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Guest RobJohnstone

The Official Rob Johnstone 900th post thread

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Guest RobJohnstone

hahaha. Wasn't he a photgrapher or something. He would try to hug them before they fought.



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Guest Kotzenjunge

No matter what job you get, everyone still goes through the same basic training.

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Guest bob_barron

Remember at KOTR93 when the guy took the photo of Hogan and it exploded?


It was Al Gore

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Guest B-X

Before I forget, Bush spent a good 2 years in the 70s defending the skies of Texas from the Viet Cong.

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Guest B-X

And by the Way Johnstone, I have noticed that your spelling and punctuation has improved. Good for you.

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Guest RobJohnstone
No matter what job you get, everyone still goes through the same basic training.

basic training won't save you. My best friend is in the army stationed at ft.drum ny. He told me basics were easy, so I am gonna have to believe him.



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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Yeah Rob, notice how there were other christians involved in that as well, and not just my evil ass? Maybe if for once, ONCE, you actually had something worthwhile to say, you might've just pulled that back on topic.


Besides, I wasn't even talking about that thread, I was talking about my blatant insult to your dumb ass earlier in THIS thread.


Now, since it's christmas and all, I'll hold a brief sermon. This is not in any way meant to be representing any certain religion, just common sense.


Please open your tomes of Oblivion to The Book of Rob, Chapter 1, verses two-twenty.


"...and Rob did speak unto the masses, decreeing that they shall celebrate his glorious 900th post. The seven families of heathens didst balk at the decree, and Rob was made to look the fool. From the Family of Barron, a power of the punch rang true, and bells did ring, and englishmen shied from the beach, as Rob's eye was black. From the family Cobain, a chord rang out thrice, and LO!, but Rob was deafened. From the pinjockey tribe, apathy did wash over Rob's skin like grey paint."


Ahem, we have an error in the original translation here. It really means that Rob was painted "ghey." Continuing on...


"...from the Family Rant, yet another gift of apathy was bestowed upon Rob. From the young prince Flyboy, a football was offered, and Rob did take yon pigskin into his clutches, for he did thirst for the youth that held it. From the multicolored land of Kotz, tales of Rob's stupidity were shouted from the mountaintop, and LO!, the people did hear. From the land of Sandman, a mighty finger did rise from the seas of tacks and blood, and brandished itself in front of Rob's prone laughable figure. The seas then did part, and the people rejoiced in laughter as Rob was cast as the jackass in front of us all. His Vote Buchanan pins did not hide his shame, and fingers were pointed, and the mirth did echo from the fiberoptic halls, and Rob did then kneel and feast upon the shit that hath been brought to his service by the peoples. The celebration ended, he tried to laugh it off, but no one smiles back when your teeth are caked with the fruits of constipation."

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Guest RobJohnstone

it's great you can be clever to gain approval from your jackass friends.



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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Yes, because the fact that you're a complete tool has nothing to do with it. It's ALL about me getting approval from others, since, you know, I always do that.

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Guest RobJohnstone

there you go again calling me names. It seems funny that all liberals do that to conservatives. Always. Lott makes and offhand comment and he's a rascist yet when sen. byrd blatently calls people the n-bomb he gets no bad press. I guess that's the way it works.



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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Yeah Rob, notice how there were other christians involved in that as well, and not just my evil ass? Maybe if for once, ONCE, you actually had something worthwhile to say, you might've just pulled that back on topic.


Besides, I wasn't even talking about that thread, I was talking about my blatant insult to your dumb ass earlier in THIS thread.


Now, since it's christmas and all, I'll hold a brief sermon. This is not in any way meant to be representing any certain religion, just common sense.


Please open your tomes of Oblivion to The Book of Rob, Chapter 1, verses two-twenty.


"...and Rob did speak unto the masses, decreeing that they shall celebrate his glorious 900th post. The seven families of heathens didst balk at the decree, and Rob was made to look the fool. From the Family of Barron, a power of the punch rang true, and bells did ring, and englishmen shied from the beach, as Rob's eye was black. From the family Cobain, a chord rang out thrice, and LO!, but Rob was deafened. From the pinjockey tribe, apathy did wash over Rob's skin like grey paint."


Ahem, we have an error in the original translation here. It really means that Rob was painted "ghey." Continuing on...


