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Guest Intimacy Goblin

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

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Guest Intimacy Goblin

I recently received the director's cut of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes as a Christmas present. A review on the box called it one of the 5 best movie titles of all time. I'm just wondering, what are some others? And what are some of the group thoughts on the film I received (I plan to watch it today, so I'll be ready for discussion of content)?

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

It's funny and awful as all hell, but it's all intentional. Definitely a classic. I prefer its sequel, but that's only because of FT and GEORGE CLOONEY WITH A MULLET~!

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Guest kingkamala

Rick Rockwell is in all of the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes movies. Ten points to whoever knows who Rick Rockwell is.

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Guest red_file

I'm not ashamed to admit that I really liked the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes cartoon. The movie was decent, but the cartoon was perfect for what it was.

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Guest kingkamala
The guy from Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire

Ten points to Bob Barron. Before he was on the shitty Fox special, he was an unsuccessful stand up comedian....actually come to think of it after the special he was an unsuccessful stand up comedian. I saw him on E! or something and material revolved mostly on how he was married for three days or Darva.

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Guest jimmy no nose

Yeah, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes isn't supposed to be a good movie or anything, but it's very good at what it tries to be, a stupid funny movie.


Since he's been mentioned, I've actually known Rick Rockwell since before he was on that wedding show. He was a college friend of one of my work friends so I had met him a few times before that show.

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Guest El Satanico

It also has a great theme song.


A military "battle song" sounding thing about tomatos = gold

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Guest Intimacy Goblin

"Puberty Love" wasn't a bad song either.

The sound effects made by the tomatoes were classic, as was the president's press seceratary's face whenever he saw one of the commercials

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