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Guest Choken One

Choken One's First Rumble Booking of Rumble Season

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Guest Choken One




Royal Rumble

30 Men

15 Raw/15 Smackdown


WWE Title

Kurt Angle © Vs Chris Beniot


World Title

Triple H © Vs Scott Steiner


World Tag Title Match

Booker T & Goldust© Vs William Regal and Lance Storm



Special Guest Referee Al Snow

Chris Nowinski Vs Maven


Crusierweight Title

Kidman © Vs Chavo


Woman's Title Match

Victoria © Vs Trish Stratus





We go to the first match, The Tag Title match. Booker and Goldust lose the title in a 15 minute solid opener. Booker and Dust bicker backstage. Then we see, D'lo brown barging in on G.M, Bischoff and Chief Morely. Dlo cries racism on them for not being in the Rumble, Chief morely talks him over and convinces him he doesn't need to be in the Rumble because They already promised him a WORLD title shot the next night. Dlo is estactic... and leaves. Chief Morely laughs and tells Bischoff not let him in the building tommorow.


We go to the ring for the CW title match, Chavo defeats Kidman in 17 minute ***3/4 match thanks to the interference of Eddy.


We see the first drawings...The Dudleyz and Dreamer stand on one side of the Rumbler as Matt Hardy, Morre, Nunzio and Knoble stand on the other. All Dudz draw at the same time and before looking, Trade with each other. Dvon Chuckles in Joy, Bubba nods in agreement as Spike drops his head and turns "Good Luck guys" and walks away. Matt tells Shannon to draw for him as he follows Spike and tries to instill some mattitude via insults. Matt returns to Shannon, whom already drawn and shown it to the officals. Matt goes "You Draw Mine?" "Yeah" "Good, let me see" Matt looks down and see his number and gets pissed. Jamie and Nunzio let Nidia draw and she sexually rubs the balls before showing them to the officals. They all laugh as they leave. Dreamer prepares to draw as Paul Heyman and Big Show walk into the room. Heyman creeps over Dreamer's shoulder and catches a peek at his number and smiles and tries to BUY dreamer's number. Dreamer says Screw you, Paul. Show attacks him and lays him out...steals his number and hands it to the officals and Paul taunts Dreamer. We catch Steiner arrving in a Black Hummer as he pauses to flex his his muscles...A SupaFreak steps out and walks off with Steiner. we go to the ring.


The Woman's title match is quick and easy as Victoria lays out Trish and they do a strecher job in less then 6 minutes.


They show Kurt Angle squatting as Heyman, with Show on the side throwing a motivational speech to Angle. Beniot is alone in his room, sitting silently taping his wrists. They return to the Drawing room and we see Test and Stacy at the helm, They make Testicle jokes. They draw and leave. Then incomes Rob Van Dam whom was spreaded on two chairs in the corner. Kane is beside him. Kane is angry when draws his number. RVD pops up and stops Kane and looks at his number and Smiles "Hey, what's wrong Kane, This is A GREAT number for you! Hey, remember a couple years ago? Didn't you go A hour? This is NOTHING! You can do this man, alright? Cool?" Kane nods and walks away. RVD reaches in the rumbler and looks at his number "Cool, Any number is good when your R-V-D". The crowd roars as we go back to the ring.


Maven-Nowinski put on a Bloddy match cultmating with Maven getting the pin at 14 minutes.


They go right to the video package for the World Title Match.


Steiner and H3 wrestle to a 18 minute Double Disqualification as they brawl outside the arena and H3 runs away.


They quickly show Jericho and Xstain drawing along. Jericho pouts as Xstain smiles gloriously. Jericho demands a trade but Xstain denies him and Jericho is cheesed. HBK walks in and Cockly grins at Jericho. Jericho makes old man jokes as they leave. HBK draws and sighs as he hands it over. HBK leaves and the Last man to draw is Brock, however, they are two balls left in the rumbler...Brock asks why are they two balls left if he was the final drawer. The officals say he never showed up...Brock asks who was it...They say "It doesn;t say anything but Surprise" "Surprise? Noone ever say anything about Surprise" Brock shakes his head and draws and looks without displaying emotion.


Beniot-Angle is next and they go 20 minutes before Angle gets a Cheap pinfall in **** match.


The Next Match is the Royal Rumble.... Finkel Announces the rules as always.


Entry #1

Matt Hardy


Entry #2

Jeff Hardy


Crowd goes Bonkers as Matt/Jeff face each other for the first time since they split up. Matt nervously paces around the ring. They finally lock up and Matt takes total heel advantage but Jeff surmounts a comeback as the countdown begins. 4, 3,2,1 DING!


