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Guest Insanityman

Do you have a routine for writing matches?

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Guest Insanityman

Title explains it all really. I always have some sort of music playing, some type of drink, and the fan on high no matter what the temperature is. If I'm rushing no television but if not I may flip it on and see what's on.


You guys?

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Depends. If I'm really rushing, I turn off the music and just fly. Otherwise, I put on the music, and start writing. After every 500 words or so, I stop, proofread what I wrote, try and make it all come together, and then spend a few minutes in chat. Repeat as needed.

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Guest realitycheck

I guess I'm a little different from everyone else... I need total silence to write. Music just interferes with my head when I try to plan what I should do with the match next.


Usually I start, write the entrances, take a break, and think up my opening sequence. Then I write that, and since I'm usually in a flow by then, I brainstorm a chain spot, usually. Every 1000-1500 words I stop for 10-30 minutes, and waste time in chat or whatever. I should also note I can't write very well while IN chat, I must leave to accomplish anything worth while.


I'll also break for food or drink, of course.



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Guest midnight_burn

My routine, being used for the PPV as i type this:


1. Think up some ideas for match.

2. Don't start the match until the last possible moment.

3. Suddenly realise i have basically no time left and start the match.

4. Forget all the good ideas i came up with and just write whatever shit comes to mind, no matter how illogical it may seem.

5. End up staying awake until 5 AM writing a 10,000 word match in one sitting.

6. No time for checking, send off finished match.

7. When the show is posted look for my match, only to see that i've lost once again.

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Guest Ace309

I'm quite similar to Stryke.


- See the card. Come up with a finish. If it's a PPV, set a ridiculous word quota.

- Plan backwards for spots to set up the finish.

- Start two days before, with ska and speedmetal on WinAmp.

- (PPV: Realize I won't make my quota. Decide on 8500 words instead.)

- Forget to tease finish.

- (PPV: Settle on 7500.)

- Send without more than a cursory spellcheck on WordPerfect.

- Pray.

- Worry aloud to Z.

- (Optional: Win.)

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

- Read the card, immediately begin gathering stats and writing the intros.

- Waste time for the next few days.

- Finally begin writing the body on the last possible day.

- Waste time again.

- Write non-stop with tv and music on until it's time to send the match off.

- Of course, I'm not finished. So I don't send until a few minutes up to a few hours later.

- Pray that I don't embarass myself more than I normally would, until I pleasantly get the win anyway, due to my opponent no-showing.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

-read card(no shit)

-study opponents stats, and decide what moves I want to build the match around.

-watch some All Japan, not to copy but for inspiration. For the Annie match, I've studied Austin/Rock No DQ Wrestlemania whatever, and Misawa/Kawada 6/3/94.

-plan out the high spots, and the ending.

-improvise the build like in a real match, it's a great way to smoothly link the action together.

-try to finish the actual in ring action early, so I can give the commentary extra attention.

-check the grammar, sometimes I run out of time and skip this.

-turn match in.


I usually write at night after work, with the T.V. going.

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