of things.


Ditto for Test.


Ditto for Christian.


Rob Van Dam will probably be headlining within two years and I can see him going 10 years after that. He's a pretty good long-term bet as long as people don't get tired of him before he fully peaks. I think it's smart that his push is being paced. If I had to take a total guess, RVD v Jericho headlines Jericho's last year as an active wrestler and Jericho passes the torch. Of course, it's hard to predict that far in advance, but I could see that happening.


Kane is a total wildcard.


Ditto Booker T.


Either way, my crystal ball may be fibbing, but I see a WWF without Austin, Rock, HHH and Jericho in five years, so hopefully, they'll start building to the future soon.



- With Austin, I'd say that two years is a very good bet, but it may be cut short with how unmotivated he's been lately. I think if he gets motivated again, he'll without a doubt stay at least 2 years, maybe even more.


- I think Rock will stick it out a little bit longer than 3 years. I think his family and his upbringing will keep him around until he feels that he's accomplished enough to move on without wrestling.


- Triple H, even though he has a great mind for the business, I really don't see sticking around for an extended period of time due to all the injuries. Like you said, the injuries and drugs will probably shorten it, but I think he may last at least 2 to 3 years max. The next major injury may be the one that tells him to finally hang up the boots for good, especially if it's another bad knee injury.


- Kurt is one I'm kind of mixed on. He may stay and grow into a true superstar, or he may just cutout as soon as he has enough money/recognition. Obviously, I'd love for him to stick with it, but I just not sure he will.


- I really do agree with you on Jericho. He seems to want to get it while he can like ANgle and maybe if he gets enough recognition outside of wrestling, I could see him going away for good in about 5 years. BUT, I think the way they have been booking him lately has really hurt the perception of him and his drawing power, so if he gets demoted, he may just cut out all together within 3 years.


- I pretty much agree with you on Taker. I just don't see him putting over anybody on his way out.


- I think Benoit will be given a chance like Jericho was, but Jericho isn't *THE* top guy, so you're pretty much hitting it on the nose.


- I see Big Show tolling away in the midcard for maybe 4 years at the most before he gets tired of it and quits. I really don't see him doing ANYTHING of note anytime soon.


- Edge needs some serious character development before he can be successful. He just seems to be the generic cocky, funny Canadian babyface that Jericho was playing in 2001 and the fans just don't seem to care, especially after the horrible Regal feud.


- Test needs some charisma and a smart booker who won't cut a push off at the knees.


- Christian has a pretty bright future if they want to get behind him. I could seriously see a Christian/RVD feud, but Christian needs to extend his moveset beyond the inverted DDT/Backbreaker/resthold/Unprettier that he's been using as of late.


- RVD is someone I could see main eventing in two years, but then again, I could picture him still tolling away in the midcard in two years, as well. With all the bad booking that's been going on since post-WM 17, it would probably benefit him to stay in the midcard to grow as a wrestler a little bit more or at least get involved in an upper midcard feud with a semi-main event heel like Angle, Benoit, or Jericho when he loses the title.


- I can't see Kane lasting more than two years max. The character and gimmick are totally played at this point and people just mainly pop for the pyro and sit on their hands for his matches. Maybe if he got a totelly new gimmick or something, I could see him lasting longer, but I doubt it.


- I see Booker having one good run as a face before bowing out and maybe even a WWF Title reign in the Foley sense because he's already getting good face pops, so the WWF will probably cash in within the next couple of months by turning him face and having him go against ANgle, Jericho, or maybe even a heel turned Rock.

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