Entry #3

Steven Richards. There is no reaction.


Richards and Matt double team Jeff Hardy but Jeff fights back and nearly eliminates Matt but he hangs on (a theme for the night for Mattitude). Richards nails Jeff with a Superkick. Richards gloats a little but not for long as he turns when the clock runs down to Zero...


Entry #4

Chuck Palumbo. Very little reaction.


Matt and Jeff go back at it, Richards gets clocked by Chuck. Palumbo plays with Steven in the corner as Matt and Jeff put on a Exbition of counters ending with Jeff hitting a Springboard body press. Crowd pops for that. Chuck murders Jeff with a Clothesline to big heat and Palumbo turns on the heel switch and taunts Jeff as he whips him into the corner. The clock runs to zero...


Entry #5

Spike. Gets a Nice pop.


Spike is still for a second but takes breath and rushes to the ring and goes straight after Matt. Matt gets obleriated by Spike. Matt suffers a Acid Drop. Spike throws punches on all the other 4 but Chuck grabs Spike and destroys him with a Powerbomb to huge heel heat. Chuck throws his arms in the air and calls for TWO! He does it again and Spike is dead. Chuck stares down Jeff whom charges Chuck but Palumbo catches jeff and hits a back drop and Matt throws down a hardy leg drop. The clock expires again...


Entry #6

John Cena. Small pop as he raps to the ring and takes about 45 seconds to take off his bling bling.


Cena steps in and gets nailed with a Boot from Chuck. Cena gets up and continues to rap. Spike drops the Dudley Dawg on him to finally shut him up. Richards ties Jeff onto the ropes and charges but Jeff ducks and Steven Richards goes flying over the ropes for the first elmination of the night. Matt attacks Jeff right away. Cena and Chuck brawl around the ring as Spike nurses a injury to the ribcage. The clock winds down...


Entry #7

Rosie. The Crowd is silent and Ross and King are confused about which one it is until J.R gets confirmation who it is dispite Rosie having his name right on the back of his jersey.


Rosie slaps down Jeff, punches out Matty, Squashes Cena and Chuck avoids him. Spike looks up in fear as he sees Roise eying him. Rosie grabs Spike by the throat and lifts him up and pulls him down. He grabs him again and lunges him way into the ramp for the second elimination of the night. Jeff instantly attacks Rosie as the clock winds down


Entry #8

Rikishi. The crowd goes nuts. As Rikishi dances down to the ring. He rolls in.


Rikishi chops Matt, Throws a superkick to Cena, Chuck gets one as well. Rosie slams Jeff into the turnbuckle. He turns and Rosie and Rikishi have a staredown, they finally come to blows and go all over the ring. They wind up on the ropes. The clocks reaches zero....


Entry #9

Chris Jericho. HUGE POP! That turns into a heel heat. Jericho delays his arrival...finally appears after about 30 seconds. He saunters down the aisle as he taunts the fans and grimaces as he poses on the apron and steps in.


Avoiding a kick from Cena, Jericho backdrops Jeff and casually flips Rikishi and Rosie over the ropes. Jericho goes nuts and celebrates but Jeff ends his celebration with a Windmill kick off the top ropes. Jericho fights back and throws Jeff Hardy over the ropes to heat. Jericho grins at Jeff as he walks away. The clock buzzes...


Entry #10

Kane. Major Pop for Kane. Kane stomps on down to the ring.


Kane enters as all the wrestlers back away as Kane pulls down the pyro. Everyone is hesitant to appproach him until Matt does and he get s a chokeslam for his efforts. Kane grabs Chuck and hurls him over the ropes to a big reaction. Cena tries to escape but Kane catches him and clotheslines Cena over the ropes. Matt runs under the ropes as Jericho is left alone with the big red freak. Kane brutalizes him as the clock rings...


Entry #11

Atrain. No one notices or reacts. Atrain crawls in the ringand shys from The action.


Meanwhile Matt whom is outside the ring...draws a Sharpie out from his boot and signs autographs for the fans wearing Mattitude shirts. (plants). Jericho finally gets away from the abuse from Kane...The Kane turns to ATRAIN. but naturally, Atrain can fight off Kane...Jericho cuddles into a fetal shape by the turnbuckle. Clock dings.


Entry #12

Nunzio. No reaction.


Nunzio goes right to Kane but eats boot. Matt finally returns to the ring and pulls Jericho from the turnbuckle as Jericho screamingly protests.

Nothing much happens for now. the clock winds down...


Entry #13

Edge. HUGE Pop. Biggest of the rumble so far...