"...from the Family Rant, yet another gift of apathy was bestowed upon Rob. From the young prince Flyboy, a football was offered, and Rob did take yon pigskin into his clutches, for he did thirst for the youth that held it. From the multicolored land of Kotz, tales of Rob's stupidity were shouted from the mountaintop, and LO!, the people did hear. From the land of Sandman, a mighty finger did rise from the seas of tacks and blood, and brandished itself in front of Rob's prone laughable figure. The seas then did part, and the people rejoiced in laughter as Rob was cast as the jackass in front of us all. His Vote Buchanan pins did not hide his shame, and fingers were pointed, and the mirth did echo from the fiberoptic halls, and Rob did then kneel and feast upon the shit that hath been brought to his service by the peoples. The celebration ended, he tried to laugh it off, but no one smiles back when your teeth are caked with the fruits of constipation."

Top ten flame if I ever saw one. and it mentioned ME!



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Guest Agent of Oblivion
there you go again calling me names. It seems funny that all liberals do that to conservatives. Always. Lott makes and offhand comment and he's a rascist yet when sen. byrd blatently calls people the n-bomb he gets no bad press. I guess that's the way it works.



Am I a fucking senator, dumbass? This isn't an argument about liberals and conservatives, or which wing you decide to plant yourself in, this is a simple matter of me calling you on the carpet for being a complete twat.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Say, that's a good question.


1. The Risk "feud."

2. Every retarded response you've given in CE.

3. The fact that you try to turn EVERYTHING into a political issue pissing and moaning about liberals.

4. The fact that you seem to take Pat fucking Buchanan's word as gospel.


I could keep going here...anyone else?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Hey, how about starting a gay fucking "celebration" thread about getting 900 posts? What the hell were you looking for? Everyone dancing in the streets singing your praises?



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Guest RobJohnstone

1. RISK was a jackass. He is no longer here so I saved you from his idiotic posts.


2. In your opinion my posts are "retarded". I do not value your opinion. We believe in 2 different things and when we start discussing issues you resort to name calling.


3. Everything is a politcal issue when I am being bombarded by liberals who hate my ideals.


4. I like Buchanan and what he stands for so I will continue to speak my mind about him. Maybe read one his books and see why I like him instead of shooting from the hip. Or even his tv show which is "Buchanan and Press" Monday through Friday at 2pm on MSNBC. (Cheap Plug)



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Guest RobJohnstone
Hey, how about starting a gay fucking "celebration" thread about getting 900 posts? What the hell were you looking for? Everyone dancing in the streets singing your praises?



keep insulting me. It must boost your self esteem.



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Guest cobainwasmurdered

If I watched a Pat B. show I'd have to kill myself after.


It's a matter of princaples.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I resort to name calling when discussing issues? Ha. When I'm discussing issues, I try to make valid points. When those points are met with stuffing your head in the sand. I make another point about THAT, only not quite as friendly as the first time. If a fucking cuss word sends you off in an insulted huff, grow a thicker skin unlike all those bleeding heart liberal communist scum you talk about so much.

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Guest RobJohnstone

If you want to justify it that way then your welcome to do so. That however is not the way it acually happens.



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Guest Agent of Oblivion

This coming from you, the authority on "how things really happened."

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Guest RobJohnstone

another insult good for you. Yes, we all have theories about "how things really happen". I just happen to believe something you don't. That's why you resort to insulting me.


Off topic I left a christmas present for everyone in the general chat folder.





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Guest SP-1

In my experience, AoO has not resorted to name calling, at least not in the brief discussion we've had. Why? Because it was a discussion.


Now I understand, AoO. I may not handle it quite the same, but I understand the agitation he seems to draw from everyone his posts come into visual contact with.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
I just happen to believe something you don't. That's why you resort to insulting me.

You think I'm insulting you because of your FAITH? Are you fucking nuts? If that were true, I would be ripping on Dopey, SP, and every other religious person here...but I'm not. Do you know WHY? Because they've all got the capability to be reasonable. To actually consider facts that might contradict what they believe without having to plug their ears and go "La la la Science is dumb and facts are irrelevant," all while disregarding what a person says based on how they VOTE. If you're insinuating that I'M the one putting forth an argument with no basis...jesus... Your head's buried deeper than I thought.


Next time you start a reply with something along the lines of "Lefty socialists ruining out nation...etc." Think about what I just quoted from YOU, shitface.


Physician, heal thyself.

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