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Guest Pidgerii-4q2

Off topic - Internet Explorer difficulties

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Guest Pidgerii-4q2

Whenever I try to go to this forum through IE5 I get an Access Denied message, apparently some configuration prevents me from entering the forum through IE.  Can someone help me out here?

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Guest Your Olympic Hero1

Assuming you have Windows (if you have a mac don't bother reading further) - the latest version of IE is 6.0.  Head on over to Windows Update and click "scan my PC for updates".  This'll give you links to the software you need.  Just check what you want and click "download" at the top of the page.  The problem you're having might be due to the fact that IE 5 doesn't support 128-bit encryption.  IE6 does.  Do the math.  Upgrade now! :)


While we're talking about Windows maintenence - here's a good way to speed up yer browser:


Go start-programs-accesories-system tools-disk cleanup.  Click your hard drive and choose "ok".  If you have broadband (Cable modem/DSL), you should check the "Temporary Internet Files" box, as you don't need the cache.  If you don't have broadband, leave it empty.  Next, highlight  "Downloaded program files" and click "view files".  Right click eah item and click "update.  Say yes to any boxes that may come up.  This'll update yer flash plugin and such.  NOTE:  There may also be hidden porno spyware in there - check the properties for each one and if it says "1-900", delete it!  Now check the Temp. Files button, the recycle bin button (assuming you don't need anything in there), and the offline web pages button.  Hit ok and restart your computer.


Wow - this is pretty damn off-topic for the WWF folder, eh? :)

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Guest joshicho

If that doesn't work though, MSN Explorer is really good for the internet. It includes messenger and email into one, and says your name!!

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