Edge charges the ring and nails Jericho and then Matt and tosses Nunzio. He comes face to face with Atrain. They brawl around the ring and finally fall through the ropes. They continue to fight. Kane reconciles with Jericho again, Matt is left on his own. The clocks falls to zero.


Entry #14

Dreamer. He gets a nice boston pop, he sells the leg injury from TBS and limps to the ring as Ross hypes Dreamer as tough sob.


Dreamer immeditly takes to Matt. Dreamer tosses Matt over the ropes, but Hardy caught himself and only ONE foot touched the floor and Matt pulls himself in. Jericho nails Dreamer with a flying elbow. Kane meets Matt when he gets back into the ring. We catch Edge and Atrain getting back to ringside as the clock runs out…


Entry #15

B2. Very Little Reaction.


B2 enters the ring and chokes out Dreamer. Matt and Jericho fight as Edge and Atrain finally return to the ring. Edge gets separated by Matt and Jericho. Jericho beats down Edge, and Atrain and Matt join in the festivities until Kane saves him and brawls away with Atrain. The clock dings…


Entry #16

Shannon Moore. No reaction.


Shannon runs in and saves matt from elmination from Edge. Matt hugs him and throws him over. Moore screams “What u do that for?” “I don’t need yer help!”. Matt gets blindsided from behind by Dreamer and takes a DDT. A-train drops Edge with a Supershoulderbreaker. Kane throws down a top rope lariat for Jericho. Clock hits zero.


Entry #17

Bubba Dudley. Great reaction.


Bubba goes right to Jericho and backdrops him to the canvas. Bubba clotheslines Matt and Knocks out Atrain into the corner but B2 obliterates Bubba. Nothing goes on for a minute…The clock expires…but #18’s music doesn’t start playing…The crowd starts to buzz…”Latiino HEEAT”



Entry #18

Eddy. MONSTER HEEL HEAT. The fans thought it was Austin but it wasn’t. Eddy laughs at the fans.


Eddy attacks Edge right away. Kane and B2 tangle. Jericho and Dreamer brawl. Leaving Matt alone with Bubba in a corner. Matt had begun to bleed legit. King starts building up Matt’s endurance of 36 minutes. Matt starts selling fatigue by walking numbly around the ring. The clock rolls to zero…


Entry #19

Jamal. Very little reaction.


Jamal strolls to the ring and lays a Superkick straight to the face of Edge and attacks Dreamer. Kane ends Jamal’s momentum with a Chokeslam. Jamal writhes in pain. B2/Edge pair off, as Kane and Jamal hook it up, Eddy and Atrain hooks with Dreamer and Matt and Jericho team on Bubba. The clock sounds off…


Entry #20

Brock Lesnar. Holy Shit. Boston is going nutty. Brock does the happy dance on the way down to the ring.


He hops and cracks his head and steps in and nails B2 first with a clothesline. Jamal goes to Brock but gets sent home over the ropes, Brock sends Atrain packing and He grabs a scared Matt and hurls him out but Matt hangs on, B2 goes out via Lesnar after a F5. Kane steps into Brock’s way and they brawl as Boston goes insane. Brock and Kane go to the ropes Kane goes for a clothesline but Brock ducks and sends Kane out of the ring. Suddendly, Jericho breaks down Lesnar and kills his momentum…Eddy and Jericho beat down Brock. Clock reaches zero.


Entry #21

Christian. Gets great heel heat. Christian arrives slightly cocky.


Christian steps in and joins Eddy in beating down Bubba. Jericho steps behind Xstain, Xstain turns and faces Jericho and they stare each other down. They each smile and shake hands and double clothesline Bubba. Brock and Eddy get into a good fight in the far corner. Matt hardy once again takes a breather outside the ring and has a seat next to Finkel, whom screams that he must get in the ring. Matt shrugs and walks around the ring. Out of nowhere, Edge spears Matt by going through the middle ropes to MONSTER pop. Bubba is eliminated by Jericho and Xstain whom celebrate the occasion. The clock sounds…


Entry #22

Rob Van Dam. Biggest Pop of the Night! RVD is OVER! RVD takes his time going to the ring, he even gives high five to the departing Bubba Dudley.



He steps onto the apron and leaps to the top rope and hit’s a Sidekick right onto Eddy. RVD gets cocky and throws punches all around. Matt limps back into the ring and RVD whips him to the rope and makes the monkey flip into the turnbuckle. RVD with a rolling dropkick to Hardy into the corner. Hardy’s blood is spilled all over the ring at this point. The clock expires…


Entry #23

The Big Show. Major Heat. Heyman guides him to the ring…


Brock leaps the top rope eliminating himself with a cross body press. They brawl around the ring using all the plunder available. Heyman squeals like a pig trying to get some help, while this is going on, Jericho was thrown over the ropes by RVD but the refs never caught it and Jericho rolls back inside. Brock and TBS go to the top of the ramp as the clock reaches zero…


Entry #24

Jamie Knoble. No mention of his enterance.


