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Guest Ace309

I'll give you fuckers something to work through.

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Guest Ace309

Okay. How many of you out-of-shape Tuesday morning main eventers have ever played sports? I don't mean going to gym class in high school and shooting baskets until they dismissed you. I mean serious, competitive sports you cared about enough that when you got injured, you tried to play through it.


Do you know what a broken nose feels like, or how it impairs your breathing? Have you ever tried to play a full-contact sport with a partially-torn quadriceps? Hell, I bet most of you don't even know what a charley horse is.


Unless you've competed while injured, you have NO RIGHT to say that working injured is just someone's job. To put on a watchable match when you're unable to breathe normally or take a normal step is an even greater achievement than putting on a watchable match - something most people on this board couldn't do ANYWAY.


Jesus. Trish and Hunter both worked through injuries, and all most of you puppets can say is "That's their job" or "Boohoo, give her the fucking world title." You know what that sounds like to me? "Anything I don't understand must be easy."


Christ, people, they put their bodies on the line bumping, and even if Trish is sloppy or HHH is unentertaining, it's still a physically demanding job for them to do. Give them that much credit.

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Guest Incandenza

No one should have to work injured. What's the point of giving a belt to someone who's in no shape to perform?

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Guest Ace309

What I'm saying is that there are injuries in between "itchy nose" and "career-ending quad tear" that, while not career-threatening and still allowing people to perform, are nonetheless very difficult to work through. However, if the situation demands it - and the booking plan did, despite the fact that I hate it - they have to work through the injury, and deserve at the very least to not be vilified for doing so.

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Guest Incandenza

Oh, I agree that anyone who works through an injury should be commended, but it is absurd to stick these belts on Angle and HHH when both of them were in no shape to perform. Oh, for the halcyon days of when Brock Lesnar was stripped of the title because there was kinda maybe the sorta possibility that the chance exists that perhaps he might not be able to work for awhile.

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Guest Insanityman

I agree and I guess I won't go with the classic "I've been in a fight with a dislocated shoulder" etc. Seriously no matter how much one blows if they have any injury that's serious you should respect them for that.

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Guest Youth N Asia

When someone works through an injury like that all you can really say is "good for them, showed some guts."


And I think it should stop there...this has already warrented two threads

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Guest DawnBTVS

I have played at Red Aurbach's basketball camp with a strained hamstring and it's painful and hard but not impossible. Thankfully I haven't broken anything though thank you very much :P

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Guest Midnight Express83

Well, my complaint comes down like this. When fucking BIG SHOW is the healthiest person for the fucking world title that is getting pushed. Something is fucked up.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Maybe his qaud wouldn't have torn if he hadn't pumped his body full of steroids.

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Guest dreamer420
Maybe his qaud wouldn't have torn if he hadn't pumped his body full of steroids.

Yeah. Hopefully Benoit or Guerrrero will be next right?

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Guest CanadianChick

Working through an injury is hard. I have done it before but it wasn't nearly as bad as most the crap wrestlers work through. When I was watching Armeggeddon, I wasn't too impressed with the HHH vs. Shawn match, but when I realized how hurt Trips was, at least I respected the man for doing a match of such danger.

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Guest CanadianChick

I'm not a big fan of HHH. I don't enjoy his promos or matches because I find them quite boring. I don't like his accused backstage politics. I do respect him for working through injury. He obviously does that for the fans.

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Guest Bob Van Darn

Okay. How many of you out-of-shape Tuesday morning main eventers have ever played sports? I don't mean going to gym class in high school and shooting baskets until they dismissed you. I mean serious, competitive sports you cared about enough that when you got injured, you tried to play through it.


I was NJ state champ in '98 and the #978th ranked tennis player in the world in November 2000. So, I qualify, I guess. It's not much, but I've played through sprained ankles, which would be tougher than working through a broken nose. Pain can be ignored, anything that limits your movement cannot.


Do you know what a broken nose feels like, or how it impairs your breathing? Have you ever tried to play a full-contact sport with a partially-torn quadriceps? Hell, I bet most of you don't even know what a charley horse is.


