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Guest Downhome

I fucking LOVE this idea for a FOX reality show...

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Guest Downhome

The take a guy, who is worth only $19,000 a year. They take a bunch of women (like 20-30 or so), and have them compete to become his wife. Why would they possibly be on the show for this guy? Simple, they tell the women he is worth over 50 MILLION DOLLARS a year. Heh, this will be great. The thing is that they are going to see if any of the women will actually stay with him after finding out he isn't worth anything CLOSE to what they are told.


Is this evil, horrible, cheesy, or just plain bad tv? I don't really care, because I get to see money hungry slut women make fools of themselves, on TV, woohoo! Sure, it's a horrible thing to do, but I can't wait, heheheheheheh.




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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Joe Millionaire=Lawsuit waiting to happen..


Can't wait for the Smoking Gun to get a hold of it..

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Guest Mad Dog

This is spelling suicide, brutal murder or some other horrible thing when the winner finds out.

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Guest Downhome
Joe Millionaire=Lawsuit waiting to happen..


Can't wait for the Smoking Gun to get a hold of it..

Yes, THIS is one of the things that is so damn retarded about it. I can't wait wait to see it, because of the pure stupidity of it, for ALL involved. Nothing GOOD can possibly come of it, besides my laughing my ass off at them all.

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Guest El Satanico

Funny that Fox is now making parody of a monster they helped create.


The overall show will be terrible, but I'm biased against reality tv and i hate all of the reality shows. However it's a good idea and the finale will be hilarious. All of these girls will deserve to be pointed at and laughed at.


Fox isn't stupid so i guarantee that they made sure to word the contracts in a way that will get them out of any potential legal problems.

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Guest phoenixrising

I seriously want to see this show. I just want to see the looks on their faces when they find out the guy isn't a millionaire. Then I want to see how the chicks try to explain why they decided to break up with him without admitting they were in it for the money. This show ought to be good.

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Guest red_file

My kneejerk reaction whenever anyone says how much they're looking forward to this show is to immediately looking for the misogynistic undertones in what they've said. And I know I'm a fool for doing it. It's just that I've yet to hear any women say how much they're looking forward to the show, and the humliation subtext runs along the idea that the women are going to get what they deserve because they're greedy.


I'm not looking forward to either the show or the fallout from it. But I can see where others might.

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Guest Mole

I doubt I will acutually ever watch the show. I am so against reality shows on network TV. The show seems like a good idea though. Just let Fox be the one to make a weird ass show like this.


When Survivor came out, a lot of people were saying how CBS invented this new phenomenon. However, MTV was making Real World 9-10 years prior to that. So I never watch ANY reality shows on network TV.


I like Real World, Osbornes and Tough Enough. I hated how everyone started to like the Osbornes a few weeks after it went on the air. I watched that show from the first episode that it aired, so fuck you all.


Yes, I am a tool for still watching MTV. But hey, it is my guilty pleasure, no one is perfect.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

There's no way the winner is going to say no on national tv when she finds out. She'll say yes, they'll have a big kiss, then she'll dump his ass a few weeks later and go on Celebrity Boxing against Darva Conger.

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Guest starvenger
Fox isn't stupid so i guarantee that they made sure to word the contracts in a way that will get them out of any potential legal problems.

Agree with you there. If you're gonna pull a giant swerve like this, you'd better damn well cover your ass, just in case.


When Survivor came out, a lot of people were saying how CBS invented this new phenomenon. However, MTV was making Real World 9-10 years prior to that. So I never watch ANY reality shows on network TV.

MTV didn't create the reality TV genre. Cops and America's Funniest Home Videos predate Real World by AT LEAST a year or two...

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Guest Downhome

I hope they secretly have a "reward". Like say, after they tell the woman that the man's only worth $19,000 a year, IF she says yes and stays with him for over a month or so, she get's a million dollars, that would be great, especially after she says no.

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Guest jimmy no nose

This could be pretty funny, and I'll probably end up watching the first and last episodes of it to see what happens. I haven't seen the guy who's on the show, but Tom Arnold said on the Best Damn Sports Show Period something about how he was a good looking guy and the only way this show would be better is if they would've used a big fat ugly guy. I agree.

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Guest imajackoff?
MTV didn't create the reality TV genre. Cops and America's Funniest Home Videos predate Real World by AT LEAST a year or two...


PBS was doing it an entire generation before.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

I'll be watching the last few episodes at least. I am against the latest wave of reality tv, but I just love seeing stupid people be crushed and humiliated, and this show is too good to pass up in that regard.

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Guest El Satanico
MTV didn't create the reality TV genre. Cops and America's Funniest Home Videos predate Real World by AT LEAST a year or two...


PBS was doing it an entire generation before.

What show are you referring to? I'm totally drawing a blank.

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Guest red_file
What show are you referring to? I'm totally drawing a blank.


An American Family in 1973. Though you could probably argue that it was more of a documentary than an actual show.

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Guest DrTom

To me, this seems like a way to prove the fact that people will whore themselves out and eventually marry for money. The whole show seems like a rather cynical self-fulfilling prophecy, IMO. I might watch the first episode to see how they set it up. It's not that the payoff can't be interesting, but I don't see this show as breaking any new ground.

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Guest starvenger
What show are you referring to? I'm totally drawing a blank.


An American Family in 1973. Though you could probably argue that it was more of a documentary than an actual show.

I think the line between documentary and reality show is very fuzzy nowadays. Looking back, was the Gong Show reality TV? Soul Train? Electric Circus? That's Incredible? You could make a case for all of them. Anyways, my point (accidentally omitted by yours truly) was meant to be that you can't hate the networks for copying MTV's "brainchild" since MTV didn't invent it.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk
I want to see how the chicks try to explain why they decided to break up with him without admitting they were in it for the money.

I can see it now. They'll say, "It's not because of the money. It's because he lied."

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Guest Mr. Pink

That is the worst idea I have ever heard.


Why the fuck would anybody want to watch something that dumb?

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Guest Gimmick Poster.com

*Non-Gimmicked Post*


How, with all the "hype," shall the concept of the show be kept from it's brain dead contestants?

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Guest RenegadeX28

This sounds like a great idea. At first, I thought, "oh great, another millionaire marriage." Then I saw the updated commercial.......dude.......this is gonna be an interesting show!

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