TBS is left a broken down mess as Brock attempts to renter the ring, but he was eliminated by his own actions. Brock gets pissed and chases after Heyman. TBS is a mess as he stumbles down to the ring.

The clock dings.


Entry #25

Dvon Dudley. A nice sized reaction.


Dvon steps over TBS as he enters the ring. Nothing much goes on at this point. Matt has now lasted 50 minutes, Jericho nearing 40 minutes as is Edge. TBS finally gets into the ring as the clock goes out…


Entry #26

HBK! Huge pop! Shawn goes a dance and runs down to the ring


Shawn hops around and sends out Dreamer, Knoble and Dvon in one feel swoop. He pushes The Big Show over the ropes to MEGAPOP! TBS is IRATE. He charges the ring and fights off the refs and choke slams HBK. Jericho and Xstain set him up. Jericho tells Xstain to hold HBK while mimics the Sweet Chin music…Jericho goes for it and Shawn pulls away and Jericho sends his own partner over the ropes. Jericho tries to apoligize but Christian won’t have none of it, Jericho turns and walks into a Superkick from HBK. Matt, whom now has lasted 53 minutes jumps Shawn. Edge and Eddy pair up as Jericho gets abuse from RVD. The clock expires…


Entry #27

Rhyno. He gets a Nice sized face pop as he rushes the ring…



He sets up in the corner and snarls…He locks his eyes onto Eddy…and GORE GORE GORE! HUGE Pop!. Things settle down as the match begins to wind down. The clock rings out.


Entry #28

Test. He gets a good reaction thanks to the accompanying Stacy.


Test takes on Jericho, Matt is crawling around the ring on his own blood stained canavas. Shawn picks him up and we get a great shot of Matt with a killer tired facial with his own dried blood on his forehead. Shawn sighs and drops matt back on his pool of blood. Edge and Eddy continue their ongoing saga. Rhyno and RVD do battle. The clock expires…


Entry #29

Rey Mysterio. Very Large pop for this, Mysterio’s first apperence since his injury.


He rushes in and attacks Eddy whom was all over Edge. Rey bounces around until Rhyno gores little Rey to a huge heel reaction. Rhyno plays to the crowd…Jericho hit’s the lionsault on Mysterio. The ring stays still as the final countdown begins…


Entry #30

Bastisa. Decent heel heat as Batisa rolls down quietly with Flair by his side.


That leaves all 30 men entered and we are left with, Matt (1), Jericho (9), Edge (13), Eddy (18), RVD (22) , HBK (26), Rhyno (27), Test (28), Rey (29) Batisa (30).


As we’ve reached the final 10, Matt hit’s the 60 minute plateau and Jericho reaches into the 50 minute mark. Test and Rhyno eliminated each other. Matt hardy pulls himself off as he finally reaches 63 minutes, a new Rumble Record…as soon they announce that…Jericho softly shoves matt over the ropes for good, Matt gets a Standing O as he leaves the ring with the help of the EMT’s. We’re down to 7. 4 from Raw and three from Smackdown. RVD dropkicks Batisa over the ropes. We’ve reached the final Six men and it’s even at 3. Eddy tosses Rey to major heat. With the final 5...Jericho takes a corner, Eddy takes a corner, HBK takes a corner and Edge takes a corner…RVD stands in the middle…up to him to decide whom to attack…He pounches right to Eddy and they brawl around the ring…HBK help RVD out and reaches throw out Eddy but messes up and tosses out RVD to major heat. Shawn tries to aplogize but RVD gives him the finger. This pisses off Shawn. Edge sends Eddy flying. We are now down to three men, Chris Jericho, Edge and HBK. HBK and Edge agree to get rid of Jericho first. Edge turns on HBK but realizes his mistake when Shawn nails a Superkick that gets Edge leaning on the ropes holding on for dear life. Shawn goes to finish the job, He dumps him but Jericho knocks Shawn right over the ropes and Jericho wins the 2003 Royal Rumble!


Shawn protests and HBK and Jericho have a face off in the middle of the ring and the show goes off as Fink announces “The Winner of 2003 Royal Rumble and #1 contender for the World Title, Chris Jericho!

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Guest Anglesault

Brock will run in and kill Angle and Benoit. It's the only way to make them both look stupid.

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Guest BorneAgain

Nice Rumble. It builds up Mattitude and makes Jericho a bigger heel. Nice twist with Eddy tricking the fans too.

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