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Guest nWoScorpion

Summerslam spectacular.

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Guest nWoScorpion

-If you have yet to visit, GWPWrestling.com, heres my latest rant to show you what your missing.


Summerslam Spectacular 1993

Poughkipsee, New York

August 22, 1993


-HOSTS: Jim Ross & Gorilla Monsoon


-Show opens with highlights from Yokozuna injuring Jim Duggan on the February 6, 1993 edition of Superstars, putting him out of action till June.


-Opening Match: Grudge Match: "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan Vs. Yokozuna

Before the match starts, Jim Ross & Monsoon hype Lex Luger's call to action campaign, as well as the main event for Summerslam in 8 days. Jim Duggan comes to the ring to a Hugh ovation, along with a Hugh gut. While Yoko tosses his ceremonial salt, Duggan throws his red white and blue wristbands in the audience. Ross talks about Duggan having a new baby called Sylvia, while more highlights from 2/6/93 are shown. Duggan jumps Yoko with a clothesline to start the match, and some hard punches rocking Yoko, but one thrust to the throat sends duggan down, and does so repeatedly. Yoko does a foot choke and distracts the ref so Fuji can choke Duggan with the Japanese flag. Duggan fights back with a series of punches, but Yoko shoves him down and connects with a HUGH leg drop. Bear hug stalls a few minutes of the time, yoko Irish whips him into the turnbuckle, but Duggan avoids a BUTT squash and tries a body slam, and ends up being squashed by Yokozuna. He slaps on another bear hug, this time Duggan bites his way out, before being raked in the eyes. Yoko with a choke in the corner, as Duggan fights back with REALLY Stiff lefts followed by three HUGH clotheslines (with a bob backlund jiving imitation) finally the 3rd clothesline really knocks Yoko off his feet. Duggan goes for the 3 point stance clothesline, but Fuji trips him up, allowing Yoko to squash him in the corner, squashes him with the Banzai Drop and gets the 3 count at 8:15 (w/o commercials) **. this match was pretty good (EVEN FOR DUGGAN) cause of the excitement and that the crowd was really into it.


-Vince Mcmahon interviews Jim Cornette, fresh off from coming from SMW, talks about how Yokozuna is going to banzai drop Luger until he's flatter then a bug. Pretty wierd & funny interview.


-Summerslam Hotline push, 1-900-420-SLAM, i loved these dumb ideas


-Clips from the Razor Ramon/Ted Dibiase feud this started when the Kid (later "1-2-3" Kid) pinned Razor Ramon on the 5/15/93 edition of Monday night Raw, later Dibiase is making fun of Razor for losing to a kid, and then challenges him to a match on Superstars. Razor distracts Dibiase for most of the match, as the "1-2-3" Kid upset him. And here we are, as Dibiase is at the end of his wrestling career.


-Razor Ramon Vs. Blake (Mike Enos) Beverly

Blake is nearing the end of any action in the WWF, as he is being jobbed out by now. Ramon is ALSO wearing USA wrist bands (see a pattern forming?) Typical Razor, threatens ring attendant, and tosses toothpick at Beverly. Razor is in his "lucky" green ring attire, so this may mean something here. Both men measure up for about 45 seconds, before a rough tie up with Blake winning it, and slaps Razor in the corner 2x. Both men exchange chops, kicks and hard rights, Blake works over Razor with a side headlock, followed by a test of strength tease where Blake boots Razor and ends up back dropping him over. Behind the refs back, he rips off the turnbuckle padding, neckbreaker drop on Razor followed by an Irish whip to the exposed turnbuckle. Side Backbreaker and a powerslam gets 2. Razor reverses an Irish whip on Blake into the same buckle, and nails him with the Razors Edge for the win at a uncut 6:11. *1/2, not that bad, but no real story or anything of interest.


-Lex Luger/Yokozuna hype. Clips of Yokozuna putting out 2 American heroes first Jim duggan from 2/6/93, putting him out with internal injuries, then "the Immortal" Hulk Hogan from the 6/13/93 King of the Ring and finally the Bodyslam challenge on the USS Intrepid on 7/4/93 where Luger became the first person to slam Yokozuna.


-Jerry "The King" Lawler is with another King, "Elvis Presley" in a Pink Cadolack. Prepare to fast forward!!


-Bret "Hitman" Hart promo. Intense as he Promises to rip Lawler apart for not only his parents, but all his brothers and sisters. I loved when Bret would kick ass.


-Commercials: Lex Luger for ICOPRO, WWF Royal Rumble for S-NES (featuring Savage, Ramon, Perfect, HBK, Bret, Dibiase, UT, Crush, Luger, Tatanka, Yokozuna and Ric Flair (why is he in when he ain't with WWF?) narrated by Mr. Perfect, and Slim Jim with Randy Savage, ooh yeaaaah!


