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Guest MixxMaster

The father of steph's baby


45 members have voted

  1. 1. The father of steph's baby

    • No baby, Steph's lying
    • HHH
    • Jericho
    • Angle
    • RVD
    • Test
    • Val Venis
    • Jonathan Coachman
    • Maven
    • that fan who ran in on the main event on RAW

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

jericho, the backstory is there, and it creates a superhot fued leading into wrestlemania.

the only other possibility is angle, but i cant really see him working a program with trips atm.

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Guest Tony149

I say it's one of three things...


1. It's Jericho's leading to a WM main event match.


2. She's lying.


3. It's Angle's baby.


I say 1 & 2 are the best predictions. It should be 1, but with the weird booking she could just be lying.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think she'll say it's Jericho's before Mania (to help HHH get over)


after Mania she'll say she was lying to torment HHH (to help HHH get over)


Meanwhile...HHH will be leading the WWF against the NWO (to help HHH get over)

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

I think she'll turn out to be lying, but I'd mark out if it was Kurt Angle.


[Fantasy Booking Crap]

It's Steph and HHH's vow renewal on Raw, HHH has said "I do" and Steph is about to.  Suddenly, on the Titantron, Kurt Angle appears:


Angle:  Hey Hunter, guess what.  You remember last year when you thought Steph was cheating on you with me?  Well, the night after I joined the Alliance, me and Steph had a little celebration in her hotel room.  That's right, I fucked your wife!  It's True, It's True.


HHH starts acting all upset and stuff, and suddenly Angle jumps him and Angle Slams him right into the enormous Wedding cake sitting right next to the altar.

[/Fantasy Booking Crap]

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Guest TUS_02
the only other possibility is angle, but i cant really see him working a program with trips atm.



And Angle is fighting WHO at No Way Out?

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Guest Tod deKindes

Haven't you people considered the more scary fact?...


Yet *another* McMahon is on its way!

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Guest theWCWRaider

I think she will reveal that it is a lie.


Because unless she really is pregnant...there won't be a pay off to the angle in 9 months, and that's the best way to get out of it.

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Guest Tony149

I wonder how long before JR or Michael Cole yell "Who's your daddy?" Or, what if the father of the baby is Michael Cole? For the love of God, NO!

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Guest Kagato Otaku

Stephanie's a defacto face for the moment. I picture lots of scary threatening and Jim Ross heart palpatations as EVIL heels threaten her and her baby.


And La Parka's gotta be the father. He's the daddy of the mack, daddy.


Or if you wanna be all logical about it, she's lying to get attention, and a furious HHH pedigrees her to a monster pop.

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

Triple H is a professional, never forget it!


Trips and Steph's hotel room -


"Steph, you know what I think'"

"What honey?"

"That to sell the angle, you know... you'd be rally pregnant, you know..."


"Uh... yes, I do"

"Oh Crhist... you're right as always, honey"

"I know... come on"

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Guest The Vanilla Midget
And Angle is fighting WHO at No Way Out?


boy is my face red!!!

but still, i dont see angle being the baby's father

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Guest Kagato Otaku
Triple H is a professional, never forget it!


Bah. Any man who no-sells death doesn't get the benefit of the doubt from me.

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Guest Anglesault

It should be Angle over Jericho. It has a better backstory, and Angle is able to do all three of his finishers. :)



::Hides and waits for the backlash::

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Guest The Vanilla Midget
It should be Angle over Jericho. It has a better backstory, and Angle is able to do all three of his finishers. :)

they do have a great backstory, but i dont think there is enough time for them to pull the swerve before no way out in order to give that match meaning.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

It seems to me there's only 3 ways to do this:


1) Steph's lying (my choice)

2) Steph loses the baby.  Abortion/miscarriage would be in bad taste to run as a wrestling angle, but w/ Vince you never know.

3) Steph has the baby.  You're talking 9 months of the angle, plus you actually need a baby for continuity.


To me, the only logical choice is #1.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

itll be jericho, interrupting them just as they say i do

just like what happened to years ago, a drugged stephanie



Stephanie is a filthy, dirty, disgusting, bottom-feeding trash ho!


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Guest Kagato Otaku

'Cause if you can't get over as an undisputed champ...


Get over as a date rapist.

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Guest MixxMaster

Oh HELL NO, I would much rather see the dude who did the run-in be the father than frickin' TESTicle-less...

As of right now, that dude has more votes than test, or HHH, for that matter...

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Guest El Hijo Del Lunatic

Here's the real problem:  if professional wrestling has taught me anything, it's that whenever there's a question on who did something evil (and believe me, getting Steph pregnant makes you at least Beelzebub), there are only two possibilities:


1.)  Savio Vega (taking the phrase "mystery partner" to new levels of grossness)

2.)  A McMahon


I don't know what's *MORE* disturbing.

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Guest LooseCannon

I remember thinking that if Russo were booking, it would turn out to be a McMahon for sure.

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Guest Midnight Express83

Shane is too busy trying to get his own wife knocked up, not Steph.

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Guest Tony149

If Russo was booking this angle he wouldn't have a McMahon be the father. He would probably make a young guy the daddy i.e. Jericho or Angle. If he tried to have a McMahon be the daddy, Vince McMahon would reject that idea quickly.


What would they name the baby The Game, Y2J, HHH Jr?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Everyone seems to be ignoring the obvious...


she'll say it's Jericho's before Mania and then after Mania she'll say she was lying to torment HHH

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

you know it will turn out to be Hogan with his 24 inch cock... Cockamania is running wild!

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Guest Tony149

Hogan would break a hip if he tried to have sex. "Cockamania"? I wouldn't be surprised if that became a catch-phrase.

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Guest Choken One

Who knows? It would be funny, IF Trips accidently impregated her...what would they do? Follow up on it? You just KNOW Vince will use the baby's birth as a RatingsPloy.

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Guest Tony149

You know, since the nWo are coming in, and the fact most fans aren't thrilled about it. The WWF could pull off a shocking angle which would probably piss off a lot of people. Stephanie can really be pregnant storyline wise and have the nWo attack her with baseball bats at WrestleMania causing a miscarriage. Vince & Triple H would be pissed and freaking out and both attack the nWo, but the nWo beat the hell out of Vince & HHH leaving them a bloody mess. Then the nWo reveal on Raw they've been working a master plan with Eric Bischoff from the day Vince asked them to "kill the WWF" and Eric order the attack on Steph. It would do two things, first it would establish the nWo as a sick and brutal force that would attack anything they want too. The second thing it would do is make Vince a face. Vince then leads his half of the WWF in a battle against guys he brought in, but they (nWo) went totally out of control and now they need to be stopped.

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