Guest bcu1979 Report post Posted December 22, 2002 Triple H as found a new target to blame for the poor ratings on RAW. According to the TORCH, Triple H is now blaming Tough Enough for his inability to get over to as a strong heel character. Apparently, God feels that Tough Enough has exposed the business too much. He is also anti-Confidential. (I thought this was one of those stories meant to mock all the Triple H has too much power stories. But Keller went on to anayze the situation in his weekly e-mail column.) In an even more ridiculous move, Triple H held a meeting in the ring a few months ago to talk down to all the RAW roster members. He blamed them for the low ratings and told them they needed to work harder to pull their weight. (I guess it's apparent where Vince got the idea that RAW needed more "support" for Triple H came from.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest tpww7 Report post Posted December 22, 2002 HHH blaming Tough Enough and Confidential because no one gives a shit about him? Yep, that sounds about right. I wish Vince would wake up and fire this guy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mattdotcom Report post Posted December 22, 2002 Well, when you limp away from a pep talk, I think you have a moot point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted December 22, 2002 HHH can go to hell. I hope Austin comes back and sets this guy straight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted December 22, 2002 Real or not - HHH is borderlining on cartoon villainy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insanityman Report post Posted December 22, 2002 Wow... I want Austin to return just to see HHH stunnered. Because quite frankly I hope it's the most out of character stunner that Austin has ever given. But really no one does give a shit about the tough enough angle so meh... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted December 22, 2002 While HHH's deductions are correct (god, how pathetic is it when they're taking "people off the streets" and making them pro wrestlers?), his reasons are not exactly pure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted December 22, 2002 The Tough Enough concept is fine. However, they go about it the wrong way. The goal should be giving the fans a new appreciation for the sport, the art, and the business of professional wrestling - instead it is 'the real world' w/ a ring. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted December 22, 2002 the tough enough concept WAS ok, but who gives a shit about tough enough 2 3 4 5 6....? Having one guy is fine, because he's the onyl one with that gimmick, but it should stop there. Nowinski is better than maven though, so i have no complaints about him being signed. HHH is a complete joke. This CAN'T be real. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jester Report post Posted December 22, 2002 Isn't TE still doing well ratings wise? I hope this story is true. Once HHH comes between Vince and something that makes money, he is done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted December 22, 2002 *thinks of a post* *Remembers that this is the kind of logic that has led to the birth of "WWE logic."* *shakes head, groans* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Quik Report post Posted December 22, 2002 I can't wait until Trips runs out of guys to blame for low ratings, so he can look in a mirror and start telling Vince about how "that damn HHH is holding down talent and ruining the ratings". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Banky Report post Posted December 22, 2002 Tough Enough is planned, staged crap - just like all reality shows. They berate these people and treat them like garbage. All wrestlers hate the show, and it doesn't produce any stars. If anyone considers Nowinski, Maven, or those other 2 girls stars needs to give their head a shake. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoSelfWorth Report post Posted December 22, 2002 The bad thing about this maybe that HGH seems to genuinely believe it is not his fault things are in the crapper. Can he be that deluded ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest teke184 Report post Posted December 22, 2002 The bad thing about this maybe that HGH seems to genuinely believe it is not his fault things are in the crapper. Can he be that deluded ? This is the guy who's been protected his ENTIRE time in the WWF save for six months in 1996 where he was punished for his part in the Madison Square Garden incident. He isn't used to things going against him THIS bad, especially when he's got all this influence that he has. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted December 22, 2002 Tough Enough is planned, staged crap - just like all reality shows. They berate these people and treat them like garbage. All wrestlers hate the show, and it doesn't produce any stars. If anyone considers Nowinski, Maven, or those other 2 girls stars needs to give their head a shake. What about Nidia? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted December 23, 2002 The only good things to come out of Tough Enough has been Greg from 1 and Chris Nowinski from 2. And they didn't even win the fucking competitions. Also, if he wins it, Matt from Tough Enough 3 looks to be a player. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 23, 2002 I'm not really pro-Tough Enough either... but one has nothing to do with the other. Fact 1: HHH is the only thing pushed on RAW. Everyone else is made to look weak next to him. Fact 2: RAW's ratings are bad and keep getting worse. It isn't hard to figure out what the problem is with RAW. And it ain't Tough Enough or the guys working 3 minute matches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted December 23, 2002 The only good things to come out of Tough Enough has been Greg from 1 and Chris Nowinski from 2. And they didn't even win the fucking competitions. Also, if he wins it, Matt from Tough Enough 3 looks to be a player. Greg & Nowinski were both from TE1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted December 23, 2002 I really hope this isn't real. This would be just sad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted December 23, 2002 The bad thing about this maybe that HGH seems to genuinely believe it is not his fault things are in the crapper. Can he be that deluded ? This is the guy who's been protected his ENTIRE time in the WWF save for six months in 1996 where he was punished for his part in the Madison Square Garden incident. He isn't used to things going against him THIS bad, especially when he's got all this influence that he has. Right, and at the time he was supposedly held down, he was one of the shittiest workers in the entire company. Duke the Dumpster Drose was actually a decent worker despite the gimmick, and yet they paint it as some huge disgrace that he had to sink to such depths. And the Hog Pen match was quite a hoot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonX 0 Report post Posted December 23, 2002 Real or not - HHH is borderlining on cartoon villainy. A more accurate comparision would be this: I am HHH, God of Wrestling! Nothing that goes wrong is my fault! And if you don't like it, kiss my shiney metal faceplate...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted December 23, 2002 A more accurate comparision would be this: I am HHH, God of Wrestling! Nothing that goes wrong is my fault! And if you don't like it, kiss my shiney metal faceplate...... BOO! DO NOT DEFILE THE IMAGE OF COBRA COMMANDER WITH MENTIONS OF HHH! COBRAAAAAAAAAA! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Will Scarlet Report post Posted December 23, 2002 Real or not - HHH is borderlining on cartoon villainy. Well, considering the WWF apparently is now planning a WWF cartoon, maybe soon the world will be subjected a cartoon version of Triple H. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the pinjockey Report post Posted December 23, 2002 Jericho can be his little midget sidekick. Like the little thing in the Island of Dr. Moreau. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted December 23, 2002 The only good things to come out of Tough Enough has been Greg from 1 and Chris Nowinski from 2. And they didn't even win the fucking competitions. Also, if he wins it, Matt from Tough Enough 3 looks to be a player. Greg & Nowinski were both from TE1 Oh yeah, Duh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted December 23, 2002 A more accurate comparision would be this: I am HHH, God of Wrestling! Nothing that goes wrong is my fault! And if you don't like it, kiss my shiney metal faceplate...... BOO! DO NOT DEFILE THE IMAGE OF COBRA COMMANDER WITH MENTIONS OF HHH! COBRAAAAAAAAAA! Yeah, besides, NO WAY that nose would fit behind the faceplate, it would have to bulge out further. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted December 23, 2002 I really hope this isn't real. This would be just sad. Watch on the next Raw when HHH squashes Maven in .01 seconds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted December 23, 2002 A more accurate comparision would be this: I am HHH, God of Wrestling! Nothing that goes wrong is my fault! And if you don't like it, kiss my shiney metal faceplate...... BOO! DO NOT DEFILE THE IMAGE OF COBRA COMMANDER WITH MENTIONS OF HHH! COBRAAAAAAAAAA! Yeah, besides, NO WAY that nose would fit behind the faceplate, it would have to bulge out further. Yeah...if anyone, HHH is more like Serpentor... "You will job to me tonight...THIS I COMMAND!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonX 0 Report post Posted December 23, 2002 A more accurate comparision would be this: I am HHH, God of Wrestling! Nothing that goes wrong is my fault! And if you don't like it, kiss my shiney metal faceplate...... BOO! DO NOT DEFILE THE IMAGE OF COBRA COMMANDER WITH MENTIONS OF HHH! COBRAAAAAAAAAA! Yeah, besides, NO WAY that nose would fit behind the faceplate, it would have to bulge out further. Yeah...if anyone, HHH is more like Serpentor... "You will job to me tonight...THIS I COMMAND!" No, Serpentor is Nash especially when you consider how both went down in humiliating ways (Serpentor getting shot in the eye with an arrow via Zartan while looking out through a pair of binnoculors and Nash by walking across the ring). And for the record here are the Cobra/WWE Raw analogues: Cobra Commander-HHH Serpentor- Nash Destro- Ric Flair Zartan- RVD Zartana- Molly Holly Baroness- Victoria Firefly- Lance Storm Dr. Mindbender- William Regal Storm Shadow- Chris Jericho BAT- Maven Copperhead- Chris Harvard Dreadnoughts: Goldust/Booker T/Kane/Hurricane Globulous- HBK Nemesis Enforcer- Batista Share this post Link to post Share on other sites