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Guest Bruiser Chong


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Guest Bruiser Chong

DVDAficionado.com is a nice site and obviously used by many here, but Crucifixio directed me over to DVDProfiler.com and lemme tell ya, it puts Aficionado to shame. You get better pics (bigger and both sides), more info on the movie, and all of the credits. It takes a bit more effort than Aficionado and some people may say it's too hard to figure out, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly, so it just takes a little patience. It's well worth it. Here's my somewhat tiny collection, although it's steadily growing: Bruiser's DVDs


Have fun, kids.

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Guest El Satanico

It does sound like a good program. However I don't really want to download a program.


I like DVDAficionado.com because it's a fully on-line service and i can keep a good list without having a program on my computer.

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Guest eiker_ir

i love it, i've been using it since january


i can add any info i want and i can make my own reports and print them, it's great...i preffer this to any of the online services like Aficionado.....




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Guest areacode212

It is good for reports & charts, but it's kind of a pain to add titles to, especially if you do many all at once, plus it's kind of a pain in the ass to keep continually downloading updates. If they came out with an Af-style web-based Quick Import feature, it would be pretty sweet.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

Like I said, it's more work than something like Aficionado, but I think the end result is better. That's not to say that Aficionado isn't a great program, as it's pretty simple and straight to the point, but DVDProfiler is more in-depth and more dare I say, professional.

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Guest starvenger
Like I said, it's more work than something like Aficionado, but I think the end result is better. That's not to say that Aficionado isn't a great program, as it's pretty simple and straight to the point, but DVDProfiler is more in-depth and more dare I say, professional.

I guess that's really the trade-off there. Quick 'n' easy vs higher quality. Personally, I tried Profiler but it crashed my computer so I went back to Afficionado. I don't think that'll happen to everyone though.

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Guest Karnage
I guess that's really the trade-off there. Quick 'n' easy vs higher quality. Personally, I tried Profiler but it crashed my computer so I went back to Afficionado. I don't think that'll happen to everyone though.

It took forever to update when i started it up and then crashed for me.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

Well, if your computer doesn't suck, it should be fine. Mine's a year-old and everything usually works for me, although I have the occassional problems with other programs for some reason. Profiler has never crashed my computer. The only problem I ever had with it was the download and when I went back to try it again last week, it worked beautifully. I put in my entire DVD collection in a pretty short period of time and I don't really think that adding a new title is so much work. You simply go to the program, fine the DVD by title or by typing in UPC number (which is the easiest way to do it), add any details into the database that you want like when and where you bought it, and even your personal opinion of it, and then upload it into your collection, which takes about four seconds for me. The whole process for adding one title takes about two to three minutes, depending on the details I add. Not too much work, if you ask me.

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Guest Retro Rob

I love the Profiler, the only time it ever gives me trouble is when I have to contribute a DVD that isn't in their database. I have been getting a "Try again later" message for about two weeks now.

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Guest starvenger
Well, if your computer doesn't suck, it should be fine.  Mine's a year-old and everything usually works for me, although I have the occassional problems with other programs for some reason.  Profiler has never crashed my computer.  The only problem I ever had with it was the download and when I went back to try it again last week, it worked beautifully.

The problem with my computer is likely the opposite of yours - something previously installed conflicts with Profiler, causing it to crash. I can't really work without the other program, so I got rid of Profiler. No big deal, imo - it's just the way it goes sometimes.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

It has nothing to do with peoples computers sucking. Yeesh, don't be an idiot. It's about Profiler being a buggy program that tends to crash all the time. I know plenty of people who stopped using it because it was so unreliable.


I'll stick with aficionado thanks.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

Well I use Aficionado too and love it. Just thought I'd let people have a look at another DVD site that perhaps they hadn't seen previously. When I get my collection to be a bit bulkier, I'll prolly 86 Profiler since it does take up extra space on your HD. I just like certain aspects of it better than Aficionado. As for me being an idiot because I questioned the computers of the people who were having problems with it, I apologize for not being half the genius that the great and all-mighty C.H.U.D. is. I've yet to experience any problems with it, so me questioning the computer was reasonable.

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Guest Retro Rob

It has nothing to do with you being an idiot. It is just juvenille to tell someone that their computer "sucks". After hearing that, the first reply that popped into my head was "My dad could kick your dad's ass."

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Guest Bruiser Chong

How is it juvenille to say that? I didn't mean it in an insulting way; I was suggesting that perhaps it was their computer that was not letting the program work. I know my old computer couldn't handle such things, so I thought perhaps that was the situation here.

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