-Smoking Gunns & Tatanka (buffalo!) vs. Brooklyn Brawler, Barry Horowitz & Reno Riggins

IM gonna skip to the end cause I don't do Jobber matches. Gunns come out to the ring with their "guns" and Tatanka (buffalo) has his tomahawk. (Both of those props were dropped in less then a week). Its the jobber Dream Team, with 3 of everyone's favorite of 4 jobbers, and ironic, the 4th one is in another match. Match has Billy taking an ass whooping, again, by the other team until he hot tags Tatanka who chops the hell out of Riggins, while the Gunns double dropkick Horowitz & Brawler out. Tatanka does his dance and nails a hard chop to the head, followed by a crossbody press from the top rope for the pin at 7:04. **1/2. Pretty decent for a jobber match, cause it was filled with action.


-Call to action campaign continues........oh brother.....


-Mean Gene (?!) is with the Undertaker and......no Paul Bearer. Taker rambles on about having no urn, no bearer, and how the creatures of the night will help him. Gonzalez comes out and teases a fight, but thankfully nothing happens. We still don't know what a RIP match is.


-WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Bob Backlund

Kevin Nash really looks different from today, maybe cause of the hair. Backlund is announced this time from Princeton, Minnesota, and several weeks before this Princeton, Florida. (Backlund jive, much like Duggan) Stall for about a minute, as HBK slams him hard and acts dead. HBK lays on ropes, slam again. Its awkward EVERY Fan favorite is wearing the red white and blue wrist bands, and every match we are reminded of it. Stall Central part 2 as Backlund armdrags him 3 times, scoops slams him and does a backslide in less then 10 seconds, followed by a HUGE drop-kick, a swinging neckbreaker and an atomic drop!!! Backlund is fast and furious!! but only for a 2 count though. Back from commercial, HBK with a series of left jabs, a double axhandle and front face lock. Backlund with a slam, but Diesel distracts the ref, as HBK rolls up Backlund with a fist full of tights for the three and to retain the title at 6:14 (w/o commercials) *1/2 for Backlund efforts, cause Shawn did ZERO in this match.


-More Luger shit..........ENOUGH ALREADY!!!


-Ludvig Borga interview..........yakity yak yak yak about Jannetty. this guy did rule, too bad Stiener shattered his ankle.


-Marty Jannetty Vs. Duane Gill(berg!)

Jannetty is wearing his Rocker ring attire still, God knows why, I wish he had the IC Title longer then 3 weeks. Anyway, Janetty disposses of Gill after a Moonsault neckbreaker, followed by the Rocker Dropper at a quick 3:20. * Anything with Jannetty is passe.


-WWF Summerslam Report. I missed these. the matches are Yokozuna vs. Lex Luger (world title)! Bret Hart vs. Jerry Lawler! Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Perfect (IC title)! Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzalez (RIP)! Stiener Brothers vs. Heavenly Bodies (Tag Titles)! Tatanka & Gunns vs. Bigelow & Shrinkers! Razor Ramon Vs. Ted Dibiase! "1-2-3" Kid vs. IRS! Marty Jannetty Vs. Ludvig Borga!


-Summerslam Hotline.....AGAIN!!!


-WWF Tag Team Title: Steel Cage Match: Stiener Brothers Vs. Money Inc.:

IRS immediately tries to escape, but both Stieners stop him, during this time, Dibiase tries the same and so on for a few times. Scott squares with Dibiase and Rick with IRS. Punch galore as Dibiase tries leaving but is stopped. Scott tries leaving this time but lands in the ropes, owy! Dibiase tries his luck but gets his leg yanked by Rick while the other as over, owy again! IRS tries now and same for him. So we have 8 balls - 6 = 2 for Rick. SUPER FAST FORWARD TIME!. Both IRS & Scott leave while Rick and Dibiase are motionless in the ring. IRS goes back in and they double team RS, so Scott comes back and nails a HUGH double axhandle off the top of the cage on IRS. Scott leaves again but is forced as Rick is being double-teamed again. IRS leaves now, but Dibiase is left against both stieners, who hang him in the ropes. IRS comes in, unties him, and stops BOTH stieners from leaving. Rick nails a shoulder tackle on IRS and leaves for the first time all night. Scott is beaten down but nails a double clothesline. IRS leaves again, but this time Rick perches him on his shoulders so his feet wont touch the floor. Dibiase leaves the cage but only his are touching so he starts pummeling Rick in the ribs as Scott leaves the cage and wins the match and retain the titles at a crisp 17:53. ***1/2 great match, exciting all around, and great ending. I forgot to mention Rick helping Dibiase moon the crowd 2x plus IRS's suplex on Scott from the top of the cage, oh well. Show ends with Scott spitting saliva at camera threatening the Heavenly bodies. (I was saying who at the time)


-That raps up Summerslam Spectacular 1993. Pretty decent show to lead up to the big PPV, including the great Tag Team Cage Match.

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