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Guest The Superstar

Team Angle

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Guest The Superstar

I wasn't so sure about a stable that included the Big Shit in it, but after watching Smackdown! I couldn't be happier that Team Angle has come to life. It shows Angle as a leader of a badass heel stable, while introducing two new faces and pushing them into mid/upper midcard status immediately, through association. I was marking out like crazy seeing Haas and Benjamin's beatdown on Benoit, it was absolutely brutal. This is by far the greatest WWE stable in a long, long time (not that there's been much competition).

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I see them being destroyed by Brock between now and Mania and Angle JUST getting away from Brock each time.

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Guest Kinetic

They are pretty cool. I can't wait for someone to challenge them in The Joust or Powerball. They look like they can really fuck someone up.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Team Angle!!


That kick/suplex move and that submission move was brutal. Good to see Shelton on tv again though.

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Guest The Superstar

Knowing WWE, they'll have Brock beat Haas & Benjamin in a handicap match at No Way Out to "prep" Brock for Angle at Wrestlemania, thus leaving Team Angle dead in the water.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu
They are pretty cool. I can't wait for someone to challenge them in The Joust or Powerball. They look like they can really fuck someone up.

Powerball? Joust? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's great man.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Yeah but its likely they are just a tool to anger Brock some more. Once he regains the titles....they'll prolly end up like Billy and Chuck.

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Guest Samurai_Goat

I hope Team Angle line dances their way to some major cool run-ins. I say give them an old altered brood bloodbath run in. One night, 3 bloodbaths, one red, one white, one blue. But don't use the brood music, use Kurt's music. I think that would kick. Either that or I miss the brood.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

They are getting a major rub from this feud - so who cares if they get buried? This is probably the best 'debut' the WWF had done in a while.


Let's give credit to the benoit. For not only for giving big show one of his best matches, but by making team angle look like gold.

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Guest Downhome

*bask bask bask bask*


We need someone to make an "official" Team Angle banner for all of us to use. :D :D :D

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Guest Downhome
Let's give credit to the benoit. For not only for giving big show one of his best matches, but by making team angle look like gold.

Something that HHH could learn from eh?

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Guest Downhome

I think they just might push them seriously, sort of a Kurt Angle version of The Hart Foundation.

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Guest TheArchiteck
This is probably the best 'debut' the WWF had done in a while.


Let's give credit to the benoit. For not only for giving big show one of his best matches, but by making team angle look like gold.

**Gives a thumbs up**


Yah lil Benoit made me stay awake during a Big Show match that went over 1:30 minutes.

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Guest jester

Finally, WWE invents a NEW stable! They should be applauded for that too. Not rehashing the NWold, or bringing back the Horsemen or the Flock (which, face it, they'd only fuck up by making Stephanie a member).


Good job, and go Team Angle!

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Guest TheArchiteck
*bask bask bask bask*


We need someone to make an "official" Team Angle banner for all of us to use. :D :D :D

Hmmm...i'm not busy.

I shall make a beta "banner".

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Guest red_file

The only thing that gave me pause was the way Benoit was dropped on his head. Given his neck injury, it was a little more dangerous a bump than I'd see him take.

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Guest Downhome

I just want to make it CLEAR that I was a Shelton and Hass fan BEFORE tonight, mmmk?

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Guest Downhome
so.. who gets to be the fifth member of the Angle Foundation.. Maybe Eric Angle or Matt Hardy


Angle - Bret

Show - Neidhart

Haas - Owen

Shelton - Davey Boy

I doubt you'll EVER see Eric Angle on TV again, I really do. The guy gets hurt all of the time, over and over again.


Matt is fine doing what he's doing now, but I'd gladly accept him into the family, he IS feuding with Brock isn't he?



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Guest TheArchiteck

Speaking of Team Angle.....where do people find those photos from recent televised events?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The only thing Benjamin has done to impress me was have a good (really good) dark match vs. Val Venis, and Haas throws some pretty shitty clotheslines.

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Guest Anglesault

They have to let Matt beat brock next week. It's a must.



Have Team Angle win the match for him, and then Kill Brocky. Then just destroy Brock every week, never letting him get the upper hand. Kill him immediately after he wins the rumble. Make brock an underdog and Team Angle unbeatable.

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Guest Slapnuts00
They have to let Matt beat brock next week. It's a must.



Have Team Angle win the match for him, and then Kill Brocky. Then just destroy Brock every week, never letting him get the upper hand. Kill him immediately after he wins the rumble. Make brock an underdog and Team Angle unbeatable.

I don't think I should bother asking, but after all these consecutive weeks of nothing but Angle and friends squashing Brock, the big payoff in the end will be Brock cleanly beating Angle in a one on one match...right?

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Guest AndrewTS
I doubt you'll EVER see Eric Angle on TV again, I really do. The guy gets hurt all of the time, over and over again.


Almost as much as our beloved Raw World Champion.

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Guest AndrewTS
They have to let Matt beat brock next week. It's a must.



Have Team Angle win the match for him, and then Kill Brocky. Then just destroy Brock every week, never letting him get the upper hand. Kill him immediately after he wins the rumble. Make brock an underdog and Team Angle unbeatable.

Making Brock look vulnerable would be smart booking. So God only knows if we might actually see something like that.


Although I don't think Brock needs to be made to look bad on a constant basis. I know that's what AS wants to see, but don't think that's a smart idea.


Odd--AS was pretty apathetic about Team Angle when he saw spoilers.

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Guest Downhome
They have to let Matt beat brock next week. It's a must.



Have Team Angle win the match for him, and then Kill Brocky. Then just destroy Brock every week, never letting him get the upper hand. Kill him immediately after he wins the rumble. Make brock an underdog and Team Angle unbeatable.

If I had to bet money on it, this is what I'd put it on. I really think Matt will beat Brock next week.

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