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Guest HBK16

Trigger Happy TV

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Guest HBK16

I was watching the show and I was laughing my ass off. I love the guy with the huge cell phone and the orchastra that plays horribly. Anybody else watch this show? This stuff blows Tom Green out of the sky. Well everything does but its good.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Well, its been on here for ages, but i'm like, right beside England


While Dom's phone is funny, the absolute best is when he dresses up as a turtle to cross the road, crawls along,etc

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Guest caboose

We've been loving Dom for years here in England.

Wait till you meet the 'Righteous Interviewer'.

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Guest Vyce

Maybe it's just cause I don't watch the show often, but every time I DO watch the program, it seems as if it's just 800 different variations of the exact same bit - he's someplace where he's supposed to be quiet, and he yells really loud. Look! He's at the driving range with a gret big phone, and he's screaming into it! Oh, the hilarity.


I must give him some props though - I did see a funny bit where some guy was walking down the street, and all of a sudden about a hundred guys in animal costumes bum rushed him.

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Guest NoCalMike

This is show is a lot more hit-n-miss to me. I loved the bit where the guy was walking down the deserted street and then a huge mob of people dressed in mascot uniforms start running towards him yelling....the guy just panics and starts running away...hilarious.

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Guest Intimacy Goblin

The one where the figure of death is watching that group of young guys and checks his watch was pretty funny. Likewise the one where a photographer takes pictures of tourists who don't know Death is standing behind them.

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Guest Angle-plex

I pretty much only like the stuff where the guys dress up as animals. All the other stuff is average.

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Guest subliminal_animal

I don't see any value in it whatsoever. Very few jokes are even okay. I echo the first part of what Vyce said, plus other things no one has said yet and cannot be echoed.

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Guest Mr. Pink

I loved the bit where he sits by some random guy in the park and hands them a briefcase



"Clever disguise, Grey Squirrel...here's the Dossiers."

-"I'm sorry?"

"...Aren't you...Grey Squirrel?"


"I'm sorry...my mistake..."







and the Sea Captain was funny too.


"I lost my wife out there in those waters..."

-"Oh you poor man...you'll find another wife"

"No, I'm actually homosexual..."

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Guest BAR

I like the tourist information sketch.


Some guy walks up to Dom, ask's him where a certain place is.


Dom gives him the very last detail and the history of the place.


The guy says "...but where is it?"


"I have no idea."


Also, when he blames the granny for vandalism. :lol:

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