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Guest NoCalMike

Jazz bringing interest to the women's division...

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Guest NoCalMike

Ever since Jazz came along, the women's matches have seem to get a bit better and interesting.  Jazz seems to know her way around the ring pretty good.  As long as we don't have to hear her ebonics-ridden speech impedemant everyday, then I think it will be ok......The Jazz/Trish match was pretty good and I actually wouldn't mind seeing Jazz have a match at WM.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I agree.


I was hoping that it would be Trish vs. Jazz at Mania...but now it looks like Lita will get thrown in too.


Which is a shame...because I think that Jazz and Trish can have a good match...especially with Trish going over in her hometown.


I like Jazz...I like Trish..but I don't like Lita.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I enjoy them as well.  I also enjoy Molly and Ivory.  Jackie isn't half bad either.  If they were smart they would keep Torrie and Stacy as valets though, because they can't wrestle.

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Guest converge241

I think Jazz, Ivory, and molly are good in the ring.

if theyre so insistent on the Women's Division why cant they find 5 more women like that? they must be out there somewhere.

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Guest Anglesault

Good Female Wrestlers













Danger to herself and others


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Guest Anglesault

Good Female Wrestlers













Danger to herself and others


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Guest oldschoolwrestling

It annoys me that they have a womens match almost every show yet the cruiser/lightweights have to be on Jakked/Metal/Heat.

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Guest Anglesault

Well, I really couldn't give shit about Cruisers. They tend to bore me. Plus Smarks have made me HATE them do to their incesstant whining to see them.

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Guest areacode212

Not that I'm asking for a Lita/Ivory match at WrestleMania, but why does Lita have to be thrown into the Jazz/Trish mix, when nobody was really clamoring for it? Can't they make some use of Ivory and come up with a reason for her to feud with Lita? Ivory's a good talker and she can come out and whine about how jealous she is over Lita's popularity or something. Maybe they don't think we can handle two separate women's feuds at once.

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Guest Anglesault

Lita/Ivory doesn't need a new storyline. It has been THE women's feud for the better part of two years.

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Guest areacode212

I think a lot of fans have probably forgotten about their feud already (I don't think Lita/Ivory was very memorable), and anyway, there's no reason why they can't add a new twist to it.

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Guest razazteca

Jazz has brought some life into the Women's division with her wrestling style......she actually knows how to wrestle!!!!!  Her Half Crab into the STF is one scarely painful looking move.  But there seems to be a problem, since she is the one of 4 women wrestlers that are more than T&A, is there enough talent in the WWF to keep Jazz as champ?













Terri.....freak plastic surgery

the WCW women




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Guest CED Ordonez

My opinions on the Women's Division, Quick 'n' Dirty



Jazz (S.T.F. and the Fisherman's Buster. Bless her heart.)

Molly (My #2)

Jackie (Definite Women's Division staple.)

Ivory (Ditto for her.)







Lita (Really needs to improve the non-highspot moveset)

Steph (When she keeps her yap shut. A bump-taker like all the male McMahon's)


Valet/Eye Candy Only




Off My TV...NOW

Terri (Yeah, she's got the huge talents, but even they can't save her.)

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Guest wrestlemaniac16


Jazz(loved her since ECW)

Lita(not her fault, if the women don't land right when taking a hurracarana)

Jackie(like to see her fight Jazz)







everyone else:

Torrie(stick to being a valet)

Stacy(read above)

Stephanie(good bump taker)

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Guest Anglesault
Lita(not her fault, if the women don't land right when taking a hurracarana)


It sure as fuck is her fault. Do it correctly, woman, before you break someone's neck.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I never saw Jazz in ECW, but since she has been in the WWF, she has managed to come across as something special. She's not eye candy, she's a pretty damned good wrestler. Lita looked like something special when she debuted with Essa Rios in the WWF, but she was exposed when they had her work actual matches. She can sloppily hit a high spot, but she can't throw a punch or kick (WWF staples). Her matches with Trish always look similar to her prematch dance, sloppy and disjointed. I'm not trying to talk shit, but wrestling as like dancing with someone since you have to cooperate and make it look smooth instead of awkward. Jazz has pretty good matches with everyone thus far. I'm hoping that she can have one with Lita, unlike the one with Lita and Chyna last year. I think Lita has been added to the Wrestlemania match because the WWF is panicking about Wrestlemania due to the fact that haven't built it up like it's the biggest event of the year.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Jazz is pretty good.  I actually care about the division for the first time in a while.  Trish is ok, and I like Molly, so of course the WWF books the useless and dangerous Lita to face Jazz at Mania.  I hope Jazz takes her to school.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

of course, lita got killed at mania last year iirc, she *must* get her heat back.  move over hhh, lita is the new puppetmaster, seeking to squash jazz in order to avenge her loss from last year and retain her heat. /sarcasm mode off.

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Guest treble charged

I think Molly is a better wrestler than Jazz, and I also think she is one of the most underated wrestlers in the company, male or female.  That move she first did when she came into the WWF was awesome.  Don't get me wrong, Jazz is good, but she's a second to Molly in my books.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Why?  It makes zero sense to...I just figured it out.  Sorry.

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Guest treble charged
of course, lita got killed at mania last year iirc, she *must* get her heat back.  move over hhh, lita is the new puppetmaster, seeking to squash jazz in order to avenge her loss from last year and retain her heat. /sarcasm mode off.


Lita didn't wrestle, but she did do a run-in during the TLC match.  The women's match was the epic Chyna/Ivory match, the second in their classic series, with the first being their technical clinic at the Royal Rumble.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

wasnt it that whole spanking each other shit??  also wasnt she and chyna delivering *incredibly* poor promos in the leadup to mania? my memory is pretty hazy though, last year was fairly hectic for me, and anything done in the women's division last year was hardly a beacon of excellence.

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Guest treble charged
wasnt it that whole spanking each other shit??  also wasnt she and chyna delivering *incredibly* poor promos in the leadup to mania? my memory is pretty hazy though, last year was fairly hectic for me, and anything done in the women's division last year was hardly a beacon of excellence.


No, that was just before Judgment Day, which was Chyna's last show.  It's not too far off in the calendar, and pretty much all Chyna fueds ended in the same way, so it wouldn't be too hard to mess up.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

thanks, i absolutely abhor anything and everything lita and chyna do, so that fued was a little fuzzy in my memory.  also, i must have assumed that they would have their 2 strong-willed girl power icons (LOL!) fighting at mania.  so disregard any of my last few posts. :)

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Guest El Satanico
I think Lita has been added to the Wrestlemania match because the WWF is panicking about Wrestlemania due to the fact that haven't built it up like it's the biggest event of the year.

If tossing Lita into a match is one of their solutions to help a poorly hyped WrestleMania then I fear for us all.


However until Molly fueds with Ivory or Jazz i still won't be paying attention to the women's division.

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