A broken nose and a torn quadriceps are COMPLETELY different.


Unless you've competed while injured, you have NO RIGHT to say that working injured is just someone's job.


If you're a real athlete that truly cares about your sport, it's second nature for you to continue until you cannot possibly go any further. Don't forget these wrestlers are making 6 figures plus... that means they have even more responsibility to give it all they have.


Christ, people, they put their bodies on the line bumping, and even if Trish is sloppy or HHH is unentertaining, it's still a physically demanding job for them to do. Give them that much credit.


Should I give Anna Kournikova credit for half-assing her physically demanding job? Hell no. There's no doubt that HHH isn't giving his all in every aspect of wrestling, and people have the right to comment about that.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm sorry and I know you said in your first post that we couldn't use this as the reasoning...


but...it IS their job.


I refuse to respect someone more because they laid on the mat for 20 minutes instead of altering their own ego driven booking.

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Guest Jubuki

Akira Hokuto and Masahiro Chono have worked through injuries that would make HHH's problems seem like a blessing and managed to put on GOOD or GREAT matches. Has little to do with injury state; HHH just isn't a good wrestler. Deal with it.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Hell, Kawada wrestled with a broken friggin' arm, and from what I've heard Hokuto finished a match by HOLDING HER BROKEN NECK IN PLACE, which is both disturbing and amazing.


That said, if someone's too injured to wrestle effectively, they shouldn't be in the ring. Not only are they putting themselves in danger, but they're risking the well-being and career of their opponent.

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Guest blachuuh_monkey

I once wrestled a match with a bruised tailbone and it hurt like hell. The match sucked though.

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Guest Dopey

Vince should quit trying to micro-manage every detail in the company, one. Two, he should have back-up plans for when people go down. Three, he should have a little more faith in his staff to help book, plot story lines ...ect.

I believe this would allow the men and women who take the bumps to heal properly, and not have to wrestle hurt all the time.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

Wasn't the point of this post to show that we DON'T care about the injured wrestlers...99% of the replies are actually agreeing with this guy and not flaming him...


And yeah, I respect guys for finishing matches injured...and I don't think putting the titles on injured guys is the right thing to do...


I guess I agree with the poor sap too... I've never been too injured to play a sport...though I did try playing PS2 with a broken thumb....oh damn that sucked... I could never go Right...



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Guest HartFan86
I refuse to respect someone more because they laid on the mat for 20 minutes instead of altering their own ego driven booking.

A Fucking Men.


I respect the quad injury. He worked thru that and did the original plan with about 5 minutes left in the match.


But what he did at Survivor Series is just a joke. If he had been eliminated, the match would of been better. It wasn't because of the fans that time, it was because he refused to job to anyone else and he refused to have to not be eliminated last.

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Guest DrTom

Dedicated athletes play with pain and play hurt (and there's definitely a difference) frequently. Look at Steve McNair right now, who hasn't been healthy all season and would have an impressive medical chart were he hospitalized. He plays every game, and has his team poised to make the playoffs. It's gotten to the point that he's in too much pain to practice, but he puts the gear on every Sunday and has been playing quite well.


Compare that with someone who misses time with a sprained pinky. When we have examples like McNair, why shouldn't we as sports fans come down on someone who won't play because of a minor niggling injury?


Btw, I played baseball with a sprained ankle, a sprained shoulder, a dislocated shoulder (the same one previously sprained), and two fingers sprained so badly I thought they were broken for a week, and that I could barely bend. (Not all at once, of course.) So yes, I guess I know something about playing with pain and playing hurt, and I can and will comdemn people for not putting out the same effort I did when I was a teenager.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I respect the quad injury too. He was in pain and he hobbled over to do his next spot. It wasn't the smartest thing to do but it sure beats Nash dying on the canvas. No way should he have continued at SS if he wasn't going to add anything.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

BPSs sig reminded me...



I was there...when HHH jobbed (all 6 times)



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