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The Best "Seller"

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Yet another topic: Whos sells the best bell ringer ?! An' IM not talkin about just WWE , but anywhere. NOw I dont know too much of Indy Feds ( like I matter) but give us your top three!


Me Top three are:

1) Tony Marmaluke




3)Jamie KNoble


honorable mentions:Kurt Angle,Hurricaine and yes.. Bubba Ray Dudley

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Well, bumping and selling are two very different things...



As far as bumping, my top three in the WWE would be(no certain order):


1. RVD

2. Rey Mysterio

3. Probably Christian(it's the only thing he does that's above average since he can't wrestle worth a shit)



Selling is a bit more difficult since everybody this year has had a pretty awful time of doing it.



EDIT: This should be in general if you wish to include wrestlers from other organizations besides the WWE, so consider it moved.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

The Rock from about mid-2000 onwards. His sell of the Gore is absolutely fabulous.

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Guest AndrewTS

Bumps: Spike Dudley, HBK, Benoit, Angle, Eddy, Edge--too many to really choose a standout. If we're talking all time Foley's just outdoes anyone.


Selling: Eddy or Benoit. Everyone else pretty much was inconsistent a lot. Even those two aren't perfect, but seem to stand out as the best.

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Guest saturnmark4life

I really like bubba's selling, but he takes the same bump for everything. some of the best selling i've seen was macho man at WM8. He wanted to KILL flair, but couldn't. And he wold it for like 2 years afterward as well. Awesome match, hadn't really watched it properly till the other week. Bret/piper is underrated too.

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Guest Tim Cooke

I like the Rock and think his strong points surpass his weaknesses, but his selling is not a strong point.


As for selling, Kawada is the best I have ever seen.


Tommy Rogers played the "face in peril" the best that I have ever seen.


Destroyer (Dick Beyer) knew all the "smart" ways to sell.


In today's WEEEE product, Benoit sells. Eddy is second but after that, it is WEAK. Angle has the moves but isn't a top seller and isn't a smart worker yet.



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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

Spike Dudley takes the Gore better than anybody else. In fact, Spike Dudley taking the Gore (not any particular time, all of them) is one of my favorite wrestling spots ever.


Terry Funk is probably my favorite overall bumper. D-Von's over the top twitching is cool too... he stole it from Funk, I believe, but does it slightly better, in my opinion.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Methinks the original poster the selling of individual moves as opposed to overall selling in a match, hence why he listed RVD and Mamaluke.


As far as the selling of individual moves, RVD tops my list. One of the only guys I've ever seen in WWE that made a German Suplex look THAT brutal...

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

I'm surprised nobody mentioned HBK.

As much as I dislike his backstage agendas, you can't deny he was an amazing bump machine for most of his career.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Best at bumping..hmm. Right now in the WWE, probably Jamie Knoble or Angle.


Selling. Eh. Benoit right now.


Overall at bumping, I love seeing Rey Jr bounce around. Lyger comes to mind, too.


Overall at selling..Flair.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

Not that he's the best seller, but Lex Luger was a hoot at it. He'll get dropkicked, yell "Oooooohhhhh!!!" and then take a generic bump.


Watch him at War Games 1995 when Meng enters and you'll see what I mean (Well, Meng doesn't throw a dropkick though)


That's why I've always loved Luger/Flair matches. They were both cool sellers and Flair's dirty, pricky antics would compliment Luger's He-Man act quite well.

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Guest Basswitch

Whomever said Christian sucks.... DIE!! CHRISTIAN IS AWSOME!!

As for selling:



Taka Michinoku

Minoru Tanaka

Christopher Daniels

Lil Guido

Jamie Noble



And a bunch of other peps


to many to count or pick 1

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Guest BAR

Tony Mamaluke. I haven't seen any of his TNA stuff but I am a mark for his ECW shit.


Him and Guido are one of my favourite tag teams of all time. Their feud with Mikey & Yoshi was off the hinges.

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Guest dreamer420

Bumping: Spike Dudley, Tony Mamaluke, RVD, Mr. Pefect (early 90's)


Selling: Flair, Steamboat

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Whomever said Christian sucks.... DIE!! CHRISTIAN IS AWSOME!!



Please try to avoid the kiddie crap like that. If you have a differing opinion, either say so logically or just leave it alone. And no, I will no "die" because I think Christian is a no-talent hack.



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Guest saturnmark4life

I certainly think christian has degenerated as a worker dramatically. Regal has too, as did mike awesome and tazz. It's the wwe's fault for putting them in 2 minute matches all the time, if at all. You stop caring. I used to love christian. Sigh.

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Guest Insanityman

I am limited to WWE and some of the older stuff so excuse blantally ignoring the Indy workers.


Best bumpers (favorite to overall favorite): Spike (I agree with whoever brought up the Gore), HBK (bump machine from the tapes I've seen), RVD )(makes some moves look even more deadly), and Rey Mysterio Jr. (This guy, like Eddie said, is kamikaze).


Selling: Beniot, Angle, and overall Flair.

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